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Subject: Mic help...

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Original Message 1/11                 Date: 16-Dec-01  @  05:29 PM   -   Mic help...



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I have $200 to spend on a mic. I'm doing studio work with female vocals and once in a while I'll want to use it to record congas or drum hits from a live set. Can anyone please steer me in the right direction for a good condenser mic in that price range. If I can't get a mic that'll record both- I'd rather have one that gets the vocals good. Thank you


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Message 2/11                 Date: 16-Dec-01  @  06:49 PM   -   RE: Mic help...


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akg 1000 ? (they do a live & studio model) - it's pretty good with a pop sheild.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/11                 Date: 16-Dec-01  @  06:58 PM   -   RE: Mic help...



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AKG C1000S ?

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Message 4/11                 Date: 16-Dec-01  @  10:15 PM   -   RE: Mic help...


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Electro Voice RE-20 (youd have to score a sick deal but thats a nice vocal mic, and works solid on drums too Ive been told)

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Message 5/11                 Date: 16-Dec-01  @  11:01 PM   -   RE: Mic help...



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Well. I just got an AKG C1000S gor $180- I hope it's nice. I'll have it by Wednesday. Thanx-


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Message 6/11                 Date: 20-Dec-01  @  07:20 PM   -   RE: Mic help...


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The Oktava mk012s are nice for that kind of thing.. They make decent drum overheads too.


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Message 7/11                 Date: 21-Dec-01  @  07:26 PM   -   RE: Mic help...


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you don't hear of them much, but audio technica pro 37rs are pretty decent, and you can get them new for 130 bucks.... you could almost get two. i used them mostly on drums & guitars but i did throw them on voices a couple times, and it sounded good... way better than an sm58, that's for sure....

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Message 8/11                 Date: 12-Feb-02  @  11:25 AM     Edit: 12-Feb-02  |  11:38 AM   -   RE: Mic help...


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i'm looking for a small diaphragm condenser.. can't seem to find much in the way of user reviews. my candidates are AKG c1000s ($199,) audio technica at3031 ($169,) rode nt3 ($149 but another 'name' would be nice..) and oktava mk012 ($99!)

i understand the oktavas are a risk.. evidently the quality mk012s are paired off and sold under another name, and the ones that don't make that cut are shipped off to guitar center after a simple pass/fail test, so there's a lot of variance in build and signal quality. that's from a '99 review.. considering they're '95 or so, i doubt much has changed since '99.

i'm looking for something to add a bit more sparkle than my realistic for other people's vocals at the moment; pairing it with a rode nt1 to comprise my 'mic cabinet,' so probably used for vocals, guitars, whatever.. trying to get a studio off the ground. anyone tried the 3031 yet?

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Message 9/11                 Date: 12-Feb-02  @  04:12 PM   -   RE: Mic help...


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I've never heard anything concrete to back up the Oktava rumor.. I put it off to urban legend, although there ARE quality control issues. I've got a pair of the Oktavas and they are very good mics for the money. I wouldn't hesitate to pick one up, especially at $99. I got my pair for $300 and I still consider that a pretty good deal  


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Message 10/11                 Date: 12-Feb-02  @  04:56 PM   -   RE: Mic help...


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that is in the Uk tho but they send to other countries - or....



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 11/11                 Date: 13-Feb-02  @  07:31 PM   -   RE: Mic help...


Posts: 192

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the QC just means that the mic specs may vary a lot from mic to mic, not necessarily that they fall apart quickly. so, you may find that one mic sounds very good, and the other one next to it may not sound nearly as good. most people have never really heard a good mic (me included unfortunately) so they wouldn't notice. and of course different eq responses might be better for different things, who knows. read rec.audio.pro, some people have spent the time sifting through GC mics to get good ones, and they thought they did.

c1000s is generally regarded as really peaky and brittle  
used c3000s on choir, and most of the time wasn't really happy with them.
haven't tried either of the other two.

the audio-technica pro37r is now $99 at some places, not a bad small diaphragm.. i have used them on vocals, acoustic guitars, and even kick drum, and it worked well. it's been a few years, i've been meaning to pick a pair up to see if they are still as good as i remember (and they've got to be better than the sm58s we are using at church). make sure you run it at a full +48v.

also i've heard some good things about some of the alesis mics, they are being blown out now, you can get a groove tubes/alesis AM51 for $150 some places.

other 'studio classics' include the shure sm81 (sometimes $150 used, small diaphragm condenser) and maybe the sennheiser md421 (also sometimes $150 used, dynamic)....

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