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Subject: russia

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  04:05 PM   -   russia



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when will man's spirit learn to accept the rule of a larger omnipotent police-state and
learn to denounce the desire to live free and independent lives?

and why is the U.S. so eager to help russia maintain it's borders now...when not that long ago....it denounced it as empire?
and actually spent mega-billions trying to contain it?
in some ways it might be more free...but is it?
how is it that those who were considered freedom-fighters are now be terrorists?

well....for one.....those poor children and their families.

it seems war has no prejudice against the innocent and never will.

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Message 81/88                 Date: 24-Sep-04  @  03:59 PM   -   RE: russia


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sure, stop thinking like a european :p

do you know how populous polynesian nations have been? the earth has a huge region of immensely hospitable land where it doesn't freeze, and one doesn't require a collection of artifacts to survive. it's not like this is all that inapparent.. australia??

just ask, you don't need to do the whole 'hippy idealist' thing, or i'll post your mugshot. so there :p

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Message 82/88                 Date: 24-Sep-04  @  04:10 PM     Edit: 24-Sep-04  |  04:15 PM   -   RE: russia


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it's not as fantastic as you make out I dont think - Have you ever worked in TOTAL isolation with no human contact for 3 months

Sounds like a description of someone making electronic music on a PC in their bedroom?

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Message 83/88                 Date: 24-Sep-04  @  04:20 PM   -   RE: russia


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Xoxos, you are talking about the abstraction of value I assume..

i.e. 'Money'.. which makes it possible for people to accumulate wealth and power and is the basis for capitalism...

It's hard to accumulate wealth and power in a barter economy... or a co-operative one.

On the other hand it's also hard to build a technological civilisation without ti I guess...

depends what you want...

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Message 84/88                 Date: 24-Sep-04  @  07:10 PM   -   RE: russia



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somewhere between belief in community and the fact that we live in a material (capital) world....lies some possibility for balance.

as it stands now...the monkey's being led it's by it's tail.

we're should be using money....not it...us.

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Message 85/88                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  12:37 AM   -   RE: russia



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we're really should be!

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Message 86/88                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  04:33 PM   -   RE: russia


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technology is knowledge applied to material. certainly a mass production, artifact based culture is more apt at it, but (a) is an industrial lifestyle worth all THIS (and THAT) just so you can play UT? and (b) the knowledge-to-material ratio could certainly afford to be offset a little in application, don't you think?

technology is an art of dependence.


look how much ego people have locked up in tech.. ever meet some 17 year old abhorrent prick?

for what?

because all the pixels are in rows?



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Message 87/88                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: russia


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hell... you can still do music x! cool tune btw

(if thats you? )

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Message 88/88                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: russia


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some of it's probably damon edge. his last project is about communicating with his spirit.

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