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Subject: russia

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Original Message 1/88                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  04:05 PM   -   russia



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when will man's spirit learn to accept the rule of a larger omnipotent police-state and
learn to denounce the desire to live free and independent lives?

and why is the U.S. so eager to help russia maintain it's borders now...when not that long ago....it denounced it as empire?
and actually spent mega-billions trying to contain it?
in some ways it might be more free...but is it?
how is it that those who were considered freedom-fighters are now be terrorists?

well....for one.....those poor children and their families.

it seems war has no prejudice against the innocent and never will.

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Message 2/88                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  04:25 PM   -   RE: russia


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be more concerned for your countries insistence for one war or another

sure justifies that defence spend

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Message 3/88                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  04:50 PM   -   RE: russia



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this is a good point (and one i neglected to include as one CAN'T include ALL points to appease our young hungarian father here...oh but i try).

anyway....it does seem there is some oil interest in that region....
and though hardly advertised....we can be assured that big machines roll through the region regularly in search of....in need of...in want of....and needless to say>? determined to clear the path of all those who might oppose.

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Message 4/88                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  05:32 PM   -   RE: russia


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evidently this next century is the "century of liberty" according to bush. perhaps the main resource for this century is opinion. it's not like there aren't any russians on the internet.

time to take ver the world, eh...

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Message 5/88                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  01:48 AM   -   RE: russia



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bush's new motto:

give them liberty or give them death.

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Message 6/88                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  03:27 AM   -   RE: russia


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You gotta feel for the children in captivity and their parents. What a nightmare it must be. At least if us grown ups eff up keep the children out of it.

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Message 7/88                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  04:22 AM   -   RE: russia



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it's impossible to keep children out of war.
...but it's so insane to go directly TO them to involve them.

i can't know what the chechnyans have suffered.
i've read some things but that doesn't come close to actually grasping the depth of their personal traumas.
for sure... they must've suffered horribly to justify this act within themselves.
many of them were women, as well.....those who've lost their families
to russia's enforcing their military sovereignty over them.

at some point...it's madness....cruel hopeless and without forgiveness.

but we have a "war-president".....so i'll just worry about him....and nevermind these conflicts anywhere else.

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Message 8/88                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  06:15 AM   -   RE: russia



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a good editorial....fairly brief.

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Message 9/88                 Date: 05-Sep-04  @  02:00 AM   -   RE: russia



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i was never that happy for the russians when they so-called "became free".

it wasn't long before drugs and prostitution and violent crime seemed to go rampant.
i also read about the red square having hundreds if not thousands of soap-box preachers converting people to christiantiy on any given day.
that would seem like a scary thing to me.
journalists critical of putin find their front-doors exploded...and he goes jet-skiing when his submarine crews are experiencing their last horrible day alive at the ocean-bottom.
lots and lots of things happen in a place so vast and deep with history.

i'm moved to resurrect "soviet boy".
not that i can know a thing...but i sure can feel it.
even from here.

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Message 10/88                 Date: 06-Sep-04  @  10:01 AM   -   RE: russia


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Real pocket 9/11, every excuse to go clean up those pesky chechen terrorists now. Fucking intergovernmental conferences

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Message 11/88                 Date: 06-Sep-04  @  03:47 PM   -   RE: russia



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sadly enough...it seems someone got the attention they wanted.
it's too bad there isn't a better way.

okay...back to being quiet now.

remember, everybody...you're NOT here.

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Message 12/88                 Date: 06-Sep-04  @  04:59 PM   -   RE: russia


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terror talks, bullshit walks...

back into office

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Message 13/88                 Date: 07-Sep-04  @  10:14 PM   -   RE: russia


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Real pocket 9/11, every excuse to go clean up those pesky chechen terrorists now.

I think they did already...

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Message 14/88                 Date: 07-Sep-04  @  10:59 PM   -   RE: russia


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I dont think theres anything more sad than when people forget who theyre supposed to be fighting against.

and yup...now theyre terrorists, and theres gonna be a crackdown

whats funny is that I read that "the west" is urging talks with chechen rebels...? everyone else should talk, we just attack?

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Message 15/88                 Date: 07-Sep-04  @  11:38 PM   -   RE: russia


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No Oil involved you see, room for manouvre..

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Message 16/88                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  10:43 PM   -   RE: russia


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"give them liberty or give them death."

nice one  

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Message 17/88                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  12:28 AM   -   RE: russia


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no oil, ha! funny

let them eat jellybeans

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Message 18/88                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  02:40 AM   -   RE: russia


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zazza...it cant be that simple, man. can it?

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Message 19/88                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  01:39 PM   -   RE: russia


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follow the money...

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Message 20/88                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  05:44 PM   -   RE: russia


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"Dear god! Whom we project,
it's useless killing children
to satisfy the arms budget!

Who walks right or left?

The child won't give a damn"

--Skinny Puppy


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Message 21/88                 Date: 11-Sep-04  @  10:04 PM   -   RE: russia


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"how is it that those who were considered freedom-fighters are now be terrorists?"

Maybe because they blow up airplanes, take entire theatres for hostages, behead aid workers and shoot school children in the back?

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Message 22/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  01:00 AM   -   RE: russia



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yes....true...all that...but they're still the same people we were calling freedom-fighters a decade ago.
what happened between then and now which has caused them to resort to such unforgiveable tactics to achieve the same ends which we were appaluding not that long ago?
you know...besides the fact that russia is our friend and brother now.

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Message 23/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  01:08 AM   -   RE: russia


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definitely right. I dont understand the lengths these people go to in their supposed fight for freedom.

but then again...Ive never been systematically oppressed. Desperation has a horrible effect.

more what I meant tho was...one can be either terrorist or freedom fighter, and it often depends simply on who you ask.

so sad, all of it

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Message 24/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  02:32 AM   -   RE: russia



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not that it makes a big difference...but i think our old friend bastiaan was quoting my opening post.

i have to say i'm glad we've decided to re-enter the atmosphere.....
i mean...the worst that can happen is that we can disagree on everything and hate each other.
i think the risk one takes in an effort to understand other people's opinions is absolutely worth it...however.
we might actually find there are things we do agree on. perhaps unlikely.....but it's always worth a try.

besides...i think there's worse things than hate....like ignorance and indifference.

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Message 25/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  04:50 AM   -   RE: russia


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Interestingly enough, I read a little something from the group claiming
responsibility for the action, and their story is quite a bit different than Putin's, in
addition the evidence they offer is rather interesting. Oh how the media and
politicians can make colorful stories of events to their own ends. I'm not saying
any of it is cool, or that I condone any of the loss of life. I'm just saying that it's
important to get as much insight into issues of this nature as possible to better
prepare oneself for the decisions one makes in resaponse to decisions one is
not allowed to make.


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Message 26/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  07:06 AM   -   RE: russia



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you got that right ape.

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Message 27/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  12:57 PM     Edit: 12-Sep-04  |  12:59 PM   -   RE: russia


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Stalin killed 50% of the Chechyan population back in the 40's attemtpting to deport the ENTIRE population of Chechnya to Siberia and Kazakhstan via boxcar. Anyone who died just got thrown off the trains.

25% of the Chechyan population have been killed since '94 because they had the temerity to want independence from that same state.

Why? Because all the oil is in the south and if Russia loses Chechnya then they are afraid the whole area will succumb to independence movements and they'll lose access to the oil.

Read this article from a Chechyan Doctor.

So, I guess a few kids don't mean much to people whose families have been systematically murdered over the last 400 years or so.

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Message 28/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  02:10 PM     Edit: 12-Sep-04  |  02:20 PM   -   RE: russia


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yes....true...all that...but they're still the same people we were calling freedom-fighters a decade ago.

Yes, much like the contras and other fascist/terrorist groups. Both the big 'empires' of that era (the Sovietbloc and the US/Nato) supported rebel groups which were not worthy of support. Why? To make sure that at least the other side wouldn't gain any support.

That's the way world politics work. It's that simple. Stalin was considered an *ally* as long as he fought against the Nazis. After that he quickly become 'our' enemy. And with good reason, I may add.

Was it truthful to call him an ally? No, not really, since his ideology probably was much closer to that of the enemy than to 'ours'.

Was it foolish to call him an ally? No, we needed him and his armies to keep up to 80% of the Nazi military machine occupied so the western forces could sweep up the western part of the Reich.

Should we have allied ourselves with the Contras, the Peshmerga or Mobutu? No, I don't think we should have. I think the labels terrorists/dictator are far more accurate.

what happened between then and now which has caused them to resort to such unforgiveable tactics to achieve the same ends which we were appaluding not that long ago?

Because they've lost support from the west (if ever they had any) they are resorting to desparate tactics. Much like the increasing amount of cruelty the Nazis used to supress any thought of an uprising from within. Of course it is not Nazism that drives most of modern day terror, it is (mostly) Islamic fundamentalism which just like Stalinism and Fascism bears a cunning resemblence to Nazism which transcends the aparent superficialities. (virulent anti-semitism, strict dogmatism, cruelty, torture, violence, uebermensch-thinking, expansionism, total obedience to hierarchical structures, infallibilty of the ideology etc.etc.)

you know...besides the fact that russia is our friend and brother now.

In all honesty I think this is a matter of chosing for the lesser of two evils.

Pure pragmatism.

Take Israel, India, Algeria, China, Thailand, the Philipines or Russia for example. There's no doubt in my mind that the Israelis and the Russians use cruelty and dirty tricks to (as they call it) protect their national integrity and citizens. There's no doubt in my mind that when amnesty is saying they are trampling all over the human rights of a lot of Palestinians, the Chechens, the Uygurs, Moronese, the Kashmiri and the Malays of Thailand.

But what's the alternative?

People that shoot kids in the back, Palestinians that vow to cleanse the middle east from every Jew and show (literally!) Nazi propaganda on daily television, and have no probelm blowing up a pizza parlor or to shoot an infant at close range the Milf that beheads Nuns, the FIS and the GIA that kill of entire villages and cut up pregnant women to replave the foetus with a plastic doll, or Muslims militants that blow up polling boots and behead villagers simply because they are Buddhists.

Yes, oppression is a terrible thing, but many of these countries are not in the oppression business. Several of them or functioning democracies, yet we still see that there are people who blow up schools, behead civilians and shoot children, nuns and tourists.

Give me one reason why we shouldn't call a spade a spade, why we shouldn't call a terrorist a terrorist?

As long as Putin, Megawatti or Bautaflika are hunting down these bastards they should have our fullest suppot, not our condemnation. If and when they deny journalists their rights, torture people or commit other acts of wickedness: they deserve nothing but our scorn and should be critisized to the fullest of our abilities.

p.s. MCC if this was a lame attempt to call me uninformed or indifferent...well...I guess were done talking then. If not, my sincere apologies.

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Message 29/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  03:09 PM     Edit: 12-Sep-04  |  03:11 PM   -   RE: russia


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"As long as Putin, Megawatti or Bautaflika are hunting down these bastards they should have our fullest suppot, not our condemnation"


As long as the Chechens are hunting down the bastards that slaughtered millions of Chechen women and children they get our support not condemnation?

To put it simply Bastiaan i think you have missed the point...

'What goes around, comes around'

Who started the terrorist war in Israel/Palestine? Who made the land grab? Obviously not the Palestinians becuase they already had the land.. so, gosh it must be that 'functioning democracy'.. honestly, I despair...

And so it goes, round and round, with us dumb fucks swallowing all the bullshit propaganda, racism and general mindless garbage passed off as politics...

You seem like a smart guy Bastiaan, surely you must admit that the 'Powers' US, Russia, Britain, France etc created this fucked up situation and that maybe we should stop trying to 'fix things'?

It would be approp[riate to offer humanitarian aid, full stop, and stop trying to kid ourselves that we occupy the moral high ground. The wealth of the west was built on colonialism, the slave trade and genocide... perhaps we should try to give something back instead of econimoically raping the third world and fuelling war and conflict with billions of dollars for our own war profiteering, oil interests etc?

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Message 30/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  04:28 PM   -   RE: russia



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bastiaan...i've always felt you were quite an informed individual and possessed passion of conviction.
i like that in a person.
i think i stated i was glad you were back to continue these discussions.....but in a cheap attempt to not give over the entire ballgame to you.....
i have to fall back upon the initial cruelty of western imperilaism which even goes back to the crusades.
i have never truly supported terrorism......and generally i try to condemn it full-stop no-ifs-ands-or-buts BUT the term and it's application are so over-used and abused anymore.....
and i swear to you....were indians fighting in america today to keep a bit of their own ancient land....we'd be calling them terrorists too.
and for every white scalp they claimed....we took a thousand of theirs.
advanced weaponry my friend. it has nothing to do with what's right or wrong.
but when you can eradicate the enemy so efficiently....
you can make up all the stories you want and who's to argue?

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Message 31/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  05:17 PM   -   RE: russia


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terrorism? you should have heard my neighbor screaming at her husband at 7am on a sunday morning.. "i work 13 hours a day" well yeah luv, you're a cna innit.

how's things in europe? a lot of people over there work 13 hours a day just to keep their family in stale radioactive snack cakes? oh yes, america, land of the rich.

this shit gets pulled off in the country *with* video cameras, but nobody films 13 hours a day of work, because it's fucking everywhere.

there was a russian dude on kvr last week.. he said how he'd immigrated to the states, and in his mind what's hppening here is far worse than communist russia.. because the people believe it.

nobody wants to live here. young men kill each other so they don't have to live here.

you know? what are you supposed to do? forget that any allowable means of survival will channel energy to mr. big and raise up a amily?

every now and then, i'll hear about some immigrant who moves to the u.s., gets married, has kids, then offs them all in their dinky apartment one night.

you usually get the family shot.. immigrants trying to fill the form so they go to the sears portrait studio..

..but the dudes always look like kind men to me...

you see.. one day, these intelligent individuals wake up and realise where they are..

they realise that they can't compete against the sensory wonderland for the minds of their children; the wife just wants the children to survive, so she's totally into the ambient culture, so the guy does the best, goodest, kindest thing he can do: kill them all today, because 4 generations from now his offspring will have spawned into dozens and dozens of americans.. americans that caused his homeland to turn into the sucky place he was driven to leave.

epidemic culture.

now culture.. is an interesting word.. because te common sense is a set within boundaries.. eg. a defined culture

hands up wants to ave their culture defined :P

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Message 32/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: russia


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Message 33/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  07:18 PM   -   RE: russia



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mine is up!!!?

maybe some nice tv person?!
can you manage?

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Message 34/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  08:49 PM   -   RE: russia


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"As long as Putin, Megawatti or Bautaflika are hunting down these bastards they should have our fullest suppot, not our condemnation"


As long as the Chechens are hunting down the bastards that slaughtered millions of Chechen women and children they get our support not condemnation?

To put it simply Bastiaan i think you have missed the point...

Well, since Putin is not slaughtering millions of Chechen women and children your cheap rethoric is of no use to me.

Yes, Russian soldiers are commiting the gravest of war crimes in Chechnya, I think nobody in his right mind would agree with such attrocities.


'What goes around, comes around'

Well, this is demonstrabily UNTRUE since it is the weak (children and women in particular) who get 'what goes around'.

Who started the terrorist war in Israel/Palestine? Who made the land grab? Obviously not the Palestinians becuase they already had the land.. so, gosh it must be that 'functioning democracy'.. honestly, I despair...

I don't think I made the explicit statement that Israel is the funtioning democracy, the fact of the matter IS that they are the only more-or-less democratic country in the ME. But that's irrelevant, and so is 'who made the landgrab', because from the Jewish point of view it was the Romans who did that first, and then the Byzantians, the Persians, the Arabs, the Turks, the British and finally the Jews took some land themselves. ANY piece of soil, ANYWHERE in the world was once 'grabbed' by someone from someone.

And so it goes, round and round, with us dumb fucks swallowing all the bullshit propaganda, racism and general mindless garbage passed off as politics...

Tell that to the Israeli children who were born in Israel and get shot in the head or blown up in a pizza parlor, tell that to the Palestinian child who gets send off to kill Jews with explosives strapped to his chest, tell that to the palestian mother who's son just got lynched for being 'in conspiracy with the jews'.

And no, I don't think many of on this board are racists or dumb fucks.

You seem like a smart guy Bastiaan, surely you must admit that the 'Powers' US, Russia, Britain, France etc created this fucked up situation and that maybe we should stop trying to 'fix things'?

Yes and no. Yes we are responsible for quite some mess here and there. Yes we fucked up too. Yes we (or our contries) are guilty of crimes that are on pair with what we now call 'terrorism'. Yes you are right, trying to 'fix' things is not always the best solution and usually results in more shit than we bargained for.

But NO you can't stand aside and wait for bad weather to pass on because it won't. Think about Churchill. He was a man that vehemently defended British Imperialism YET he stood up against Nazism even when people like Chamberlain opted for apeasement. I am so glad he did, aren't you?

If you think terrorism is just the result of 'us' messing with the oppressed: you're wrong. Take Spain for example; after the pull out of troops had begun (from Iraq) the police found a bomb ready to blow up a TGV train in Spain. That bomb would have killed more poeple than the previous ones. Preperation for that bomb has started in 2000, before a single Spanish soldier has set foot on either Iraq and Afganistan.

Think about that.

Megalomaniacs like you would only think existed in James Bond are a fact. There are people who still dream of establishing a caliphate in Spain since it was once Islamic. They will kill whoever they have to to get that.

It would be approp[riate to offer humanitarian aid, full stop, and stop trying to kid ourselves that we occupy the moral high ground. The wealth of the west was built on colonialism, the slave trade and genocide...

That's simply not true anymore. Many Western Countries never even took part in colonialism, slave trade and genocide. Many western countries built up their wealth after WWII, after slavery had been abondended and when colonies were gaining their indipendence. Take Norway, Sweden, Switserland or even Germany, Japan...take China and India....sure no country has totally clean hands but the fact that these countries are rich (or are getting richer) is not because of slavery or genocide: it's because of free trade and capitalism.

perhaps we should try to give something back instead of econimoically raping the third world and fuelling war and conflict with billions of dollars for our own war profiteering, oil interests etc?

I totally agree with that. But it won't stop terrorism. The hijackers of 9/11 were from rich families. In Thailand (a land that has never been colonised) rebels are beheading farmers and blowing up temples. In Indonesia areas are being 'cleansed' of pagans, Christians and Hindus, people who are native to the land and have nothing to do with slavery, colonialism and genocide.

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Message 35/88                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  09:04 PM   -   RE: russia


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Petri dish culture.

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Message 36/88                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  09:52 AM   -   RE: russia


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Influx - "Ive never been systematically oppressed" - youl have thick white skin then

"I think the labels terrorists/dictator are far more accurate." exactly, labels, take it off there and put it on there. Lets not forget that the label is terribly important, it efffects what news is reported and how it is reported and how opinion makers work with them "I rent my opinion, it more accurate". PS WTF is an "insurgent"

"Give me one reason why we shouldn't call a spade a spade, why we shouldn't call a terrorist a terrorist?" Because it is a label, because they who control the media get to attach the labels and most importantly it creates a class, a class where memebers are all ... whatever and removes the need for us to consider why, why do these xyz (now terrorist) do these things. Its function as a spin object or reason for defence spend of curtailment of rights (insert reason here) is shown by the marekting maxim that they keep changing the words, they loose power over time you see, cant keep their human shock value

Also I think about advertsiers and hollywood stretching sunsibilities to allow for the actual more 'wholesome' authoritarian control action, and news channels presenting terrible things to be happy about happening to others.


"the fact of the matter IS that they are the only more-or-less democratic country in the ME" So fucking what - whats the difference between slaves and slaves who get to choose between tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee masters. Where is the role of corp in democracy?, Infact where is democracy in the government lobby? faces keep changing - machinery stays the same. Look in the UK - left moves to right and right has identity crisis. If you think I am wrong - look at the class of change being offered by democracy - are we ever offered systemic change?

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Message 37/88                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  10:17 AM     Edit: 13-Sep-04  |  10:28 AM   -   RE: russia


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You are very accurate that labelling (by the media for instance) can be a deceitful
tool in many cases: do you call the Iraqi rebels who attack the US forces and
up police stations, insurgents, freedomfighters, warriors or terrorists...do you call
the US invasion of Iraq an invasion, a liberation, an occupation or a corporate
takeover? Do you call the soldiers there US troops, US lead forces, coalition
forces, international forces or infidel crusaders?

I totally agree with that. But that doesn't mean that we should label things...heck I
label a chair a chair so YOU know what the hell I am talking about. We could
argue about semantics all you want, and you can bring all the rethoric
about 'labelling' to the table but the bottem line is:

These fucks shot children in the back.

Sure, corporate America is probably not the moral guideline for the rest of the
world to loop upon in awe, sure the West has been guilty of many crimes
themselves, sure the white christian man has killed, enslaved, raped, tortured
and exploited children, women, entire countries.

That's all true. But...

These fucks deliberately shot children in the back; that's why I 'label' them

This has *nothing* to do with what I think about Arabs, Chechens in general or of
the inherent right that I feel these people have for selfdetermination.

"the fact of the matter IS that they are the only more-or-less democratic
country in the ME" So fucking what - whats the difference between slaves and
slaves who get to choose between tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee masters.
Where is the role of corp in democracy?, Infact where is democracy in the
government lobby? faces keep changing - machinery stays the same. Look in
the UK - left moves to right and right has identity crisis. If you think I am wrong -
look at the class of change being offered by democracy - are we ever offered
systemic change?

First of all living in a democracy doesn't mean you get your 'change' handed to
you on a plate: if you want people to do that for you, move to North Korea, Cuba
or whatever dictatorship you feel comfortable with.

Living in a democracy means you have the right to voice your opinion without
fear of reprisal. If you can't be arsed to do that, if you can't be arsed to be
politcally active: stop complaining. If you are politically active (in any way) all the
more power to you. If you feel still nobody is listening to you or agreeing with
you; you're doing a shitty job or you're ideas are too outlandish for people.

So if you want change: work for it instead of waiting for someone to offer it to

Back to my example: India, the Philipines, Thailand are all democracies. Whether
you like it or not. People there HAVE a right to voice their opinions, they HAVE
the right to write whatever they want in whatever newspaper they want. That's
the way these things work. The 'oppressed' (in this case mostly Muslims) have a
say in these parliaments yet still bombs go off, people get beheaded and civilians
and policemen get brutally slaughtered.

How are you going to blame this on western greed, white supremacy or
corporate evils?

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Message 38/88                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  10:25 AM   -   RE: russia


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" i have never truly supported terrorism......and generally i try to condemn it full-
stop no-ifs-ands-or-buts BUT the term and it's application are so over-used and
abused anymore....."

You are correct. Using the term to name people that copy CD's and distribute
them on the web kinda 'inflated' the meaning of the word.

"and i swear to you....were indians fighting in america today to keep a bit of their
own ancient land....we'd be calling them terrorists too."

Yes we would. That's the tragedy of it all. That's why people that can't distuingish
between the terrorist and the people he claims to be fighting for usually end up
being the ones talking about 'palestinkians', 'towelheads' et cetera. But you do
not 'fight' these bigoted ideas about entire nations, peoples and countries by with
cymism about true acts of terrorism such as it happened in Beslan.

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Message 39/88                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  11:38 AM     Edit: 13-Sep-04  |  11:39 AM   -   RE: russia


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Bastian you believe very much. Think about the pieces coming together. They are class rterrorist, yes so the media has no interest in expose. Did they do this? (that is the pocket 9.11). Are the media interesting in finding out, is this systemic use of label (and associated media treatment) allowing classification of all related issues into this "they are a terrorist camp"

What is democracy? It isn't about running people - thats what law is for. What role for democracy in a global (corp) sense. Where is the nation in a global community. I believe democracy is an abstraction that is becoming an exuse to maintain power and give illusion that people have any sort of control. What is the difference between tweedle dum and tweedle dee?

BTW - IF we are talking about fucking children we can always look at Paxil.

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Message 40/88                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  12:00 PM   -   RE: russia


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Bastiaan: Well, since Putin is not slaughtering millions of Chechen women
and children your cheap rhetoric is of no use to me.

I admit I exaggerated, it's hundreds of thousand not millions, I think my
point still stands tho:

The U.S. Government conservatively estimates that 80,000 Chechen civilians
and resistance fighters have died since 1999. Total deaths, including those
from the first Russo-Chechen war (1994-1996), are believed to be around
180,000, though figures compiled by both Russian and Chechen
non-governmental organizations suggest that this number may be closer to

Many of the survivors have been driven from their homes. The United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reports that approximately 350,000
Chechens have been displaced by the fighting, with 150,000 sheltering in the
nearby republic of Ingushetia, and another 30,000 seeking refuge in regions
throughout Russia.


'What goes around, comes around'

Bastiaan: Well, this is demonstrably UNTRUE since it is the weak (children
and women in particular) who get 'what goes around'.

They got what came around too didn't they, in Chechnya? If you expect people
to treat your own women and children with respect, it's probably not a good
idea to slaughter so many in the first place?

Bastiaan: 'who made the landgrab', because from the Jewish point of view it
was the Romans who did that first, and then the Byzantines, the Persians,
the Arabs, the Turks, the British and finally the Jews took some land
themselves. ANY piece of soil, ANYWHERE in the world was once 'grabbed' by
someone from someone.

I don't understand your point. There is no role for law, national or
international? The strongest wins
and that's ok? It's ok for the US to pump billions of dollars every year
into funding the Israeli war machine and then act surprised when the
Palestinians are prepared to stand up and fight? Wouldn't you do the same in
your country?

Bastiaan: Tell that to the Israeli children who were born in Israel and get
shot in the head or blown up in a pizza parlour, tell that to the
Palestinian child who gets send off to kill Jews with explosives strapped to
his chest, tell that to the palestian mother who's son just got lynched for
being 'in conspiracy with the jews'.

Except that over 5 times as many Palestinian children have been killed by
the Israelis, just since 2000:

Israeli children killed: 111
Palestinian children killed: 605

Israeli civilians killed: 694
Palestinian civilians killed: 2476

Israelis assassinated: 1
Palestinians assassinated: 308

Israeli bystanders killed in the course of an Assassination: 0
Palestinian bystanders killed in the course of an Assassination: 152

Funnily enough tho, the Palestinian kids just don't get the same news
coverage as the Israeli children? Racism maybe?

Bastiaan: And no, I don't think many of on this board are racists or dumb

a) I wasn't accusing the people on this board of being either, I was
accusing the whole brainwashed, mind controlled, propagandised population of
the west of being so.

Bastiaan: Think about Churchill. He was a man that vehemently defended
British Imperialism YET he stood up against Nazism even when people like
Chamberlain opted for appeasement. I am so glad he did, aren't you?

This the same Churchill that recommended the use of air strikes and gas
against the Iraqis to quell those troublesome tribesmen? That's a straw man

Bastiaan: Preparation for that bomb has started in 2000, before a single
Spanish soldier has set foot on either Iraq and Afghanistan. Think about

You really think this shit started happening in 2000?

It would be appropriate to offer humanitarian aid, full stop, and
stop trying to kid ourselves that we occupy the moral high ground. The
wealth of the west was built on colonialism, the slave trade and genocide...

Bastiaan: That's simply not true anymore. Many Western Countries never even
took part in colonialism, slave trade and genocide. Many western countries
built up their wealth after WWII, after slavery had been abandoned and when
colonies were gaining their independence. Take Norway, Sweden, Switzerland
or even Germany, Japan...take China and India....sure no country has totally
clean hands but the fact that these countries are rich (or are getting
richer) is not because of slavery or genocide: it's because of free trade
and capitalism.

OK... you obviously never read your history? The whole basis of capitalism
and the 'free (now there's a joke) market' is slavery, capitalism and
colonialism and present day 'free marketeers and capitalists' are still
using the military and economic might of the west to rip off the rest of the

The first stock market was founded in Amsterdam in 1602 and used to fund
the Dutch East India Company...and guess what country they forced to engage
in 'free trade' with them? Yes, Indonesia! using slave labour from
neighbouring countries. A prime example is the island of Banda in the
Indonesian Archipelago. The VOC simply killed off the Bandanese,
appropriated the island, and cultivated nutmeg as a monoculture, using slave
labour from neighbouring countries.

here's a good link to read about the results of that colonisation and abuse
in Indonesia by the Dutch:

The British stock market was set up to fund the triangular trade in coffee
and sugar - Raise money in London, sail to Africa, buy slaves, take them to
the Caribbean, pick up sugar and coffee, sail back to London, repeat and
fund countless other British imperial 'adventures' across the world.

To take your rather ridiculous 'examples' of western countries with no such

Norway: Population 4 million, main trade until last century fishing. Then
they discovered Oil!

Switzerland: Vault for illegally acquired spoils such as Nazi gold etc etc

Germany: Many colonies in Africa (Haven't you seen Indian Jones and the
temple of Doom?)


Bastiaan: I totally agree with that. But it won't stop terrorism. The
hijackers of 9/11 were from rich families. In Thailand (a land that has
never been colonised) rebels are beheading farmers and blowing up temples.

It won't stop 'terrorism' any more than it will stop wars agreed. It is
surely, though, a way to decrease those who are prepared to support such
acts. At the moment we are just radicalising ever increasing numbers of
people across the planet by our arrogant, morally bankrupt military
imperialism. So, achieving the exact opposite of what is claimed to be the
purpose of these actions.

The problem is that some people are making billions of dollars out of this
situation.. e.g. Halliburton etc etc and selling it to us as 'defending
freedom'. Yeah, right..

Bastiaan: In Indonesia areas are being 'cleansed' of pagans, Christians and
Hindus, people who are native to the land and have nothing to do with
slavery, colonialism and genocide.

As before, read your Indonesian history! A pointer: Until 1945 there was no
such place as Indonesia, it was called 'Netherlands East Indies'. Even then,
this recognition applied only to territory the Republic physically
controlled (principally Sumatra, Java and Madura). The rest of the region
remained under Dutch colonial rule! In fact the Dutch launched a so-called
'police action' to recapture Indonesian-held territory.

Somewhat understandably the Indonesians turned to the Communist powers for
help as the 'protectors of freedom, democracy and justice' seemingly didn't
want any of these things happening in one of their colonies. You can guess
the rest: deliberate destabilisation, attempted coups by CIA backed 'freedom
fighters' (oops terrorists).

By the way, the Portuguese still kept their hands on East Timor until 1975,
hardly ancient history this stuff is it?

Gee, is it any wonder there are lot of pissed of people around the planet,
STILL trying to get out from the dead hand of the 'Free West'?

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Message 41/88                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  03:35 PM   -   RE: russia


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scrolling through all this, i could't help to notice the high count of "democracy"
wich prompt this little phrase from memory:

"democracy WILL prevail"

a piece of rock covered in bird shit.

here today, guano tomorrow

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Message 42/88                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  04:51 PM   -   RE: russia



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it's nice to see zazza this involved again.

but bastiaan....i think at the core of this...is the matter that we're so able to
turn this into an "us against them" sort of thing.
when we replace commodities such as oil and rubber and coffee with ideals such as freedom and democracy....
all of our basic beliefs go out the window.
not the beliefs themselves but the reality of those beliefs.

i'm just hoping one day we're not calling a cat a dog.
they both have 4 legs a tail and mEOw...after all.

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Message 43/88                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  06:43 PM   -   RE: russia


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most revealing spoonerism of the year goes to:

"corporate America is probably not the moral guideline for the rest of the
world to loop upon in awe"

lolololol :P

knowledge.. it's in you, it's in me ;)

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Message 44/88                 Date: 14-Sep-04  @  01:17 AM   -   RE: russia


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Well this thread would be rather interesting, but for the fact that in most cases folks are underinformed. We have only what classrooms and history books tell us, and frankly...that ain't what happened. It's what somebody else wants you to remember about events, not the real intricacies, and even silliness of past events. We can rant on and get all huffed up about things that politicians, "historians" and journalists tell us, but it really does very little good. We can't change the past, and we have little influence as individuals on things so far away. On the other hand, we have significant influence on things right in front of us.

See, that's the WHOLE big trick: "Here, look at the horrible things one person says anotehr did in somewhere far away...", while right in front of you, so close you can touch it, hear it, see it from across the street, people YOU know are getting their lives fucked with by agents of the government, from metre-maids to tax-officers, from policemen to lawyers and judges and landlords, bankers, insurance swindlers. It's all happening right in front of you and because you are so intrigued by the little box that lets you watch, and do nothing but get interested in wasting more of your energy, that you just sit there and take it, completely disempowering yourself, until, as xoxos so aptly explained, you crack. You !pop! lose your shit and turn into a soon to die malfunctioning unit, another statistic. Normal shit and it happens EVERY SINGLE DAY, all over the place. You watch the box, and think "oh that can't happen here, won't happen to me...". Mark my words, you do one of a few things: You'll wake up and start trying to fight off the yoke in any and every way you can, you'll drug/fix yourself into denial, you'll snap, or you'll die before you have a chance to do one of the other three. Chances are, you're already doing one of the three, unless of course, you're doing the last and worst possible, that being that you just finally throw up your hands and say "If you can't beat them, join them." then keeping your head in the sand and happily going along with things to fuck it up for nearly ALL organic life on this planet, and possibly for others if things continue along this path, and we don't wipe out the entire biosphere before we successfully achieve interstellar travel.

You want to worry about Russia? Get your shots and your passport and go there. See the realites, and make a difference. Otherwise, worry about your own shit in front of you. You have WAY more control over it, and the fact is that actions you take right in front of you will probably have a far greater effect on things far away than you can ever realize or foresee. Worry about the shit you CAN change. As for the labels and spins folks put on things to generate sympathy or hostility towards others? Fuck'em. I have my friends, and just because somebody wearing a nice suit down the street says that my friends are bad, and did this and said that, and still these, and killed them, and wants so-and-so, and will blablabla if____ doesn't ****** doesn NOT make it real and does NOT stop my friends from being friends. What it does mean is that the folks down the street want others to look at my friends and not the folks down the street. That's all it means.

"Hey! Look over there, a seagull!!" and the snatch more off of your plate. You gonna be happy about it? Gonna keep letting them?


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Message 45/88                 Date: 14-Sep-04  @  03:02 AM   -   RE: russia



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everything starts at home...surely.
it's where i make my music.

but like i told my customer after completing this last gruelling project>
and it came time to settle our accounts.....i said...tony....i remember
you telling me i was always fair when it came time to billing you for additional work required to do the job.....(we're both sitting at his kitchen table in his VERY nice house)......

and i said well...i think it's time you joined me and humanity in this endeavor towards fairness to our fellow men.....and so this is what i'm requesting from you.
needless to say.....he let out a small explosion.....and then smiled and payed.
sometimes...for some of us at least...it's all about how much we allow ourselves to get screwed in our regular transactions.
anyway...i'll make less of a difference in russia than i would here.....so i'll pass on that but i'll continue to occasionally think and talk about it....it's people and troubles
just i imagine russians occasionally think and talk about our little empire to the....
are we east or west of russia anyways?

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Message 46/88                 Date: 14-Sep-04  @  06:47 AM   -   RE: russia



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at some point.....we're no more than what we can imagine.
and even then we're only imagining.

it's reality's way to only get in the way.

once all of those are gone who imagined these things having happened to us.....
those things will no longer have ever happened.

til then we cry.

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Message 47/88                 Date: 14-Sep-04  @  05:00 PM   -   RE: russia


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have the talk after you get paid :D

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Message 48/88                 Date: 14-Sep-04  @  10:51 PM   -   RE: russia



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where's the risk...fun...in that?

funny....it's been 15 years since i wrote stuff on a cutomer's walls while i was working on them but.....
the week of the RNC convention.....
they came home to this:


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Message 49/88                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  12:16 AM   -   RE: russia


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you write graffiti in people's homes? heh. thats pretty fckin funny really

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Message 50/88                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  06:05 AM   -   RE: russia



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it was a special occasion.....you might say.

and it was funny....

but the wall looks much better in stone.

about 15 years ago we were working for a huge weapon's contactor here in sd....and
we scrawled anti-war slogans where the baseboard went.
usually you label them 1a..or south wall 1..south wall 2...etc...but we used these slogans as our labelling system.
my boss was a quaker pacifist and was raised anti-war so he wouldn't fire us.....but he did have to assure our customer that no one would see the slogans once the baseboard went back up!!!!!!

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Message 51/88                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  07:58 AM   -   RE: russia


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thats rad. its like a propaganda time capsule

someone does a demo and they see your messages!

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Message 52/88                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: russia


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something to make you smile  

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Message 53/88                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  10:55 PM   -   RE: russia


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yeah, thats cool *smiles*

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Message 54/88                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  03:36 PM   -   RE: russia



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so if you're a 100% white contractor-guy from california and you work for a company like dynacorp...you can have active to surface-to-surface weapons in your baggage and be released to go home...by authorities if you say you use the thing for company training exercises.
if you're a muslim who guy who sneezes and utters bush or god at the same time...then you're a terrorist go to guantanamo and get hooded and beat and left exposed to the weather in cages indefinitely.

almost guaranteed this marshall guy will not get the 20 years.
he will say he's just a collector and everything will be okay.

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Message 55/88                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  01:11 PM     Edit: 19-Sep-04  |  01:12 PM   -   RE: russia


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They got what came around too didn't they, in Chechnya? If you expect people
to treat your own women and children with respect, it's probably not a good
idea to slaughter so many in the first place?

Yes, but nobody asked those children, right?

I don't understand your point.

My point is that ALL land was grabbed. Israelis and Arabs both grabbed that land at one point in time.

There is no role for law, national or
international? The strongest wins
and that's ok?

NO. That's why I abohre the idea of people deliberately blowing up children. Get the point?

It's ok for the US to pump billions of dollars every year
into funding the Israeli war machine and then act surprised when the
Palestinians are prepared to stand up and fight? Wouldn't you do the same in
your country?

Well, of course I would. But the Hamas and consorts are deliberately targeting women and children, aren't they? They aren't in it to divide the land equaly, they aren't in it to let the Jews and Arabs live peacefully side by side: they want to wipe out the Jews. (Yes there are plenty of sicko Jews and fundi Christians who would love to do the opposite) Perhaps YOU should wonder why in the Arab world Mein Kampf is a best seller, why the protocols of the elders of Zion are being sold like hot cakes, why their are still stories being told about satanic Jews eating matzes with the blood of Muslim children.

Except that over 5 times as many Palestinian children have been killed by
the Israelis, just since 2000:

Yes, the Israeli's ARE on the upper hand military. Go figure.

Funnily enough tho, the Palestinian kids just don't get the same news
coverage as the Israeli children? Racism maybe?

Perhaps in your country they don't. Here it is the exact opposite: anti-semitism maybe? Media ARE biased, live with it.

This the same Churchill that recommended the use of air strikes and gas
against the Iraqis to quell those troublesome tribesmen? That's a straw man

No it isn't. It is a clear demonstration that the FAR for perfect Churchill (an imperialist and a aristocrat by all means) WAS the 'good' guy. A clear distinction CAN be made, even if it isn't always as black and white as you perhaps would like the world to be.

Bastiaan: Preparation for that bomb has started in 2000, before a single
Spanish soldier has set foot on either Iraq and Afghanistan. Think about

You really think this shit started happening in 2000?

No. That's exactly my point. How on earth could anything this Spanish government has done be the reason for what happened in Madrid.

OK... you obviously never read your history? The whole basis of capitalism
and the 'free (now there's a joke) market' is slavery, capitalism and
colonialism and present day 'free marketeers and capitalists' are still
using the military and economic might of the west to rip off the rest of the

Rubbish. Capatalism can and does function without slavery, without waging war and without colonies. What countries did norway colonize? What countries do the Indians suck dry? How many slaves will you find in Findland?

The first stock market was founded in Amsterdam in 1602 and used to fund
the Dutch East India Company...and guess what country they forced to engage
in 'free trade' with them?

That WASN'T free trade. That was theft. And no, Dutch wealth wasn't built on that. If you had read your history you would have know that Holland was a rather backward nation of farmers and fisherman well untill after WWII. Colonialism made us rich only for a short period of time. It was the build up AFTER the wrar that gave us our present day richness. Even during the 17th century most money was made NOT by trading slaves or by colonising the East, it was made by trading such bland things like wool, linnen, wood, salt and bricks. The eastsea trade made us far more money than the trade with Asia or Africa.

To take your rather ridiculous 'examples' of western countries with no such

Norway: Population 4 million, main trade until last century fishing. Then
they discovered Oil!

Yes, and they sell the oil. They are doing quite well.

Switzerland: Vault for illegally acquired spoils such as Nazi gold etc etc

So? Do you really think Switserland is built upon nazi gold? Or are you just poisining the well?

Germany: Many colonies in Africa


Finland, India, Taiwan, the Czech republic...I could go on.

It won't stop 'terrorism' any more than it will stop wars agreed.

Perhaps, but it won't save the Christians on the moluccas Islans, nor will it save the Thai farmers and monks from having their temples blown off.

surely, though, a way to decrease those who are prepared to support such
acts. At the moment we are just radicalising ever increasing numbers of
people across the planet by our arrogant, morally bankrupt military
imperialism. So, achieving the exact opposite of what is claimed to be the
purpose of these actions.

That may be the case, but ultimately it is those who deliberately point their guns at babies and pull that trigger that are responsible. Ultimately it is those who are the terrorists. You see, some people are just plain wicked, plain evil, they are terrorists and they will hate and destroy no matter WHAT you offer them. Prime examples would be the KKK, muslim Fundis and neo-Nazis. There is no point in blaming the 'imperial war machine of the west' if these idiots are attacking countries that aren't even part of the imperial western warmachine: people in the southern Philipines, people in the eastern provinces of Indonesia, people in Thailand, Algeria, Southern Russia...I could go on for a bit: you should get the picture by now.

Bastiaan: In Indonesia areas are being 'cleansed' of pagans, Christians and
Hindus, people who are native to the land and have nothing to do with
slavery, colonialism and genocide.

As before, read your Indonesian history! A pointer: Until 1945 there was no
such place as Indonesia, it was called 'Netherlands East Indies'. Even then,
this recognition applied only to territory the Republic physically
controlled (principally Sumatra, Java and Madura). The rest of the region
remained under Dutch colonial rule! In fact the Dutch launched a so-called
'police action' to recapture Indonesian-held territory.

Yes I know this very well, my own family was at both the receiving and the attacking end of that stick.

Somewhat understandably the Indonesians turned to the Communist powers for
help as the 'protectors of freedom, democracy and justice' seemingly didn't
want any of these things happening in one of their colonies.

That's untrue. The only part dutch rule remained was in Papua / Irian Jaya (That's because the Papuans wanted to become a country of their own) Papuans were trained in Holland to govern an indipendent country. It was AFTER the retreat of the Dutch that the Indonesians colonised that part of the country as well. Just like they had cleansed the land of rebellious other elements before that. In 1965 (that's almost 20 years after the dutch had left) hundred of thousands of Chinese were butchered...just because they were chinese.

You can guessthe rest: deliberate destabilisation, attempted coups by CIA backed 'freedom fighters' (oops terrorists).

Rubbish. This is all stuff from the 50's and the 60's. I am talking about what is happening NOW. I am talking about what is being done NOW. By certain radicals who are NOT paid by the CIA. There are no communists left in Indonesia.

By the way, the Portuguese still kept their hands on East Timor until 1975,
hardly ancient history this stuff is it?

And how would THAT be a reason for Indonesians to slaughter eastern Timorese AFTER they had run over that colony very much against the wished of those who lived there...how does that in ANY way relate to what is happening in Aceh, in Solo, in Ambon, on Halmahera, in Papua?

Gee, is it any wonder there are lot of pissed of people around the planet,
STILL trying to get out from the dead hand of the 'Free West'?

Bullshit. Timor has NO relation to what has happened in other parts of Indo. As a matter of fact, Timor is a prime example of the Indonesians trampling all over a people that did NOT want to be part of that country. But Timor was also not part of my list of examples. Perhaps you should study those instead?

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Message 56/88                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  01:21 PM   -   RE: russia


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but bastiaan....i think at the core of this...is the matter that we're so able to
turn this into an "us against them" sort of thing.

Most definately it is. Before you know it all 'towelheads' become godless minions of Satan in the eyes of the general public.

That's why I think we should learn to make that distinction, dare to draw a line.

when we replace commodities such as oil and rubber and coffee with ideals such as freedom and democracy....
all of our basic beliefs go out the window.
not the beliefs themselves but the reality of those beliefs.

Yes, I agree.

i'm just hoping one day we're not calling a cat a dog.
they both have 4 legs a tail and mEOw...after all.

That's very true. But I feel that some people, (out of fear, selfhloathing or political correctness?) are afraid to call a cat a cat when it's clearly a purring feline that meows, has whiskers and fits true that little door.

You see, during the 30's when Hitler power was rising in the east it was people like Chamberlain who tried to appease him. In the mean time German harted and misery were being fed by ridiculous war reperation payments to the allies and other huminilations. It was the mainstream public that more or less tried to forced the French to disarm whilst the Nazis where building up an army, it was the Germans who where allowed parts of the Czech republic, Austria et cetera.

It was people like Churchill that saw Hitler for what he was. It was people like Churchill that said we should stop humiliating the Germans but we should also not allow them to grab land, allow them to build up an army.

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Message 57/88                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  04:53 PM   -   RE: russia


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i'm not going to read all of that man, but missing a few points:

capitalism is inherently faulty because of the false premise that all things have a value that can be quantised. can't you see how the act of quantising value of living material is the most hateful thing going??

you start acting like that, a squash is worth three cauliflowers, you bet that extreme situations will arise, where suddenly feeding your family becomes lost on the bargaining table, or we have to slaughter the valley dwellers if we want fair profit et c. reduction ad absurdum, just bump up the scale so the discrepancies grow, like... modern times!!!!!

if the theory isn't good, it doesn't matter how practical it is "most of the time..." capitalism is abstraction, and that's falsehood, lies and deception and thus generally accident just waiting to happen.

part two, same concept, government... bad premise. i'm animate.

part three, use of fossil fuel for power.. bad premise. half a mile for a gallon of widely distributed earth poison? umm...

part four, technology.. stupid fucking premise. i can actually see, hear and apprehend.

good night..

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Message 58/88                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  11:18 PM   -   RE: russia



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part five: the bushes

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Message 59/88                 Date: 21-Sep-04  @  04:35 PM   -   RE: russia


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Bushfire! Bushfire! Bushfire!

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Message 60/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  01:50 AM   -   RE: russia



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now throw a letter d at the end of that!

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Message 61/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  04:19 AM   -   RE: russia


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if only it were that easy, and he was the only real problem

man..I just watched a docu on "native americans" today...folks that had been in boarding schools, or their parents had?

man...had me in tears watching these people in group therapy, letting their pain and rage fly.

heh...if those folks werent so downtrodden I suspect that we'd have some "terrorists" on our hands here.

lets all go the jonestown route. who's with me

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Message 62/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  06:01 AM   -   RE: russia



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that's no fun influx.

the best revenge is to have fun in these fuckers faces.
enjoy life. fuck these nazis.
make music. fuck their siny shiny bullshit and yaxes and yexas and yies and daddy's stupid secret societies and fighter planes and all tha pricks hiding out and talking bullshit and over silly games and dominoes and pretending there's an agenda we can acll our own when it's really someone else's idea of what's good for you.

influx...it's okay to be mad.
just fuck em.
just rock yer shit and>
stand tall.....if not for yerself...do it for the damned INJUNS!!!!!

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Message 63/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  07:19 AM   -   RE: russia


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heh. injuns!

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Message 64/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  07:49 AM   -   RE: russia



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apache arapaho crow blackfoot cheyenne navajo iroquois...aztecs...incas....

influx....have fun dude.
it's a party going on.

you've been hanging HERE way tooooo long man....sometimes me thinks.

CLUE: you ain't rockin.....and yet you know how.

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Message 65/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  09:30 AM   -   RE: russia


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Jesus christ almighty... are you guys all in therapy or something? - cos you're fucking depressing to read

dont you ever just wake up one day and say "What a beautiful day"


xoxos - I cant agree with your statement:


capitalism is inherently faulty because of the false premise that all things have a value that can be quantised. can't you see how the act of quantising value of living material is the most hateful thing going??


go to a 'primative' culture... pre 'capitalism'... go to a small village, in any culture, anywhere in the world, and try and trade a melon for sheep...

good luck.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 66/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  10:47 AM   -   RE: russia


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ya know, i so very damned near started a "what side of the bed do YOU wake up on" thread about an hour ago after reading this. It's like the local news around here... all ya hear is the bad.

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Message 67/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  12:38 PM   -   RE: russia


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psy, I have to admire your dogged optimism...

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Message 68/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  02:19 PM   -   RE: russia


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well mcc, let's hope we can throw a little d in there after the election. for now you can only chant it as it is.

i think maybe xoxos was suggesting a threesome with the sheep and then share the refreshing melon. maybe i got it wrong.

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Message 69/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  03:26 PM   -   RE: russia



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sorry to hear some of you are so easily depressed.
remember....living well is the best revenge.....and that means having a little fun too.

i wake up feeling pretty good....generally.....
and tend to avoid lurking through life.....you may have noticed.
sorry if i try to lift a brother up.


start your thread man.
start your thread.
(do you really think about it THAT much only to NOT follow through?)

rock it gents> but gently....
autumn softly makes her entrance felt......
leaves yellow contemplating their collective fall....
earth awaits....welcoming...beckoning...the hand that offers
eternal embrace...oh kiss me my love.

time to get paid.

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Message 70/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  03:41 PM   -   RE: russia


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living isn't revenge, it's the crime.

get this fucking thing offa me!

k, you're proving my point.

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Message 71/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  06:25 PM   -   RE: russia


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no I'm not - you can't seriously be suggesting that even in some ideal olde world going back even to caveman times culture people didnt value things... that's ludicrous.

I tell you what xoxos... I'll swap you a really NICE ripe plump banana.. I just happen to have one here in the kitchen... I'll swap it for all your recording gear, or hey, just your PC would do!!... fair swap?

c'mon!... lets trade !!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 72/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  06:36 PM   -   RE: russia


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swap forum !

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Message 73/88                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: russia


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I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 74/88                 Date: 23-Sep-04  @  12:16 AM   -   RE: russia



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i'll trade you my airport for your banana!!!
how plump is it?

well then.....hmmmm......the monet will have to do.
wait wait wait....the manet!

now james a baker the 3rd is worth about 500,000 a day.

now miguel....he's 60 a day....
and someone's logic don't suck ripe fruit here.

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Message 75/88                 Date: 23-Sep-04  @  01:26 AM   -   RE: russia



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it's actually more like TWICE that.
that was the sum required (500,00) for him to just make one phone call
to help seal an oil deal in eastern europe.

now we're talking about government servants here. ..... . ... . but alas.
also the most secretive america or the world has ever known.

now...bananas for studios.....

the value of human life.....

personal suffering...what's THAT cost?

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Message 76/88                 Date: 23-Sep-04  @  06:43 AM   -   RE: russia



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anyone could say a banana is worth FAR less than x's studio.
but given the right conditions......
it's conceivable that x's studio might be worth less than a banana......(and nature is often violently fickle and arbitrary in this sense....say if electrical power were to become scarce......
as well as food).

then the banana is worth much MORE since you can't eat x's nord lead....and you can eat a banana.
the price we put on things is determined by people.
.....and people are not infallible in their judgments...collective or otherwise.

people can trade sheep for oranges...that's a good thing.
but we're so far beyond that at this point.
there's too many people involved to have the very few horde what it can at the
detriment of the larger global cell-structure.
money is simply the articulation of that system's value judgments imposed upon the
not everything can or should be equal but a balance must be achieved...
and we're not even close to that.
in fact.....what we have is exactly the opposite of that.

i can be on the internet and find works by peter bardens and suzanne ciani and steve hillage for 2.00....sometimes 99 cents.... and people won't even be looking at the stuff....
and yet
britney spears cds WILL sell for ten times that.
people would rather a big-screen than a library full of books.
they'd war rather peace and a commercial to tell them why.....where and how long.

the list of crap is long and ugly.

the list of wonderful things is long and beautiful too.....
but you gotta want to find it.
and you gotta know where to look.

and that place ain't in your wallet......unless it is.....
then you're just comfortably lost.

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Message 77/88                 Date: 23-Sep-04  @  10:27 AM   -   RE: russia


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so what's your point?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 78/88                 Date: 23-Sep-04  @  04:05 PM   -   RE: russia



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just killing time mate.

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Message 79/88                 Date: 23-Sep-04  @  04:31 PM   -   RE: russia


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i'm not really sure why you are pissing on me, k. what i am suggesting is the abandonment of the concept of liquidity, and subsequently the reliance, no.. insistence.. on trade for goods.

imagine there are 10 recording studios, all in the same big city. wouldn't you agree that each of these recording studios should be allowed to operate w/o forced cooperation?

if two of these studios wanted to cooperate, they could do so perfectly well on a tactical basis. both items have memory and an existence that spans time, so it isn't necessary to instantly provide reciprocity in all exchanges, is it?

in fact, it is likely that both studios are operated by entrepeneurs who would rather enthusiastically steer their own course.

now, if these entrepeneurs were to fortify their environment instead of their personal stockpiles..

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Message 80/88                 Date: 24-Sep-04  @  03:45 PM   -   RE: russia


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Yeah, well just cos i' wont eccept trite hippy quasi socialist thinking that doesnt mean i'm pissing on your xoxos - but what is the point of wishing everyday for something totaly unatainable (is my point), and not very realisticaly at that

it's not as fantastic as you make out I dont think - Have you ever worked in TOTAL isolation with no human contact for 3 months in rain & blizzards clearing woodland, chopping down trees and putting up miles of sheep fence?

I have and it's no fun!

and if there's no trade for goods, i cant figure out how people get stuff they need but cant get themselves - how would you say that would work? - I cant see how.

Like for example - you have a smallholding - you need wood for the fires or you'll freeze, you dont have trees, BUt you have alot of sheep - so you trade sheep at the market for wood - isnt that sensible?

How are you suggesting it could work? (i cant grasp your theory mebbe) - or mebbe you explain things so crypticaly I just dont get it! ??


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 81/88                 Date: 24-Sep-04  @  03:59 PM   -   RE: russia


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sure, stop thinking like a european :p

do you know how populous polynesian nations have been? the earth has a huge region of immensely hospitable land where it doesn't freeze, and one doesn't require a collection of artifacts to survive. it's not like this is all that inapparent.. australia??

just ask, you don't need to do the whole 'hippy idealist' thing, or i'll post your mugshot. so there :p

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Message 82/88                 Date: 24-Sep-04  @  04:10 PM     Edit: 24-Sep-04  |  04:15 PM   -   RE: russia


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it's not as fantastic as you make out I dont think - Have you ever worked in TOTAL isolation with no human contact for 3 months

Sounds like a description of someone making electronic music on a PC in their bedroom?

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Message 83/88                 Date: 24-Sep-04  @  04:20 PM   -   RE: russia


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Xoxos, you are talking about the abstraction of value I assume..

i.e. 'Money'.. which makes it possible for people to accumulate wealth and power and is the basis for capitalism...

It's hard to accumulate wealth and power in a barter economy... or a co-operative one.

On the other hand it's also hard to build a technological civilisation without ti I guess...

depends what you want...

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Message 84/88                 Date: 24-Sep-04  @  07:10 PM   -   RE: russia



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somewhere between belief in community and the fact that we live in a material (capital) world....lies some possibility for balance.

as it stands now...the monkey's being led it's by it's tail.

we're should be using money....not it...us.

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Message 85/88                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  12:37 AM   -   RE: russia



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we're really should be!

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Message 86/88                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  04:33 PM   -   RE: russia


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technology is knowledge applied to material. certainly a mass production, artifact based culture is more apt at it, but (a) is an industrial lifestyle worth all THIS (and THAT) just so you can play UT? and (b) the knowledge-to-material ratio could certainly afford to be offset a little in application, don't you think?

technology is an art of dependence.


look how much ego people have locked up in tech.. ever meet some 17 year old abhorrent prick?

for what?

because all the pixels are in rows?



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Message 87/88                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: russia


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hell... you can still do music x! cool tune btw

(if thats you? )

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Message 88/88                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: russia


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some of it's probably damon edge. his last project is about communicating with his spirit.

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