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Subject: US Govt. poisons soldiers, you next

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Original Message 1/8                 Date: 08-Nov-02  @  12:37 AM   -   US Govt. poisons soldiers, you next


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ewwww... nasty

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Message 2/8                 Date: 09-Nov-02  @  12:58 PM   -   RE: US Govt. poisons soldiers, you next



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yeah, UK soldiers I've talked to have seen all their medical records altered at the M.O on their profiles so references to drugs they were given have been deleted.

The US & UK governments are spending millions of taxpayers money MONTHLY blocking the soldiers claims for compensation.

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Message 3/8                 Date: 09-Nov-02  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: US Govt. poisons soldiers, you next



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hey, I was at a prty a couple of weeks ago and I am talking with one of the performers, some elder english lady about this and that, an somehow she mentions some artificial intelligence department of a universitz next to my old school

Somehow her face is getting itchy when I am telling her that they came to our school and got some of us to sit in on there experiments...and she is looking serious and I am thinking "I can't remember what the f we did in those experiemnts" and then her friend comes over and I am introduced as "he was in the experiments at Heriot Watt AI dept" and the friends face gets itchy.... wooo ooo eee a

Any it was a placebo, i was a control, i was a control

that isn't funny is it?

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Message 4/8                 Date: 09-Nov-02  @  08:07 PM   -   RE: US Govt. poisons soldiers, you next


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ok, NOW at least i know why you´re so weird. thank god for that explanation.


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Message 5/8                 Date: 09-Nov-02  @  09:27 PM   -   RE: US Govt. poisons soldiers, you next


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i coulda sworn it was ether

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Message 6/8                 Date: 10-Nov-02  @  11:00 AM   -   RE: US Govt. poisons soldiers, you next


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lol! - they should market it to a music company




I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/8                 Date: 10-Nov-02  @  06:18 PM   -   RE: US Govt. poisons soldiers, you next


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that would be terrible. i wouldn't wish that kind of output on anyone. now, churn em out like paully or hydro and THAT would sell!

Now, if only they made a quality pill.... THEN...



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Message 8/8                 Date: 13-Nov-02  @  05:44 PM   -   RE: US Govt. poisons soldiers, you next


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tlaked to a friend of mine who just got back from Afghanistan a few months ago....

Remember alll the stories of a mystery illness, the fact that the US troops and then Royal Marines were coming down with extreme fatigue and nobody knew why?

Well he told me what it was; they now all about it and everyone envolved had to sign offical sectret papers ertc etc..

It was depleted uranium posioning. The entire western/Nato/ and soviet block countries conventional wepaons are based on using depleted uranium tipped bullets. Seems they cant go public on it otherwise they''ll have to rethink their entire weapons stockpiles and tactics...

Nasty stuff, just to give you an example 13 stone commando to a 8 stone weakling in 3 months... Thats not like any fatigue I've ever heard of..



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