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Subject: The man in black says goodbye...

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Original Message 1/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  02:06 AM   -   The man in black says goodbye...


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Rest In peace Johnny..........

You'll be missed.

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Message 2/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  02:25 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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i got a sad chill when i was told this morning.

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Message 3/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  05:43 AM     Edit: 13-Sep-03  |  05:44 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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Truly a great loss but what a life. a country music icon and proto-everything rock and roll.

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Message 4/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  06:26 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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yup. its not like he died young

sad, tho...who is there to fill the void of the greats that have died? I mean...jimi, jim, jon, nena, jonny, kurt, cliff...

who is there now, that will be anything more than they are NOW?

maybe prince, but somehow that falls short...


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Message 5/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  07:48 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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yeah...kinda short.

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Message 6/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  09:43 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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My vote is for Radiohead

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Message 7/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  10:05 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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sorry dude but I just cant agree with you. damn good band, but the...the...something is just missing.

thom isnt jim. thom isnt johnny.

maybe its the ground-breaking factor? dunno. seems like anything done now is just reiteration

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Message 8/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  11:44 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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What CAN truly be called "new" anymore anyway??

Something to strive for boys..........



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Message 9/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  12:02 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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"What CAN truly be called "new" anymore anyway??"

... and then came Bach.

but damn if i know  

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Message 10/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  12:57 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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Bach was over 300 years ago....

How much have we really changed things?

Rock and Roll?

Music is music is music......

No matter what the genre or how much things have "changed". The timelessness of it all is the same. It's still subjective,artistic, and stirs the same feelings we all know and appreciate about music. But is that enough?


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Message 11/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  04:47 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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Wow, yeah, he'll be missed. Who else had the guts and the talent to give Nashville the finger on a full page of Billboard magazine? And so many songs. He had a repertoire of thousands of songs.

Maybe it's just me, but when I hear Radiohead, it's good, very good, but somehow exclusive, like they're displaying the music for you but not really inviting you in. Whereas people like Johnny Cash or Jimi Hendrix could be singing about something seemingly unrelated to my life but I'd feel very included, very drawn into the music.

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Message 12/84                 Date: 13-Sep-03  @  09:24 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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Im not talking about NEW, but...timeless...yes.

radiohead isnt timeless.

JC was, no doubt

personally I think black sabbath is, too  and pink floyd

seems to me that THAT era was the last for...for that sort of thing...

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Message 13/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  02:24 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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black sabbath is shit.

sorry influx...man...were i younger and goofier i'd drive up right now to say it to your face.
ozzie is a wank.

ohhh...mr. crowley....

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Message 14/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  04:18 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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There's always something new. Bach worked his ass off and loved music. That's the tried and true formula and anyone here might be doing that right now. There will always be ground to break. That's the essence of life.

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Message 15/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  07:53 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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I disagree. I think Radiohead's material is timeless. And I don't even understand the lyrics half the time! It doesn't matter... they are the ultimate vibe builders in rock, and I love their edge. Very classic stuff, imo.

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Message 16/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  10:14 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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bollocks. radiohead are just another one of those "clever" rock bands that just get on your tits after 10 mins, just like shitty old Coldplay.

Radiohead, or any of the others will never be classic. these bands will be forgotten just like the rest of the crap thats out there at the moment.

If there was one band from that era that would really have a chance of being classed as classic then its Blur. Damian Allbran had more talent in his little finger than Radiohead or Colplay or any of that old guff.

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Message 17/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  03:27 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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blur and radiohead are peers no doubt.

i think radiohead's twisted quirkiness gets in the way at times but they have certainly penned some utterly timeless masterpieces. they have also written some nonsense. it's hard being a polite genius....it seems.

i think blur are similar but do keep things on this side of the line more frequently.

though a bit more dated...as for timeless. earlier waterboys and simple minds.

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Message 18/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  03:33 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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Nanci Griffiths, Nick Cave, Patti Smith still have a few years left to achieve that level AND the real potential to do it.

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Message 19/84                 Date: 14-Sep-03  @  08:03 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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sorry clay, but what ozzy is now has NOTHING to do with what he was in 1968-1973

sabbath is NOT "shit" and Mr. Crowley has nothing to do with Black Sabbath whatsoever.

you cant dismiss black sabbath, and if you do, youre a fool

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Message 20/84                 Date: 15-Sep-03  @  11:43 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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Look up "timeless classics" in the entertainment dictionary and it says

Steward Copeland, Andy Summers and Sting aka The Police.

thats also the definition of "pure talent", "amazing song writing" and "facking awesome musicians".

No arguements. Nuff said.

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Message 21/84                 Date: 15-Sep-03  @  12:09 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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have to agree with jock there, real musicians, melodic, popular,talented....unlike shite these days, Rap for example....whats Fucking talented about sampling an old tune and talking over it? more to the point, talking about how big yer dick is, what guns you own and proving you can swear.

Radiohead is drivvel by the way, slurry, depressing, morbid drivvel

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Message 22/84                 Date: 15-Sep-03  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

The Answer


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I agree with influx - definitely Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd, and I agree with Jock about Blur - a brilliant band if ever there was one, and Spot's comments about Radiohead.

But let's not forget the Pistols, now they are a timeless and classic band, groundbreakers who set a whole new movement rolling. And rap? Should be renamed to cRAP.

JC was a genius btw.

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Message 23/84                 Date: 15-Sep-03  @  06:52 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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bravo Jock, i also think Damon Albarn is the only good one out of the bunch, and i dont even like Blur.

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Message 24/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  03:41 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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People have to be dead and buried for a while before they become legend. I'm sure a lot of people thought Bach sucked at the time. That's why you can't agree on contemporary "classics". It's too early to say.

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Message 25/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  04:58 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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dunno, man...theres just not the same soul in the majority of music

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Message 26/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  05:22 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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i saw black sabbath open for led zeppelin when you were in a diaper influx.

i beat the shit outta some friend/geek when we were frying-teens cause he was like black sabbath..black sabbath...clay...she's gonna get you...she's gonna get you clay. first album...that summer...go figure. not only..but MOSTLY clueless wok nerds and bean-heads get off on the oz. you're not one of those are you?
but i'm a fool.

now please tell us about pink floyd.

all that you slight...everyone you fight...all that is now..all that is gone and everything under the sun is in tune
.....but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.

so you have umma gumma on vinyl too then?? meddle? you need to come down sometime.

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Message 27/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  05:46 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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of course i could be wrong and you might've been out of diapers by then.

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Message 28/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  05:51 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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sorry dude but now Im gonna have to come and kick your ass 

sabbath isnt ABOUT ozzy, man. its a BAND, not one guy.

I dont have umma gumma or meddle on vinyl. you probably do.

want meddle and animals tho

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Message 29/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  06:17 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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i just sold my 4 hardbound rolling stone mag volumes from 69 to 71...for 450.oo...on e-bay this morning.

i have meddle but stopped buying shortly before animals. i saw that tour though....they did the entire song> echoes.

that was early techno.

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Message 30/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  09:42 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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i feel young

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Message 31/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  11:59 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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Gram Parsons
Colourblind james experience
St Germain
Primal Scream

Anyway JC was a mans man and though his music is going nowhere (will we still be listening in 100 years? - will we still be here (hahahahah)) i suppose now is as good a time to take your hat of to that life

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Message 32/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  01:51 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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ahhh meddle. my neighbor back then really had enough of me listening to destroyer over and over so he lended it to me.

one of these days...

he had a wicked sense of humor

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Message 33/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  02:46 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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I feel like chicken tonight like chicken tonight, I feel like chicken tonight like chick*BANG*..


*sound similar to large doner kebab being thrown against a wall*

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Message 34/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  04:39 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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No one can ever be a true genius until they're dead, cos you never know when they are going to do something utterly crap and make you embarrased that you ever liked them. Except Brian Wilson.

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Message 35/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  05:11 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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It pisses me off that people have to die to enchance their careers. Look what happened to George Michael, he started selling records like hot cakes when he shuffled off this mortal coil. The fact that their music was shite when they were alive doesnt seem to come into it. Bah.

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Message 36/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  06:54 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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george michael died?

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Message 37/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  09:47 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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yeah, didnt you know? died a couple of days ago

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Message 38/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  09:48 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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of what? I dont watch TV much or read the papers..so I guess I "miss" some of these important things

that guy was still young tho!


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Message 39/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  10:35 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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I think he choked on a chocolate bar. They said it was a Careless Wispa

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Message 40/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  11:42 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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Message 41/84                 Date: 16-Sep-03  @  11:44 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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you limey flock-o-munkeys....michaels didn't die.
just cause influx loved kiss at one time doesn't mean you can play with his mind like that!

that's sooo messed up!

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Message 42/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  12:06 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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whats the connection between kiss and g. michaels?


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Message 43/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  12:26 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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>> i have meddle but stopped buying shortly before animals. i saw that tour though....they did the entire song echoes.

the f*ck they did. they played all of "wish you were here" as one set with a circular video screen, played all of "animals" as a set with their inflatable shit, played "money" as an encore. kemper arena, kcmo, hitchhiked there and back. I think as heavily produced and scripted as their shows were, they'd do the same show night after night.

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Message 44/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  01:35 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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they played echoes...in it's entirety at the san diego sports arena. circular screen and all wave action video. wished you were there?

too bad, eh?

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Message 45/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  01:37 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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it's why they used to call it "live" dudeballah>

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Message 46/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  02:19 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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hey, little d,

wish you were here too, you crazy diamond !!

more mewzik, pleaze !

and that goes for rooreek and maaaaaaartten too!

and fluxie


have cash, will trade for melted plastic pellets

ok, sail me there now  

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Message 47/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  02:55 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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I am about 10 years younger than you boys and I own all three of those floyd albums on vinyl, yet, I've never seen them live.

So...... I don't know what that tells you about longetivity, but I do know that quality music is quality music, and that fact will remain timeless.


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Message 48/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  04:43 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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"groundbreakers who set a whole new movement rolling"

Answer, you need a serious history lesson.

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Message 49/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  04:47 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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d...just got off the phone with my brother and he thinks floyd played "echoes" during the dark side of the moon tour.

i do get these old rock-dinosaur tours mixed up.

i do know they ended one of those shows with it.
gotta check the cranial database. lessee here....hmmm.

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Message 50/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  05:11 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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yup, DSOTM tour had all of DSOTM, Echoes and a bunch of stuff from Obscured by Clouds. yes, they were live but also heavily scripted. the music had to be to work with the "show".

hey, jf!

I was thinking, maybe people's tastes were broader on the whole when Johnny Cash was becaming a legend. You'd have pop radio stations playing Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline, Beach Boys, British Invasion, teen stuff like Tommy James & the Shondells, soul & R&B stuff like Aretha and Smokey and JB and Marvin Gaye and the Supremes etc, adult stuff like Burt Bacharach songs and Herb Alpert and Tijuana Brass. nowadays you run into a lot of people who are very, umm, monogamous in their tastes... like only listening to industrial... or americana... or madagascan trip-hop, you get the idea. I don't know if anyone can become as legendary and beloved by so many as some of those mentioned in the current climate. it's just a different time, y'know.

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Message 51/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  06:47 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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george michael? wasn't he that guy that used to be in WHANG!?

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Message 52/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  06:50 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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no..that was kid rock.

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Message 53/84                 Date: 17-Sep-03  @  08:26 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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Oddly "Last Christmas" will forever be a classic... Bet you weren't thinking "legend" back when that came out... and you were watching the video. Yes that song will have more staying power and be remebered longer than any of those artsy bands mentioned above... Scary eh?

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Message 54/84                 Date: 18-Sep-03  @  02:27 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

The Answer


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PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft how old are you?

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Message 55/84                 Date: 18-Sep-03  @  05:41 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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No, George Michael is not seriously dead, is he? I mean I don't think he's had a hit in awhile, but dead?

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Message 56/84                 Date: 18-Sep-03  @  11:50 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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no, he isnt dead, it was a "Gullible" test, it worked

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Message 57/84                 Date: 18-Sep-03  @  02:15 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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How about the other guy in WHANG!? Is he still alive? Or that guy in Hall & Oates who wasn't Hall? Is he alive? What the fukk was that guy's name, anyway?

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Message 58/84                 Date: 18-Sep-03  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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it's oates.

john oates.

that was his name.

it is what he was called.

man called john oates.

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Message 59/84                 Date: 18-Sep-03  @  03:50 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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the man who played next to darryl hall.

i remember the days sitting in some early morning greasy taco-shop waiting for my breakfast having to hear that stuff and wondering if live was worth living.
i decided it was a toss-up and wanted to hear what was going to play next.

okay i'll stop!!!!

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Message 60/84                 Date: 18-Sep-03  @  04:00 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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the other member of WHANG was Andrew ridgly, i believe he's a busker at kings cross station

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Message 61/84                 Date: 18-Sep-03  @  04:45 PM     Edit: 18-Sep-03  |  04:48 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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LOL you guys are crackin' me up. It's WHAM that george michael was in, he's still alive, EVERYone's trying to forget about Wang Chung (a different sorta 80's suckage), and you guys sound like a roomfull of geriatrics trying to recall your memories hehehe

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Message 62/84                 Date: 18-Sep-03  @  06:40 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

digital rust

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If the chorus of any song could encapsulate the decade of
the 1980s, it would have to be this one:

"Everybody have fun tonight. Everybody Wang Chung

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Message 63/84                 Date: 18-Sep-03  @  06:45 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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spot, er...gullible test? piss off!

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Message 64/84                 Date: 18-Sep-03  @  07:27 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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Message 65/84                 Date: 18-Sep-03  @  11:40 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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its called TRUST, not gullible-ness or whatever


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Message 66/84                 Date: 19-Sep-03  @  12:40 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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oh meester psy, oh meester emseesee, I was, how you say, takeeng the peesssss

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Message 67/84                 Date: 19-Sep-03  @  01:43 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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My bad. Usually taking the piss is funnier, no? ;)

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Message 68/84                 Date: 19-Sep-03  @  04:22 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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did you hear the one about making the nylon string guitar pump?

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Message 69/84                 Date: 19-Sep-03  @  05:38 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

meester emseesee>


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i never said you weren't funny d~

i'm still laughing at the> if i say this beach is safe joke!

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Message 70/84                 Date: 19-Sep-03  @  08:44 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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do brits say "meester" for Mister?
or "takeeng the peesssss"

you've not been to the UK then ;)

that sounds like an english character off the simpsons

actually, it sounds more south african

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Message 71/84                 Date: 19-Sep-03  @  12:48 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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sounds like some shady character from an old mr.magoo cartoon.
ya brits ever get mr. magoo?
i'll bet very few here remember him.

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Message 72/84                 Date: 19-Sep-03  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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yeah i remember MrMagoo, the stumpy fella with big round glasses?

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Message 73/84                 Date: 21-Sep-03  @  01:07 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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aye, i remember him. never liked him. thought he was a bit of a .

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Message 74/84                 Date: 21-Sep-03  @  01:08 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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a bit of a ?

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Message 75/84                 Date: 22-Sep-03  @  04:12 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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Old enough to have heard both "Personality Crisis" and "Blitzkrieg Bop" played on "FM radio" in the years of their respective releases. An older brother with musical foresight helped.

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Message 76/84                 Date: 22-Sep-03  @  11:41 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...

The Answer


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Ok Plaz, so you won't tell me your age and I'm guessing here, but I think it's probable that you either weren't born, or you were still in nappies (diapers) when I was spiking up my hair and pogoing to the likes of The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Damned, The Undertones, Siouxse & The Banshees, and a whole host of other punk bands now long since forgotten.

So I don't need a history lesson (from you or anyone else).

Yeah, The Ramones were a brilliant band, and yeah, the New York Dolls were the prototype for punk, but they never became the great influence they might have done, The Pistols did.

It's an acknowledged fact that hundreds of bands have been formed because of Never Mind The Bollocks. The Sex Pistols were a driving force.

The New York dolls might have started the whole movement, (Malcolm Mclaren had the idea of putting a bunch of lads together after seeing them), but they didn't follow through. Punk became what it was because of the influence of The Pistols.

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Message 77/84                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  12:58 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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You guys be sure to let us know when you figure out who gets the old fart award.

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Message 78/84                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  01:13 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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no shit! I dont want it, thats for sure!

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Message 79/84                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  02:09 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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...and then I applied for the job...

'do Brits say "meester" for Mister?' no, the interuptive phrase "how you say" is usually used by non-English speakers when searching their brains for the correct words in a language not their own. I was thinking Antonio Banderas when typing that myself, but, uhh, nevermind. It's been my experience that Brits don't say words like they're spelled anyhoo so what's the diff. So, how's your favorite socc..., errr, how you say, "footie" team doing?

Ha! Mr. Magoo was voiced by Jim Baccus who was also "the millionaire" Thurston Howell III on Gilligan's Island and James Dean's character's dad in Rebel Without a Cause.

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Message 80/84                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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so, to summarise: is there a case to be made that Punk became what it was because of the influence of Malcolm Mclaren, and not Sex Pistols?

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Message 81/84                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  05:52 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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isnt that what Great Rock'n'Rol Swindle was all about?

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Message 82/84                 Date: 24-Sep-03  @  02:53 AM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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that's what some historians would suggest....and to some extent, that's true. malcolm's a fauckcing genius but then so was/is lydon. i honestly thought the two should kissed and made-up an insane collaboration together. ooocH...oUch...old hurts.
they were so much alike in ways.

answer>...you forgot wire, stuff little fingers, stranglers....but you did say the undertones!!!!
hey hey feargal!

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Message 83/84                 Date: 24-Sep-03  @  12:47 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...



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that gypsy front man in Radiohead can't sing! And don't tell me its just pained expression cos he ACTUALLY can't hold a note. But I think the music is amazing but let down badly my Tom's voice.

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Message 84/84                 Date: 24-Sep-03  @  01:27 PM   -   RE: The man in black says goodbye...


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the ramones drummer makes me laugh, sorta plays like a cabaret band drummer.

I always thought, Lydon wanted a serious band and maclaren was just obsessed with the quick money & pumping sid up - I guess that's why Lydon quit out of disgust. It was hilarious seeing the faces of all the 'punks' when they put 'The Swindle' album on the turntable after getting it home - lol! what a laff - anyways, Didnt Chris Spedding do all the guitars on Bollocks? like the Blockheads bassist did all the bass on (at least the earlier) Clash albums didnt he (I heard)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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