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Subject: I'll burn in hell for this...

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Original Message                 Date: 08-Aug-03  @  08:03 PM     Edit: 08-Aug-03  |  10:59 PM   -   ,


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Or get lynched.


1. It beats being an American.

2. Only country to successfully invade the US and burn its capital to the ground.

3. You can play ice hockey 12 months a year, outdoors.

4. Only country to successfully invade the US and burn its capital to the ground.

5. Where else can you travel 1000 miles over fresh water in a canoe?

6. A political leader can admit to smoking pot and his/her popularity ratings will rise.

7. Only country to successfully invade the US and burn its capital to the ground.

8. Kill Grizzly bears with huge f**koff shotguns and cover your house in their skins

9. Own-an-Eskimo scheme.

10. Only country to successfully invade the US and burn its capital to the ground


1. You can have a woman president without electing her

2. You can spell colour wrong and get away with it

3. You can call Budweiser beer

4. You can be a crook and still be president

5. If you've got enough money you can get elected to do anything

6. If you can breathe you can get a gun

7. You get to be really obese

8. You can play golf in the most hideous clothes ever made and nobody seems to care.

9. You get to call everyone you've never met "buddy"

10. You can think you're the greatest nation on earth.

10a. When you're not.

10b. At all.

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Message 71/131                 Date: 19-Aug-03  @  07:39 AM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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I really was "takin' the piss" as they say. Speaking of top ten things "...our", "...mme", ...re" should be some of the top ten reasons for being British: "colour", "programme", "centre" etc.
Such loverly looking words.

Jeez, insomnia is killing me - I gotta get some sleep.

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Message 72/131                 Date: 19-Aug-03  @  10:12 AM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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Looks like the Americans are stirred up...phew, luckily they are all asleep and I can post.

I've been to America a couple of times and I like it, nice place, lots of space, people generally friendly and nice, I want to go again too!.

but....and seriously now.....The American people in general have an immature attitude, they are immature people...they are very "gung ho" people...for example:

Mr Large says..."hello Mr American, your full of shit"....Mr American says "Right, I'm gonna kick yo mother fvcking ass you punk ass biatch...WOOO YEAH! I'M PROUD TO BE AMERICAN - ONLY IN THE U.S OF A etc.." without thinking about the consequences and the fact that Mr Large is twice his size....in short, gung-ho, doesn't really think long term.

which is why in the past few years Americans kill more allies than enemies when at war, cos they like to storm in like its "their time to shine".....stupid!.immature!...there still there now, except all they are doing is killing innocent camera men etc...

and finally, what does the USA contribute to the world....

Global warming?...they cant build a car with an engine less than 8 litres, hmm, there's a pollutant for you....I hired a car when I was out there, 4.3 litre engine...why??...it was pathetic, the 1.4 litre car I had at the time would have left it for dust....

and many others, got to stop, work calls......overall, don't pride yourselves too much, you might self destruct.

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Message 73/131                 Date: 19-Aug-03  @  01:18 PM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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does it matter if i'm taking the piss or not?

it's anyone being offended that's hilarious.

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Message 74/131                 Date: 19-Aug-03  @  02:24 PM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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yanks are easily offended tho, they are so proud of their country that if you bring them down a peg, they get the arse

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Message 75/131                 Date: 19-Aug-03  @  03:25 PM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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big fat moron's arse

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Message 76/131                 Date: 19-Aug-03  @  05:26 PM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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Spot - The list of what America brings to the global community is huge, so I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about that other than to say we wouldn't be having this online discussion if it weren't for the internet (made in the USA). Also, it seems that whenever there is a crisis in another country, everyone calls for the U.S. to come in and take care of it. The U.S. does take a much more proactive stance now days, but your country might do the same if it was hit like we were on 9/11.

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Message 77/131                 Date: 19-Aug-03  @  05:36 PM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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yeah spot, Im sorry but that one was pretty stupid. Even though there's a ton of bullshit the US govt perpetrates, America as a whole seems to contribute its share of good as well

I sure would love to see, as an experiment, what would happen is we pulled in all our tentacles, maybe holding on only to import/export if necessary.

I do believe that if we didnt import we'd be fucked...prices would go through the roof.

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Message 78/131                 Date: 19-Aug-03  @  06:17 PM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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import/export is what it's all about though influx. it's the control over wealth that influences american and most if not all countries' foreign policy.

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Message 79/131                 Date: 19-Aug-03  @  06:24 PM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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"much more proactive stance now days" erm ...
there's a whole thread here about how proactive american foreign policy has been in recent times.

just coz you're in iraq and afghanistan with ground troops these days doesn't mean you haven't been poking your noses in all over the world for good or bad for the last 50 years.

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Message 80/131                 Date: 19-Aug-03  @  06:39 PM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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ok, but...bedwyr...govt's often ASK the US to do that!

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