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Subject: useless website

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  02:56 AM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  02:57 AM   -   useless website


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Message 71/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: useless website



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Message 72/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  04:00 PM   -   RE: useless website


Posts: 6231

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w/o feeling the need to waste my fucknig time by qualifying everything i write as being my perception (...)

i have presented to you my experiences contributing to the development of my present acuity. these experiences have been presented 'as a westerner to a westerner.'

i was eighteen when i happened to witness a friends' mother talking to invisibles and decided that must be awful handy. it was 3 years before i began to experience this and ~ a dozen years before i got a handle on what was happening to me.

i am not presenting this as a recipe, it's information. i have repeatedly (and posted in my 'license') that development (technical, anythnig) is a function of the individual.

i have repeatedly declaimed the concept of reference for information.

however, whatever i'm saying is obviously too dangerous for k to allow me to come off as anythnig other than jim jones or whoever.

in this day and age, people could stand to manifest more con-science. and you want to ridicule me for promoting what is a rather potent form of communication.

you go on ahead, big men. u know what ur doing doncha. real vision. touch-down.

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Message 73/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  07:54 PM   -   RE: useless website


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aaaahhh! the tide !! a good stir of our precious bodily fluids

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Message 74/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  09:22 PM   -   RE: useless website


Posts: 673

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watch out for the rules x, just by saying it you make it real - word mene cages

If you worry about the social acceptance of speaking with invisibles try positioning a mobile phone next to your ear, alternativly I suppose you can just call one while the phone is there

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Message 75/75                 Date: 01-Oct-04  @  06:41 PM   -   RE: useless website


Posts: 6231

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if my words are a cage, don't forget to kick away the keys once you're safe and secure inside.

my mother, my father, my sister.. i got deep love for the airport moth. but i'm not responsible for perception. you have to learn from your own mistakes, development is a process of the individual.

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