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Subject: that nice man on the telly...

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Original Message 1/8                 Date: 28-Mar-03  @  09:01 AM     Edit: 28-Mar-03  |  09:03 AM   -   that nice man on the telly...


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Remember that nice man who appeared all over UK TV telling us what a great idea it was to invade/liberate Iraq?


'The Pentagon and the Federal Bureau of Investigation objected to Global Crossing’s sale to Hong Kong's Hutchison Whampoa, which was accused last year by Perle's fellow hawks of being a front for China's People's Liberation Army. The FBI was concerned because the US government uses Global Crossing’s fiber-optics networks and a sale would put the networks under control of the Chinese government. Global Crossing said it would pay Perle $125,000 plus an additional $600,000 if the deal went through.

A growing chorus of critics and lawmakers decried Perle, nicknamed Prince of Darkness, as putting himself in a situation with a significant conflict of interest. This is anything but terra incognita for Perle, who has resigned from a previous post as assistant secretary of defense in April 1987 - amid complaints of conflicts of interest.

Global Crossing presumably hired Perle, former assistant secretary of defense under Ronald Reagan, as a lobbyist because he wields an enormous amount of power around the Pentagon. Perle is one of the biggest hawks in the nest: key adviser to buddy and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and a leading architect and proponent of the Bush administration’s bellicose policies toward Iraq.'

Doesn't he just give you that warm cuddly feeling?

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Message 2/8                 Date: 28-Mar-03  @  09:55 AM   -   RE: that nice man on the telly...


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oh.. it just gets worse..


He resigned today as the unpaid chairman of an influential Pentagon advisory board but intends to stay on as a member.

At least 10 of the panel's 31 members are executives or lobbyists with private companies that have tens of billions of dollars' worth of contracts with the Defense Department and other government agencies, according to a report to be released by the center Friday.

"If he is continuing as Member of the Board, that continues to be a problem," Conyers said.

Charles Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity, a government watchdog group, agreed. And he said the advisory board's ethical failings reach beyond Perle.

At least 10 of the panel's 31 members are executives or lobbyists with private companies that have tens of billions of dollars' worth of contracts with the Defense Department and other government agencies, according to a report to be released by the center Friday.

"The problems of the Defense Policy Board run much deeper than Richard Perle," Lewis said. "To the public it looks like you have folks feathering their nest. . . . I'm shocked and awed by audacity of who has been selected and who is serving on this board. There really is a tin ear when it comes to ethical appearance considerations."

The panel, which meets at least quarterly, brings together academics and former government and military officials to advise Pentagon officials on a wide range of strategic issues and defense policy matters. Agendas from recent meetings list discussions on Iran, North Korea and the Pentagon's controversial Total Information Awareness initiative.

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Message 3/8                 Date: 28-Mar-03  @  09:56 AM   -   RE: that nice man on the telly...


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Looks like Iran is next on the 'liberation' list then.. poor bastards..

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Message 4/8                 Date: 28-Mar-03  @  12:17 PM   -   RE: that nice man on the telly...


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Shock but not awe. These people are disgusting. Unfortunately it's not even that shocking. When are the American people gonna wake up to see we have the same kinds of people in power as many of the countries we condemn for their people in power?

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Message 5/8                 Date: 28-Mar-03  @  12:35 PM   -   RE: that nice man on the telly...


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iran? uh-oh... i wouldnt try to "liberate" them just like that... even less than i'd try to "liberate" north corea probably.

off to buy some duct tape and plastic sheathing i think...

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Message 6/8                 Date: 28-Mar-03  @  04:09 PM   -   RE: that nice man on the telly...


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watch your nadgers.. can leave a nasty burn...

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Message 7/8                 Date: 29-Mar-03  @  12:21 AM   -   RE: that nice man on the telly...



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Korea even

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Message 8/8                 Date: 29-Mar-03  @  01:40 PM   -   RE: that nice man on the telly...


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lol! yah... corea is my mate, hence easy mistake to make

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