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Subject: the vw and the rolls royce

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Original Message 1/8                 Date: 22-Sep-03  @  04:45 PM   -   the vw and the rolls royce


Posts: 3872

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This man in a Volkswagon Beetle pulls up next to a guy in a Rolls Royce.

Their windows are open and he yells at the guy in the Rolls:

"Hey, you got a telephone in that Rolls ?"

The guy in the Rolls says, "Yes, of course I do."

"I got one too... see?"

"Uh, huh, yes, that's very nice."

"You got a fax machine?"

"Why, actually, yes, I do."

"I do too ! See? It's right here !"


The light is just about to turn green and the guy in the Volkswagon says, "So, do you have a double bed in back there?"

And the guy in the Rolls says, "NO! Do you?"

"Yep, got my double bed right in back here see."

The light turns and the man in the Volkswagon takes off.

Well, the guy in the Rolls is not about to be one-upped, so he goes immediately to a customizing shop and orders them to put a
double bed in back of his car.

About two weeks later, the job is finally done and he picks up his car and drives all over town looking for the Volkswagon.

He finally finds it parked alongside the road so he pulls his Rolls Royce up next to it.

The windows on the Volkswagon are all fogged up and he feels a little awkward about it, but he gets out of his newly modified Rolls and taps on the foggy window of the Volkswagon.

The man in the Volkswagon finally opens the window a crack and peeks out.

The guy in the Rolls says, "Hey. Remember me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I remember you. What's up?"

"Check this out... I got a double bed installed in my Rolls."

And the man in the Volkswagon says,


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Message 2/8                 Date: 22-Sep-03  @  05:19 PM   -   RE: the vw and the rolls royce


Posts: 133

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B'waaaaah haaaa!


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Message 3/8                 Date: 22-Sep-03  @  06:55 PM   -   RE: the vw and the rolls royce


Posts: 5701

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*hides eyes, holds head, and then finaly bursts out laughing*

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Message 4/8                 Date: 22-Sep-03  @  08:11 PM   -   RE: the vw and the rolls royce


Posts: 2082

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Message 5/8                 Date: 22-Sep-03  @  08:21 PM   -   RE: the vw and the rolls royce

Broken Silence


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Message 6/8                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  12:53 PM   -   RE: the vw and the rolls royce


Posts: 12353

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lol! - classic!!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/8                 Date: 23-Sep-03  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: the vw and the rolls royce


Posts: 118

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Message 8/8                 Date: 24-Sep-03  @  11:55 AM   -   RE: the vw and the rolls royce



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ha ha ha ha ha *bleed*

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