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Subject: Trancelator

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Original Message 1/1                 Date: 03-Oct-10  @  07:20 PM   -   RE: Trancelator


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posted aa trance track. it's called "trancelator". i think i've actually mixed a track decently. hell must be frozen right now. the thing that concerns me is i'm listening on a gaming headset lol. i'm going to layer something on top of the 2nd verse and maybe above the 16 bar techno bass break. apart from that it's pretty much done. here's how it goes:

1. intro into first drum section. this section pumps a bit but i think it's ok. let me know what you think.

2 after 8 bar techno bass break a lead comes in and heads into a full mix, sounds packed in like a nyc subway at rush hour. 

3. 16 bar techno bass break

4. spatial stringy section begins

5. cheezy melody sounds like theme song for one of those tv shows that lasts 2 seasons.

6. vanessa finally comes in to save the day with her beautiful voice.  


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