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Subject: Justin Harris, Timo Garcia. DR005 Preview Now On Soundcloud.

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Original Message 1/1                 Date: 18-Jul-10  @  12:51 PM   -   Justin Harris, Timo Garcia. DR005 Preview Now On Soundcloud.

Disport Records

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Yet again Justin Harris returns to Disport Records with ‘Ride’ on DR005. As we say thank you to Ben Dean and Marc Jay for the Funk fuelled ‘Telly Box’ offering on DR004, like a Phoenix out of the flames Justin comes back and spreads himself over 3 mixes of gorgeous sunshine Tech House…..and if that’s not enough to quench your Electronic thirst Timo Garcia of Berwick Street Records has stepped in and given us his take on things!…..this E.P is not to be missed.


DJ Reactions

Kink (Ovum, Get Physical, freerange, dotbleep) – Lovin the Dub Mix., Thanks a lot for sending.

Andy Riley (Inland Knights) – Loving the Original version…..will be supporting for sure

Bubba (Extended Play, Anabatic, Aciitone) – Love the Timo Garcia Mix, def play that out and the Mardigras dub doin’ it for me as well – For my Deep House vibe stuff.

Rob Small. (BreakoutAudio, BEEF, Soulman) – Another Cool package from Disport. Steering clear of the trends & focusing on quality. Feeling the original on this one. Sounds great, Nice work, Will play.

Dave Barker (Classic, Cynosure, Seasons) – Justin is really on point with this summery, hypnotic latin Groove. If I had to pick a favourite Id say the main mix but all mixes are strong.

Murray Richardson (Rebel Waltz, Baker Street, Nordic) – Original Mix of ‘Ride’is the one Im onto. Perfect for my Brazilian tour

Demarkus Lewis (Conya, loveslap, Artizan) – Love what Justin has done here. The guy will never lose steam. Well done Justin.

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