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Subject: useless website

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Original Message 1/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  02:56 AM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  02:57 AM   -   useless website


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Message 2/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  03:04 AM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  03:08 AM   -   RE: useless website

SignalRunners - BLU

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too much time man, too much time

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Message 3/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  04:59 AM   -   RE: useless website



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you really do some excellent work my man.

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Message 4/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  07:59 AM   -   RE: useless website



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less useless website.

ponder this child's dilemna.

is he thinking?....man it's wonderful how efficient and fruitful
western society is....
with it's billion fossil-fuel burning vehicles going constantly...we might even be able to tip the earth's climactic balance in such a way as to make the extinction of the dinosaurs something no one remembers.

scientists.....especially in england and america, have been saying the earth's warming poses a greater threat to mankind than terrorism.
does this kid look like he's getting his fair share?

it's funny and sad when those here argue for man's nature as if they were preserving or
arguing for nature itself>
as if we were the birds and the bees and not the destroyers of things.

did someone say koyanasquaatsi?

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Message 5/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  08:12 AM   -   RE: useless website



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and cat stevens is a terrorist.

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Message 6/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  01:22 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Everything man does and makes and the materials he makes it with is a product or a process of nature.We are reprocessors even at the fundamental level our own bodies will produce fuel for something like all those billion year old dead insects and plants provide fuel for our activities so will our own bodies produce fuel for some other natural process.So in a sense our destructiveness is simílar to the other destructive forces of nature like volcanic activity etc.It's possible that our destructive activities may benefit some other live form on this planet if not in our own time possibly in the future.I think we have a choice whether we are more creative or more destructive but regardless we are simply a product of nature and if we do cause ourselves to become extinct and take other species with us then who are we to 2nd guess nature eh?It's an ill wind that blows no good and all that jive.

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Message 7/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  02:53 PM   -   RE: useless website

Steve Roughley

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Well said, Pict. I've gone blue in the face before trying to get anti-human-activity-doom-sayers to understand that we are nature. If there is any blame to place, it should be on nature for creating us, but that really doesn't make any sense either if you think about it.

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Message 8/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  04:40 PM   -   RE: useless website


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if you're going to argue that ARTificial = natural, you eliminate the process of will. if you are unable to discern between contrivancy and incontrivancy, there's no point in me typing this  

since you're alive and might have the impression of independent volition, perhaps you really ought to concern yourself with making choices. and if you accept this, then it's rather counterproductive to go around suggesting the above.

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Message 9/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  04:47 PM   -   RE: useless website



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so the choice to either behave responsibly or not is not ours at all.
the choice whether to mow down a rainforest is not ours since nature decided.
the choice as to whether to blow the eardrums out of sperm-whales with new ultra-sonic anti-submarine sonar blasts is not ours. it's nature's.
the choice as to whether to make larger and larger SUVs spewing hydrocarbonsso every little housewife in america can think her majesty running her kids down to the school requires imperial means. that choice isn't ours. it's natures....probably a
congress of possums made that decision.

my point is that every time we have a choice to side with responsibility and/or balance.....we almost always seem to steer the boat in the direction of tragedy.

and it's always a handful of select but otherwise passive and/or ultra-comfortable types who will argue on the side of the trucks ready to clear the forest.
you don't make a peep until someone decies the nature of the compass which guides us.
and then you pretend you care.
i understand man had a choice a long-time-ago as to whether we live harmoniously with the rest of our animal brethren and the house which was provided us.....
to SHARE...not destroy.
pict may tend to his land with a conscience and sense of duty to more than his pocketbook....

but that barely covers the larger picture in terms of who's achieved dominance on this earth.....
and for how these arguments i hear still somehow seem to support.

i am nature too and nature is speaking to you.

now go run and be powerful.
i know florida is......

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Message 10/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  04:49 PM   -   RE: useless website



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decRies the nature of the compass which guides us.

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Message 11/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  05:03 PM   -   RE: useless website



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case in point....the FOREMOST experts in america AND england....those we call scientists and those who've been studying this shit for decades.....with the most sophisticated means and methods available...have all been warning of this impending threat......
and yet you roughley wants to call them anti-human-activity-doomsayers???!?!

they disn't say stip eating or shitting or fucking or playing cricket......
they said our bigger larger and more abundant cars and vehicles are destroying our global human environment in which we ALL must live.
so to justify the needs of the insecure who must drive these fancy coaches so as to not appear as a bunch of illiterate materialist pawns (which they are).

even the top-analysts in the bush administration this year concluded that global warning posed a larger threat to global stability than did terrorism.
and yet we go quietly back to GET THA GIRLIE....
and pretty much aquashed that line of "doom-saying".

funny...thing (probably sad too)...however, is when england gets it's fair share...you've really got nowhere to even evacuate to.

and that's not to say DON"T enjoy life. no!...enjoy it!..certainly!...but just remember your arguments FOR every level of destructive human activity makes the party just a little shorter for the REST OF US.
thanks steve....very kind of you.

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Message 12/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  06:18 PM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  06:59 PM   -   RE: useless website

Steve Roughley

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Damn, I wasn't having a go at you, Clay. Having re-read my post I can see how it looks like I was. My apologies. However, I never said that what we do doesn't change things. All I was pointing out is that we are a product of nature and that’s it. That’s all I said (though, I admit the doomsayer part could easily be read to suggest otherwise).

I wouldn't worry about me causing huge amounts of damage either Clay. I haven't owned, or even driven, a car in years, I don't use any nasty chemicals (I mean household chemicals here :P), I don't litter, etc, etc. I've always been genuinely neurotic about these things. But, this doesn't make me any better or worse than anyone else. Which is kind of related to my next point. I feel that you cannot truly blame people for the changes that we have caused to the world (you can do something about them, though, if you wish...). Yes, we can make choices, and so can most other animals (and they're natural, aren't they?). Yes, we do have the benefit of being able to make use of more scientific information when making these choices. However our free will is still limited by our upbringing, education, environment and ultimately our own drives. I see people who feel it is our duty to maintain a state-of-earth as if we were never even here and I see people who just say I don’t give a stuff about the earth; I want power. To me, the former seems rather neurotic and warped, and the latter, proof that we are animals. And you can’t deny that we are. I’m cold and hungry and I’ve completely forgotten what I was going to say next. But basically, you can’t be surprised by the way we behave. You can say that people could behave differently, but they don’t. You could say that blue is pink, but it isn’t. Everything is as it is for how else could it be.

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Message 13/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  06:33 PM   -   RE: useless website


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i found it pretty soothing

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Message 14/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  06:38 PM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  06:40 PM   -   RE: useless website

SignalRunners - BLU

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from a pointless innocent blank page topic, to anti-human, global polution/economy and terrorism etc in under 5 posts!

DT at its finest!

Now, all we need is a Bush slur thrown in and this thing is SET!

Great job!!!!

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Message 15/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  06:49 PM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  06:49 PM   -   RE: useless website

Steve Roughley

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Just doin our jobs

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Message 16/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  06:51 PM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  07:05 PM   -   RE: useless website

Steve Roughley

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Oh. Just realised I was a latecomer. Hope this doesn't affect my benefits.

Also, xoxos when you mention the point about: "if you're going to argue that ARTificial = natural". The fact that man believes that his work is not natural is exactly what I am talking about. Its an almost paradoxical line of thought. Our distinction between the natural and the artificial is purely functional in my view and definitely not absolute. We use it to difine what we directly changed and that does not remove us from nature.

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Message 17/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  06:59 PM   -   RE: useless website



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well...blu...the pointless innocent blank was fun for a few hours...i have to admit.

but yes..steve...for some reason i thought i'd gathered in you a sensitivity which suggested conscience-bearing...and even data suggesting non-motorized vehicularity.
and yes...i'm conviced all life has no choice but to impose it's essence on the void.
i know my very being creates it's own specific level of destruction. for me to live...i have to work....for me to work i have to drive to people's houses who have money to pay me to improve their houses....and for this i require a trck to get me and all my goodies there and back.
every tree and monkey and aphid takes it's place and leaves it's mark.
i'm no different.
we all have our part to play.
and in that equation we all live and die....hopefully having experienced some joy during the process.
if i thought life was all misery it wouldn't even be worth arguing these silly issues because it wouldn't be worth doing so.
somehow, i'm often deluded with a notion that those we bring into this world might also enjoy a quality of life we may have, ourselves, briefly tasted.

my suggestions become merely an effort to enrichen our ability to enjoin in these pursuits without burning down the house any quicker than we need to.
i was arguing with the argument/statement more than i was with you.
i am always sorry later when i let things get needlessly personal but we are truly living persons and...
attached to our sense of beliefs in what is often an emotional manner.

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Message 18/75                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  07:03 PM   -   RE: useless website



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benefits intact.....but membership suggests occasional participation.

good to see it.

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Message 19/75                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  04:02 PM   -   RE: useless website


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what you (addressing all civilised memes here) ought is to get some perspective!

go to the white mountain apache reservation and witness nomadic humans. they're not "trying to make-do with a considerate lifestyle" living in western houses eating food from the grocery (well, not all of them) they're living in temporary shadehouses called wikiups that do for the season.

w/o having an example, how realistic does this lifestyle sound? half the time i open my mouth, people say i've spent too much time watching movies! but they live!

as to the artificial vs. natural, as i said, if you don't discern, there's no point in me talking. it's a truth, as are many other things, and again, it's true that if you go around suggesting this, the natural inclination is to see this as a good reason not to worry about following destructive cultural patterns.

you know? i mean i could go on about trancendental states of being, but to someone who's just got a pick-axe thru their leg, it might be bloody true, they're not bloody interested in hearing it, because it doesn't do a lot of bloody good to talk about it right then. it confuses discretion.

discretion, as crap as it may be to cosmic truth and absolute states of definition, is real handy for living creatures not making the world crappy.

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Message 20/75                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  04:06 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Message 21/75                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  05:14 PM   -   RE: useless website



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what i think beds can't fathom.....and what is still difficult for me at times
(even though i've been observing it for my entire life...
but to an unbelievable extent in the last couple decades)...
is the rate and intensity with which urban/suburban sprawl continues here in the southwest united states.
this includes arizona especially...where x lives.

it's something we all accept as nature's way of accomodating it's most noble creature and yet....it's absolutely incredible at what speed we can take entire stretches of earth and build these huge houses to house beings who, seem to me, totally unfettered by the realization that the prices they pay are not in line with what they're getting....and the price in terms of how we alter our natural landscape is irreversible.

i've often regretted not photgraphing stretches of land that i knew were being eyed for development.
i've often wanted to share those unphotgraphed documentations here.
a development can look like a huge white and pink growth overtaking a mountainside. if the weather continues the way it does...eventually more and more people will abandon the east and move west.

it won't end til it's all filled up.

and btw x......when i say the best revenge is living well....i'm not talking big house and nice cars out front.
i'm simply talking living well....on some most basic level...without the need for all of the crap culture is always attempting to foist upon us.

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Message 22/75                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  09:09 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Message 23/75                 Date: 26-Sep-04  @  11:10 PM   -   RE: useless website



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milan too.
such a lot of energy there.

haven't heard one track from him this year...but boy can he roll dem eyes.

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Message 24/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  02:18 AM   -   RE: useless website


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i was making an existensial comment about the pointlessness of the human condition and how ...

... oh fuck it.

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Message 25/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  03:25 AM   -   RE: useless website



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and so were we and nietzsche and camus and sartre..

liked your last song btw...not Dewch (i know that's an oldie)...but the other song: poop my ride.

but oh fuck it.
human condition and all being what it is.

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Message 26/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  02:23 PM   -   RE: useless website


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it's a good thing there are some side benefits to being tributary to the carnal sheath eh!

seated on a big ball of molten rock, c'mon bleed for me !

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Message 27/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  02:24 PM   -   RE: useless website


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well thank ewe. more emptyness^

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Message 28/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  04:24 PM   -   RE: useless website


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clay... go tile a roof or something

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Message 29/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  05:02 PM   -   RE: useless website


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listen you DUMB FUCKERS...

this is the universe. this is the universe OF YOU.

this is the universe that is. YOU is. oh-tay? ?(am i cute yet?)

don't you understand? can't you see? everythnig around you is universe. everythnig within you is universe.

it doesn't go away, it doesn't stop.

now i realise that being civilised, european, british especially can really fortify you in the "i'm a worthless cunt of nothing, safe as fuck" department, but get over it! GET OVER IT!

your mind.

what do you THINK - IT IS?

every thought creates the universe. every thought never goes away. every thought *never stops* the eschaton.. did you understand the jamms or was it just a good laugh on pills?? do you think they were joking or they made it up because it sounded good?

take your mind and apply it to the universe, every time. everythnig you think goes to totality.

and you think the universe is empty?

goddamn, bedwyr, and i thought you were welsh.

ever fucking sing?

what the fuck is that, beds. why do animals go about their business with any other noise, but as soon as you sing, they stop and listen?

don't you see that there is more than nothing within you?

maybe it seems pointless, imo the universe is just plain wrong, but don't relinquish your power.

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Message 30/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  08:11 PM   -   RE: useless website

SignalRunners - Andrew

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oh wait maybe this is why people dont post here anymore!

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Message 31/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  08:25 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Yeah, it's true that most folks will avoid posting in any forum where someone might show up and suggest (demand?) that they assume some FUCKING repsonsibilty forthemselves... eh?


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Message 32/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  08:36 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Andrew maybe it's your charming personality that causes people to refrain from posting here?Or maybe they agree with what others have posted and feel no need to add anything further themselves?Tacit agreement?

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Message 33/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  08:51 PM   -   RE: useless website


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oh dear. i just thought it was funny somebody made a site with nothing in it. (or is there?) what you lot care to talk about .. well, i haven't actually read any of it.

look, the universe isn't empty! i can see something there on the horizon! ^

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Message 34/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  12:00 AM   -   RE: useless website


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anyway... i totaly agree with rurik's last post. but it probably means something else to him than it does to me...

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Message 35/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  03:04 AM   -   RE: useless website


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lol, and i agree with milan. and... beds? yeah, i think i agree with him too

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Message 36/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  05:25 AM   -   RE: useless website



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as if we didn't know already.

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Message 37/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  08:02 AM     Edit: 28-Sep-04  |  08:03 AM   -   RE: useless website


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IMHO, as is often the case, seemingly contradictory views are often both right, addressing the same issue, but on different levels...

Yes, we are part of nature, inescapably, and therefore all we do is part of nature.

And humankind does have a nature... and that nature often leads to what we can see as disastrous consequences, e.g. war, pollution, etc etc.

On the other hand, we have rare gifts; insight, discrimination, awareness, love in a way that most creatures don't.

So, we do have a choice, and as x says, every thought, every action becomes part of the creative unfolding of the universe, and we maybe should be, could be, conscious of that.

We can look at that as a great responsibility and be humbled by it and look at it as a great potentiality and be inspired by it.

Choice, we do have choice. We can choose to believe in free will, we can choose to believe in predestination.

We can choose to follow our venal nature and crap all over this universe, we can choose to follow our higher nature and nurture this universe.

We're all musicians here.. surely we've all felt that state where we act as a conduit for the truly creative... just as we can use music as a tool to exploit (MTV anyone?)

The best music never gets recorded...

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Message 38/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  08:07 AM   -   RE: useless website


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Andrew: "oh wait maybe this is why people dont post here anymore!"

so, who are you not posting in reply to?

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Message 39/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  02:33 PM   -   RE: useless website


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"do you think they were joking or they made it up because it sounded good?"

nope, pretty sure he wrote it as it is/was/will

In the name of world peace
In the name of world profits
America pumps up our secret police
America wants fuel
To get it, it needs puppets
So what's ten million dead?
If it's keeping out the Russians

Ha Ha

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Message 40/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  04:40 PM   -   RE: useless website



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i'm just somewhat saddened by the conscious effort of some here to group into an unhappy-corner camp...having obviously discussed this amongst themselves and behaving in concert.....as if their absence or lack of participation might actually send a signal to the rest of us as to their obvious displeasure.

it's easy to understand that people are displeased...but so what?!?!?!!

this place will never be what it was 2 years ago.
neither is iraq washington or florida....haiti....or anywhere else for that matter.

one of life's basic lessons is that things change.
you eventually grow hair on your nuts and then your kids do the same and they get jobs and then you die.
you can either flow with it and run and try to help steer the course to the best of your ability
or you can pout and roll your eyes.
or you can actually find a completely different pasture to graze in.
this place is merely a reflection of the larger world.....but it's not the entire world.

be here or be there.
half in...or half out.
should i stay or should or should i go?

only you can decide but it's your indecision that gets reflected upon.....just like everything else.
that's just life.
we all see things differently.

the thing about a guy like spot.
he was here when he was here spitting spewing foaming and generally having a good time.
and then...when he's not..he's gone.
poof....gone...no whining...no stirring in his chair struggling with whether to hold back or not. i simply like that in a guy.
no quiet man sitting in the corner shit.

oh well...but none of it really matters...does it?
considering the pointless nature of man and all.
i invite you to go look at that blank screen over and over and over again.....
and entertain any such notions....if it pleases you.
no one said not to.
i just happen to enjoy breaking the silence....
and after all......i totally agree!!!!!!

good morning viet nam.

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Message 41/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  04:58 PM     Edit: 28-Sep-04  |  04:58 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Clay, would you cut it out with the "us vs you" thing because it doesn't exist. From almost everything I read from you about us, I am of the conclusion that you have no idea where any of "us" are coming from. And I imagine that we totally miss half of what you're saying, too. It's just different forms of communication, so quit perceiving it as some sort of struggle.

There's nothing wrong with DT. Nothing wrong with the people on DT. Things come and go in waves. Sometimes people use the forums. Some of us use chat. [shrug]... don't be so conspiratorial.

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Message 42/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  05:24 PM   -   RE: useless website


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"Twiglet Zone music..."

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Message 43/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Does no one post here anymore?

I keep seeing the same stupid jokes, same stupid political opinions, same stupid philosophical ramblings and the same stupid people who don't agree with said ramblings.

Isn't that what the Slaggit forum has been for, like... 8 years?!!!! Isn't that why we love DT? I know it's why I keep coming back. Because I can get or give quality info when I or someone else is hung up on somthing technical, and I can stop by WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT and bullshit with a bunch of bullshiters...

Oh my, it's just occured to me that some people might not think this is all bullshit... my my my

What exactly has changed?

A moniker?




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Message 44/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  06:08 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Message 45/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: useless website


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"the best music never gets recorded"

magic, metaphysics, whatever, was just always interesting to me. as i grow older, it's more apparent to me that any sort of mental process, refinement, especially music, which is the study and application of frequency... is all the same kind of growth.

i had a stack of cds, maybe 5 or 6 on the floor. sitting there for days.

last night, i was speaking with a spirit, and we agreed it was time for it to leave. i happened to look at the cd stack at that moment and it was knocked over.. top cds were knocked a few inches.

this morning, my mother calls to say she's adopted two new cats.

right before the phone rings, i look at my finger, and one of shin gatsu's white hairs is stuck to the tip. i talk to my mother. yesterday i got an impression from her, "i miss shin," she described the incident that generated the emotion, so that's one telepathic transmission and one coincidental mystery hair since the cat didn't live here and i go over there maybe once every month or two, so you tell me how it happened to be on the end of my finger with me staring at it when the phone rings.

as musicians, you spend cumulative years just mixing frequencies.. that's *gotta* have an effect.. you're composers, dreamers ("of dreams..") that's gotta have an effect...

what i'm saying is, there's gotta be somethnig to work with here, you...

..haven't you ever been in love? maybe once, where you both pick up the phone at once, or suddenly you just feel a 'loved' feeling whereever you are?

i always had a crappy relationship with my mother.. not especially bad, just the typical maladjusted, worrisome child, and therefore withdrawn.. so a couple of years ago i started tellnig her everythnig, when it happened.

whether she just put up with my bullshit because i'm her child or what, we're closer now, eg. in a way that i don't feel i have to hide things to keep her happy.. and it's that sense of hiding things that impedes transmission.. well, recognised transmission mebbe :p

since her parents died, oc it's been one incident of "grampa just said.." after another.. (i can sit here and translate verbatim for hours) she's contacting too.. and this has oc increased the affinity for contact between us.. it's not shocking or anything any more.

but it is like being asleep all the time..

if you ignore mystical experiences as impractical.. (well it beats me why you would, i reckon everybody has some sort of hinting experience) it's like missing the big picture.

the power of imagination.. gently allowing possibilities.. that's all it is.

make what you can accept larger, increase your capacity for existence.

aah, crap. got me thinking i've found three long, black hairs in very strange/wrong places since i've been in this house. i'm going to sulk now.

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Message 46/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  10:57 PM   -   RE: useless website



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well...psy..i have to admit it's a real relief to hear it coming from you.

my job is done.
i can go home now.

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Message 47/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  03:29 AM   -   RE: useless website


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I don't know Xoxos take astrology that's a lot of imagination I think it's totally bogus and a waste of the imaginative energies especially when I see the big bucks being earned out of it by a load of repellent(to me)individuals.I'm all for imagination fuck I live by it but I think it's very important not to let it run away with you.

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Message 48/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  04:15 AM     Edit: 29-Sep-04  |  04:17 AM   -   RE: useless website


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if it wasn't for the moon, would we be roaming the earth ? i doubt it.

be merry, without worries
for the moon will shine for long
on all of our graves

Ghiyath al-Din Abu'l-Fath Umar ibn Ibrahim Al-Nisaburi al-Khayyami

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Message 49/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  06:58 AM   -   RE: useless website


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see what i mean about communication, clay? I'm really not clear on just how to take that. should I be?

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Message 50/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  08:13 AM   -   RE: useless website


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The reverse sense: how good words conceal evil purposes, how good causes lead to bad ends. In his remarkable book, La tête coupée, “The Severed Head,” the French mathematician Arnaud-Aaron Upinsky helps us to understand why something that seems so good, that promises economic prosperity and world harmony, globalization, is capable of compromising that simplest of institutions, the family, without which neither prosperity nor harmony can long exist. “The great systems of the modern era function, in fact, in the reverse sense of what they say: the majority is only a minority, equality implies inequality, la volonté générale, the general will, is only that of one party, etc. etc.

If we apply Upinsky’s concept of the reverse sense, we will ask ourselves whether the concept of globalization actually will bring the opposite of what it is intended to bring, namely, isolation. We say, “Globalization,” and think that we know what we will be getting. What we actually will be getting is quite different. Examples of Upinsky’s reverse sense are easy to find. One is expression that has come up so often in connection with the disturbances in Yugoslavia, East Timor, Pakistan, and elsewhere, “international community.” What the news accounts say is, “The international community desires.” What is this “international community”? Is there a volonté internationale? What these words really mean is that NATO, the United States, or perhaps only the American president desires. As Upinsky wrote, majority means minority, and la volonté générale means the will of one party, or perhaps even of one man.

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Message 51/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  11:08 AM   -   RE: useless website


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hmm..... perhaps the issue is

Grown up adults perhaps find it rather patronising to be continualy told

"Now pay attention!.... the world works like this you see!"

...or some such type of thing.

fuck OFF!..... please!.... Y'know?... there's a real differene between people saying:

"Well, such and such a philosopher thinks or theorises that....."


"such and such writer called life the.. blah blah... etc"


"such and such a culture beleives that...."

but this kind of:

"you're all stupid/imbeciles/children, and THIS is how it all actualy works"

That REALLY gets tiresome

i wonder about this you see.... you take a person from a dominatimng culture which historicaly has trampled over other peoples beliefs and cultures worldwide

you give someone brought up in all that a NEW theory of life or they discover a new 'way to live' or whatever you call it.... and sure enuff they'll apply their adherence to this new theory in the exact same way as their culture always has..... by taking that NEW 'bible' and trampling it all over everyone... trying to force people to adjust to it or realise it or beleive in it.

it's just the same cultural imperialism all over again

just the same behaviour but with different content.

imo of course  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 52/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  12:11 PM   -   RE: useless website


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and btw - i went and played a gig last night, checked email this morning - 5 more artists signed up overnight - y'know... but they might not be on the forums


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 53/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  12:33 PM   -   RE: useless website


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also this http://jo.zan.hu/poen/flash/honeybear_demo.swf

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Message 54/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  03:53 PM   -   RE: useless website


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y'see, k, y'can't understand, cos you have a child, and once you have a child, you're investing a lot of 'faith' in the physical reality.

and you said it yourself.. 'grown-up..' 'adult..'

both of these terms indicate a change in perception, behaviour, et c. from the initial state of being.

let me clue you in, then - when you 'grow up,' you swallow the shit. you're an adult now, you've decided to accept what you see and work on its' terms.


..and, friend, "you're all stupid/imbeciles/children, and THIS is how it all actualy works" is exactly the line that 'adults'/domesticated humans like to dish out. isn't it. isn't it.

oc pict is entirely ready to swallow astrology, based entirely on the physical universe, but scoffs the concept that the human may actually be, in part, a transducer.. ooh yes, you can read your forecast in the times but you can't fucking open your ears a bit can you?

that's called being led and an half.

go along then, grow up, be the man. and don't you dare be anythnig beyond that

i mean how fucking simple can you get - you want to slate me for being clairaudient? that's a piss in the pan, the first step.

a damn sight further than you'll ever get with that attitude.

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Message 55/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  04:18 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Xoxos are you deliberately being ridiculous?Do you actually read and comprehend what other people communicate to you?

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Message 56/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  04:27 PM   -   RE: useless website


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do you?

i'm not expressing anything new whatsoever. the concept of 'non-gross-physical' communication is probably recognised in every culture there is.. but i'm depicted as an evangelist?

you can go fuck yourself speaking to me with that attitude. as for my attitude, i didn't call anyone a dumb fucker until they rolled their eyes at me.

i mean, k will go on about geometric patterns in the koran mapping the orbit of uranus or some shit, but he can't fucking use his own ears. it's okay if he reads it in a book somewhere like you.

that, and having a go at me because i call someone a dumb fucker for automatically discarding me, is pathetic, sirs.

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Message 57/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  04:32 PM   -   RE: useless website


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you lot just carry on, don't mind me. this one's not quite so empty on the surface but it's actually more empty underneath

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Message 58/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  04:54 PM   -   RE: useless website


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i know a lot of you probably disaprove of my way, xoxos the first one it seems, but i still feel i have to quote all these authors who left a lasting imprint. now if i was a writer myself, i could convey it in my own soup, but i'm not. i'm also more than aware i'm not some kind of "thruth depot", but some things have such resonance within me, i feel there is "thruth" in them. i have no problem with being ridicule myself. i'd rather be ridicule than sit in the corner, mute. i do it in vivo also. that said i have to re-quote this again. 1984 very lasting imprint

"animals don't wear uniform but they kill as much as you
but the army kills for money and animals kill for food
it's the basest degradation in the name of what is right
become something you never were and regret till you die

'cos your father will tell you 'sonny you must do as you are told'
and you'll say the same thing to your kids when you're 32 years old
and unless you can react against the brainwash from the start
your goverment will rule your mind and your mind will rule your heart
you'll conform to every social law and be the system's slave
from birth to school to work to death from the cradle to the grave"

SubHumAns, from the cradle to the grave, 1984, bluurg records, fish 8cd.

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Message 59/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  05:08 PM   -   RE: useless website

SignalRunners - Andrew

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Message 60/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: useless website



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somewhere between all our myriad perceptions.....
lies a truth.

and still THAT truth will be brief in the larger cosmic equation....(where black holes and quasars have a slightly different view of things....and gods are pedestrian if that.)

our differences are truly miniscule...though we heap monuments and declarations upon them.

there are times when an aquarius with his moon-and-ascendant in virgo (listen up firehorse) may be hard hard HARD to the point of mean-ness and no-compromise...(and no....he ain't hearing ya today)>>>
he may be verbose and unrelenting and abrasive.....but he is no bullshiter....and determined to retain the universal child~
and able to make a distinction between that which is innocence and ignorance...
and those who play the one behind the banner/banter of the other.

that which is attributed to royal western upbringings is reinforced by this hard servile aspect of his.
to rule...one must learn to serve......
and that's why in spite all this loudness and harshness....
i find the sound refreshing (if even excessively so) in a world of so much howdy doody.
plus there's been no one more candid here in their revelations.....privately or publically.......and i always give honesty the highest marks.
plus he's never slagged one soul here privately to me...always, if anything...saying something nice if aname ever even came up.
discretion is for the anxious and well-mannered and we are but wild on the occasional wind. oh but joy!

zazza....band please.
we're home.

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Message 61/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  06:02 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Well Clay I simply don't believe in any of that moon in descending Saturn,tides in a tea cup stuff,I tend to go for the old Dr Who line"nothing is unexplainable only unexplained"that does not mean that I am devoid of a sense of the numinous far from it. Also I would never write things on the internet to a person that I wouldn't actually in physical reality say to their face.I really doubt many people would say all that"You dumbfuck,child,ignoramus" to a stranger they met in a public situation but yet they do on the net.Now that's what I call pathetic.A point that is couched in simple,gracious terms stands much more chance of being made effectively than random,incoherent,deranged,abusive,babbling coarsely spewed from a bitter mouth .

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Message 62/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  06:44 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Oh, dear.. the idea that for someone to be right, someone else must be wrong.

old as dirt.

and the source of most aggression.



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Message 63/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  11:10 PM   -   RE: useless website


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I quite like the image of the whole of human knowledge and experience being represented by the surface of a small wooden table in the middle of an endless desert. And one humans knowledge and experience being represented by a grain of sugar in a bowl on that table.

Only when you acknowledge that imbalance between the known and unknown will you recognise the scale of your misperception.

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Message 64/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  11:23 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Ah so - mebbe that scale depends on what you call 'knowledge' - if you get all zen and say that 'knowledge' is the total absense of anything then there is no scale.

or pretzels


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 65/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  12:16 AM   -   RE: useless website

SignalRunners - BLU

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yer all fuggin hippies!!

Naw, you all have points to a varying degree, but as i read this back its like yer all shouting over the top of each other! Still, a fascinating product of an empty webpage



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Message 66/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  12:21 AM   -   RE: useless website



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and such being the case......

just because one person doesn't like the taste smell or thought of sushi....
doesn't mean the combination-A plate ain't going for 21dollars down at kinokawa's.
or that we can't get very specific in making our desires known....if we're picky.

i mean...i don't particularly believe in eating beef on a regular basis but i know it's done and i know it works for huge numbers of people.
but a cow is something you can pen and slaughter and ingest...whereas the moon is only something you can look up at and ponder...and occasionally it's light or the tides as it causes them.
i've never seen a farmer's almanac which didn't include it as one of the most major significators of the natural process here on planet earth.

as for not calling anyone a dumbfuck here....
we aren't exactly strangers here are we?
that would be strange to think we could visit here on a regular basis and still be absolute strangers to each other.
i mean......wtf?

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Message 67/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  12:27 AM   -   RE: useless website



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if i could only be known for my ability to use the word> "here" .....
3 times in 2 sentences!!!!

all would be right in my world>>>

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Message 68/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  05:40 AM   -   RE: useless website


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ya know, you can edit. that's another way that DT is not like life...

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Message 69/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  07:25 AM   -   RE: useless website



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as if life ain't one big edit in many ways.

for instance one does not go about saying kill the prez> because he would get pounced upon and beaten and then thrown in jail and left to rot.

one does not cross the street when the light is red...even though, naturally, his legs and feet might keep moving him forward. the timing of these lights provide timing-edits to our steps so we don't get ourselves run into pieces.

skyscrapers...all neat in a row with levels just spaced so....windows in a row....all nicely edited like hi-hats....or 4-on-the=floor kicks. all perfectly edited.

wife says whatddaya wanna eat baby?
(edit)....whatever you say...say something nice.

boss says good morning jones....edit....well good morning to you boss.

we're in a constant state of editing ourselves daily.
oh YES!!!
a fine good morning to you too sir!!!

then there's working with pro-tools all day.
yes? no?

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Message 70/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  09:44 AM   -   RE: useless website


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"y'see, k, y'can't understand, cos you have a child, and once you have a child, you're investing a lot of 'faith' in the physical reality."

It is interesting. If a philosophy is true to anyone then all of them are true to everyone. Thats fine and all and life can be a waking awareness to the other philosopies as you experience time. But then you have a child and the "me, I as world" examples become dated. For the first time an abstract event has the power to alter your view and so become personal. Did I say moving on, perhaps moved on, although the coveyer belt brought me there the path was always there. I make no comment on validity, cos the argument means that all philosophies are always right - I have said that "nothing ever changes, just our understanding of them"

The edit function is funny though. You play or record. Either one or the other, discuss

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Message 71/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: useless website



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Message 72/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  04:00 PM   -   RE: useless website


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w/o feeling the need to waste my fucknig time by qualifying everything i write as being my perception (...)

i have presented to you my experiences contributing to the development of my present acuity. these experiences have been presented 'as a westerner to a westerner.'

i was eighteen when i happened to witness a friends' mother talking to invisibles and decided that must be awful handy. it was 3 years before i began to experience this and ~ a dozen years before i got a handle on what was happening to me.

i am not presenting this as a recipe, it's information. i have repeatedly (and posted in my 'license') that development (technical, anythnig) is a function of the individual.

i have repeatedly declaimed the concept of reference for information.

however, whatever i'm saying is obviously too dangerous for k to allow me to come off as anythnig other than jim jones or whoever.

in this day and age, people could stand to manifest more con-science. and you want to ridicule me for promoting what is a rather potent form of communication.

you go on ahead, big men. u know what ur doing doncha. real vision. touch-down.

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Message 73/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  07:54 PM   -   RE: useless website


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aaaahhh! the tide !! a good stir of our precious bodily fluids

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Message 74/75                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  09:22 PM   -   RE: useless website


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watch out for the rules x, just by saying it you make it real - word mene cages

If you worry about the social acceptance of speaking with invisibles try positioning a mobile phone next to your ear, alternativly I suppose you can just call one while the phone is there

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Message 75/75                 Date: 01-Oct-04  @  06:41 PM   -   RE: useless website


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if my words are a cage, don't forget to kick away the keys once you're safe and secure inside.

my mother, my father, my sister.. i got deep love for the airport moth. but i'm not responsible for perception. you have to learn from your own mistakes, development is a process of the individual.

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