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Subject: This guy was ripped!

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Original Message 1/9                 Date: 12-May-03  @  02:13 PM   -   This guy was ripped!

Filthy McNasty


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Had to copy and paste this story from another website. I would love to know who this DJ was wouldn't you?

I would like some feedback on what i should do about this. This is very
serious in my opinion and although everybody knows that artists get ripped
in various situations, i cannot tolerate something that is happening right
in front of my eyes and nobody knows about .

I bought this white label about 5 years ago, a disco track and about a year
ago this local dj/ "producer" was over to my place and he then asked me if
i could hand him over a few older records that i used to play at a
particular club just to listen to them at home . He longed to listen to
some tracks he used to dance to when he was a pary goer . Willingly i choose
him a few tracks and to cut things short these tracks never returned. This
particular disco track was one of them.

I have been hearing several news about the same guy having produced a few
tracks and a particular track hitting the local charts . Local newspapers
and magazines have been interviewing him and his gig schedule got really
busy. This actual track is also gonna be released on an Italian label this
coming summer.

I am not enclosing any names ok. I just need opinions.

Today i decided to visit the website of this guy to listen to this 'amazing
tune' many people are talking about. Online i listened to this tune and it
totally came to my mind that this was the same promo copy i gave this guy a
year ago. Nothing has changed , only pitched up !!!
I could also hear the vinyl noise at the beginning of the
track,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so stupid !!! ( he said he wanted a retro-feel)

I remember the name of the label it was released on cause i remember the
paper that was inside the sleeve , which he didnt get . i kept that but i
cannot find it today .

I cannot understand how this can happen ?? If the original label gets to
know about this the new label releasing the same track it gets sued i guess
Besides this guy is using somebody elses music to gain fame and
international gigs .

How shall i proceed ? What would you do ?


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Message 2/9                 Date: 12-May-03  @  03:10 PM   -   RE: This guy was ripped!

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Hahaha... tee-hee-hee! Sucker :P

I'd just sit back and wait for the sparks to fly  


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Message 3/9                 Date: 12-May-03  @  03:17 PM   -   RE: This guy was ripped!

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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I'm sure that shit happens all the time. Like the time I was going clubbing, I was at the Embankment tube station in London and asked someone "is that the Stairway to Heaven ?". Who would of thought it was fucking Jimmy Page I'd asked. Bastard.

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Message 4/9                 Date: 12-May-03  @  04:34 PM   -   RE: This guy was ripped!


Posts: 7627

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I would do my best to let the original label know, and then somehow discredit the guy without getting involved too deeply

if I understand correctly the track isnt "owens"...its someone elses

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Message 5/9                 Date: 12-May-03  @  04:51 PM   -   RE: This guy was ripped!


Posts: 178

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lol@Jock....good one!


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Message 6/9                 Date: 13-May-03  @  12:42 AM   -   RE: This guy was ripped!


Posts: 1011

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anyone in the uk remember that Dario G- Sunchymes club track that was in the charts a few yrs back?

That was a local Dj from my area that cut the original white of that (Central Scotland)

It was Dj Scooby - Sunchime, ive got it here infront of me, yellow vinyl white label- was doing the rounds for about 18 months in Scotland before Dario G swooped into the uk number1 spot with his 'original' euro anthem. There was a court case about it but needless to say the big boys won as usual. Big money prevailed over some poor bastard 40 squid a night local jock. The c*nt even had the nerve to keep the track name! (almost) Only differences were he pulled the piano line from Scoobys version and polished the mix slightly.

Its frightening to think that there are people out there doing this, but thats the way of the lowlife whitelabel watchers.

Poor bastard flipped out and had a nervous breakdown over it all, gave everything to do with music up.


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Message 7/9                 Date: 13-May-03  @  12:47 AM   -   RE: This guy was ripped!


Posts: 7627

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Message 8/9                 Date: 13-May-03  @  03:23 AM   -   RE: This guy was ripped!


Posts: 686

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Good performers borrow, but great performers steal....

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Message 9/9                 Date: 13-May-03  @  09:34 AM   -   RE: This guy was ripped!



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lol @ Jock too - good one

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