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Subject: I might get flamed for this

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Original Message 1/70                 Date: 18-Jul-03  @  11:48 PM   -   I might get flamed for this


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A Pakistani Ambassador to the UN just finished giving a speech, and walks out into the lobby where he met President Bush.
They shake hands and walk together in the long verandah when suddenly the Pakistani said, "You know, I have just one question about what I have seen in America."

President Bush says "Well your Excellency, anything I can do to help you, I will do."

The Pakistani whispers, "My son watches this show 'Star Trek' and in it there are Russians, and Blacks, Chinese, Japanese and Indians but never any Pakistani, Afghani or Arabs.
So my son is very upset. He doesn't understand nor do I about why there aren't any Arabs, Pakistanis, and Afghanis in the Star Trek show."

President Bush laughs and leans toward the Pakistani, and whispers in his ear,
"Because... the show is all about the future"



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Message 2/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  04:04 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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i was e-mailed the same joke by a big-wig customer of mine about a year ago....except instead of pakistani it said palestinian.

i left a message on his machine to stop sending me this racist e-mail.

he called and apologized and said he was sorry and didn't mean to offend me.
i said right.

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Message 3/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  04:17 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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There aren't any trance producers on star trek  

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Message 4/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  05:08 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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I can see this joke both ways... It could be a telling portrait of the "American Attitude" towards these peoples. Not a bash on them, but on the sickness "WE" seem to suffer towards them...

It can be argued that there appears to be a systematic POLICY in place to put an end to these cultures.


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Message 5/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  03:01 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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it's like seeing any racist joke from BOTH ways.
i guarantee you the source from where i got it and ALL the rest of the crap the guy used to send me was pro-military, pro-US, pro-guns.....and ANTI-anyone-who-tries-to-stand-in-the-way.

kinda like saying the US as a joke is a satirical reflection of the US as a joke.

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Message 6/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  05:53 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Sorry wasnt meant to be racist, just a piss take, probably my sick british humour.:-}
I dont think bush is into ethnic cleansing.


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Message 7/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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really honestly going a bit far if one were to claim he was. I despise him/them but I dont think theyre about genocide

except maybe eliminating all poor people?

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Message 8/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  09:18 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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Our current administration is COMPLETELY intolerant of anyone who doesn't see things their way!

No, I don't think they want to kill off these people, but I do believe they want to see their cultures, their identity, stripped from them... And I genuinely believe that they cannot understand that people might CHOOSE to live differently than they do!


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Message 9/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  09:44 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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it comes to THIS: bush loves all people who DON"T TRY TO STAND IN HIS WAY OF WORLD CORPORATE DOMINATION. he don't care if you're chink jap thai-stick nappy-head rasta afro-niggerian wopfrog dago iraqi camel-kisser senor-taco whatever. as long as YOU SIMPLY AGREE TO GO ALONG with HIS PLAN.
condi rice and colin powell are just as much of the recipe to demonstrate this as ANYTHING.
the brothers will come after the brothers....ain't nathin new here.
africa has never been a stranger to war and tribal conflict...and that has certainly been proven here in america.

bush is no racist.
but he don't love humanity either.

he loves/needs 2 things.

power and daddy's love.
and daddy is a bad dude.
be careful what you say.

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Message 10/70                 Date: 19-Jul-03  @  10:02 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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and i ain't even incensed at you ian for having posted this thing. it certainly helped bring up some necessary points.

one is that this new level of tolerance and acceptance of war and systematic erasure/elimination of those who oppose the new corporate order of world greed and fabrication of any truth whatesoever to implement it....is totally appalling in it's depth and scope in this modern barbaric world run by suits-and-ties and highly-armed-camouflage world-over.

it used to be borderline acceptable or totally uncool to say the black-joke about the kid who gets his head stuck up on the velcro on the ceiling ...all that. watermelons. etc.

but what we're talking about in this new level of humor is mass-genocide.
not funny...haha...dark-skinned kid stuck on the velcro-ceiling. but no more palestinians...PERIOD.

go have a beer and pretend i'm out to kill you.
it's really okay because i'm not. but pretend i was.

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Message 11/70                 Date: 20-Jul-03  @  07:57 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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you are begining to sound uncooperative and over expressive clay,

make sure its popular - democracy, like sanity is just a question of numbers, youll be trolling yourself next

Kyoto. what synth for monoculture

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Message 12/70                 Date: 20-Jul-03  @  03:43 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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got it sarge. hey, did i get my boots shiny enuff for you?

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Message 13/70                 Date: 20-Jul-03  @  07:23 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Is there a little bit of anti capitalist in there mcc.

I agree if you look at the joke from a mass genocide point of view it is sick but isn't humour all things. Man getting kicked in groin with football is funny as f*** but if it was you it wouldn't be very funny.

I don't know if you have ever seen a program called Bo selecta. This guy dresses up as a celeb caricature. The other night he's doing his normal michael jackson bit with his HEE HEE and his Shamon muther f***** then starts tipping ashes out of urns saying it's Barry White, this urns his leg and this ones his head.

Now I found that totally unfunny and sick but I guess there was a lot of people around the country laughing there asses off. Tis a strange world indeed.


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Message 14/70                 Date: 20-Jul-03  @  07:31 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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look ^ mildly amusing japanese people

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Message 15/70                 Date: 20-Jul-03  @  07:48 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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that was fucking AWESOME!

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Message 16/70                 Date: 20-Jul-03  @  07:58 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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good innit?

^ that's good for a laugh too. irc chat logs from some channel.

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Message 17/70                 Date: 20-Jul-03  @  08:05 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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feck the whole site is just quotes from different channels from irc. there's some funny shite on there. hehe.

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Message 18/70                 Date: 20-Jul-03  @  08:06 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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I love the humorous criticism of how far this whole matrix/slomo thing has gone..

at first I couldnt see the..uh...helpers...a couple of the first "poses" are completely off balance and I was like...EH?

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Message 19/70                 Date: 20-Jul-03  @  08:35 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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From http://www.bash.org/?top

If you went camping and you got REALLY drunk with your friend and you
woke up the next morning with a condom stuck up your ass would you tell anybody?
i dont think so
Wanna go camping?


I cant believe I just sat and read all that page


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Message 20/70                 Date: 20-Jul-03  @  08:52 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Ian..theres more...click "recent" at the bottom or whatever

funny shit

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Message 21/70                 Date: 20-Jul-03  @  11:11 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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yeah, apart from the "niggers are stupid" section it's quite good.

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Message 22/70                 Date: 21-Jul-03  @  12:20 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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the problem for me, ian....isn't with capitalism per se but with capitalism with NO limits> how far we WILL go to make THAT PROFIT. killing people and even making up lies to justify that killing is pretty much where i tend to draw the line.

i think that's reasonable.

what's funny to people isn't nearly as big a concern.

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Message 23/70                 Date: 21-Jul-03  @  11:38 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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heh heh those japanese people have slitty eyes. hoo hoo heh heh ho*coma*

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Message 24/70                 Date: 21-Jul-03  @  03:09 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Cant see capitalism 'lite' working clay

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Message 25/70                 Date: 21-Jul-03  @  03:23 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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you probably got a point there....cheds. i certainly wouldn't mourn it's demise as money has little interest for me as my clientele would attest to and certainly seem able to take advantage of.

nevertheless....a little is necessary in order to keep the virus gassed....and compressor lights blinking.

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Message 26/70                 Date: 21-Jul-03  @  11:25 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Beds, LMFAO!

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Message 27/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  08:00 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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so cheddar!

your solution is? In your clear omniscience...what WILL work?

please enlighten us?

socialism? failed

communism? failed severely

fascism? well, Id rather not.

personally Im all about small scale libertarianism damn near bordering on anarchy, but ONLY when the natives are tame. til then, well, Id rather not take my chances with most of em. too many risky folk at the top, bottom, left and right.

so...you and others like you just spout off all day about this and that, but what are you doing? what do you think america should be like? england?


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Message 28/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  10:43 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Pfff...I immediatly saw it as a joke about American attitude nothing racist at all...right-wing-pro-gun-biggots might also like the joke...but that's because they're too dense to actually get it.

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Message 29/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  10:45 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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minimum to all, no inheritance, no money - resource for value, assited travel and social reserves

super scientists in sharply dressed controlling group being advised by Douglas Adams like hermit.

backwards forwards

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Message 30/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  01:05 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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if he is pointing over there then think about looking in the other direction or perhaps listen to what he says. pay attention to the issues and then...

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Message 31/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  01:58 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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From: bastiaan
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Date: 22-jul-03 - 10:43 am
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Pfff...I immediatly saw it as a joke about American attitude nothing racist at all...right-wing-pro-gun-biggots might also like the joke...but that's because they're too dense to actually get it.


That's the scary thing. If I told that to 100 Americans on the street, about 5 would be offended by its racism, about 10 would take it the way you did, and the remaining 85 would take it as racist but believe that it's a good thing to do.

This is a sad country where people believe everything they see on the TV and can be led around like cattle looking for grass to munch on.

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Message 32/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  02:16 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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i think nice people in america...when thinking of the need to kill others in the world....do it in terms of how much security this buys us physically and especially financially......will this increase the value of my stocks? will i be able to send joey to college?

it's not that we're a mean or vicious people...we just have some serious needs which require tending to.

as for failed economic models....one should never suggest that because an experiment in human behavior distribution of resources failed once it has to necessarily fail every time. they are all failures. some just worse than others. it's too bad they all seem to require the exclusion of the other....especially the capitalism as we all know it and love it.

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Message 33/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  02:31 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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another thing becomes ultimately clear: there is no oil in liberia.

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Message 34/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  02:36 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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did socialism jump or was it pushed?

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Message 35/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  05:11 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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the problem for me, ian....isn't with capitalism per se but with capitalism with NO limits> how far we WILL go to make THAT PROFIT. killing people and even making up lies to justify that killing is pretty much where i tend to draw the line.

Coudln't agree more.

I think capitalism lite could work it's all about balance and peoples attitude but i think capitalism as it is creates money driven greedy people.

Is it in our nature to want more or is it forced upon by the powers that be ?
I for one want (but dont NEED) more.

Anyway as soon as ive saved enough money im going to ditch the country I love for an island where the diving is good, ill have some bongos an acoustic guitar some binaural mics and a minidisk to record. Even if my dream only lasts a few years ill be a happy man ready for civilisation again.

This is a sad country where people believe everything they see on the TV and can be led around like cattle looking for grass to munch on.

Funny cause thats the way I see England but its not just tv over here the majority of press is just quotes taken out of context and major celeb bullshit but people think its all true.

As millhouse (simpsons) says if it's in a book it must be true.


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Message 36/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  05:57 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Capitalism Lite could work, but it will require laws to force corporations to be sensitive to the needs of the planet/world/people/whatever. No corporation will willingly give up a penny of profit for something as abstract as "helping the environment".

Since the government is obviously in bed with (probably more accurately "encouraging") the current state of business it's not likely we will see a change until average Americans get fed up enough to demand such changes.

Unfortunately, I think it'll take a major war with lots of kids coming home in body bags to arouse such feelings  


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Message 37/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Capitalism doesn't create greedy money driven people. Capitalism exists because people are greedy and money-driven.

And the reason we are like that is because fellas with money and power get the girls. You can't do much about that though -- its hardwired.

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Message 38/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  06:56 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Corporations are like governments in that they reflect the people that make up those organizations and the population that supports the current structure. In that sense, corporations really ARE sensitive the desires of people, along the same lines as "the people get the government they desire and deserve". Corporations don't do what they do in a vacuum.

People say they want one thing, but their actions as a group say they are full of shit. Typical human behavior: claim you're an angel, but act like the devil.

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Message 39/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  07:32 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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You might of done this before but take the test


Mine comes out

Economic Left/Right: -3.50
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.36

Just above and slightly to the right of mandela


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Message 40/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  08:59 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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The problem with change is vested interest, who is going to give up all these carefully blackmail tokens to liberate the unwashed. revolution is not a winner, half revolution is at least a change, ho hum. Bodybags for change

"Corporations are like governments in that they reflect the people that make up those organizations and the population that supports the current structure" - not sure about this. global corps are centrally controlled (often with the big bosses running foreign offices or multiple country geographic centres) so responding to individual countries is unlikely. Also the efect of EU expansion (and trading groups) will reduce this country bz country approach further. Operationaly they back political parties - often the same amount to both and industrial lobby groups are apolitical in that they work with whoever. And finally they want homogoneity, product profiling, global brands etc and if that ain't against the idea of community then what is

However people are full o shit, even for freely available software IE has become, by far, the most popular browser - OK its bundled with the OS but you can easily download the others. What are you running?

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Message 41/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  09:07 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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how does using IE, which is free, make you full of shit?

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Message 42/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  09:18 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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hey GPC... just took it...

I'm a bit below and to the left of the Dalai Lama...


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Message 43/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  09:34 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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delay lama is all you need, honest.

actually no, get xoxos's singing thing.

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Message 44/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  11:48 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Heh. Dancetech doesn't work right with anything BUT IE, and even then mostly on Windows. Mozilla, Safari, Galeon, etc all are kind of broken on this site. On OSX I have to load up Virtual PC to post.

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Message 45/70                 Date: 23-Jul-03  @  07:05 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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hey i'm near you, E

Economic Left/Right: -4.00
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.28

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Message 46/70                 Date: 23-Jul-03  @  07:08 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Economic Left/Right: -6.62
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.56

I AM the Dalai Lama!!!



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Message 47/70                 Date: 23-Jul-03  @  12:03 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Economic Left/Right: -5.12
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.90

to the left of and below the dalai lama, apparently

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Message 48/70                 Date: 23-Jul-03  @  02:14 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Heh. Dancetech doesn't work right with anything BUT IE, and even then mostly on Windows. Mozilla, Safari, Galeon, etc all are kind of broken on this site. On OSX I have to load up Virtual PC to post.


Then everyone else should build a better browser. You know how much time I waste at work dealing with different browsers? And our most recent statisticts showed less than 8% of our traffic is on platforms other than IE on Windows.

I was die hard Netscape until 6 came out. IE just works better.

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Message 49/70                 Date: 23-Jul-03  @  07:07 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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The bit about the browsers wasn't a flame, but an observation. IE is no longer supported on Mac, which makes Dancetech very marginally accessible on the Mac (the old IE version on Mac is pretty broken). But lots of music stuff is done on Mac. If I can't use IE 6.x on Windows, I don't even bother with this site, so any use statistics will be a self-selecting population.

I would say that IE is generally broken in a lot of weird ways as well, but everyone has gotten used to working around the "features". Mozilla is technically probably the most compliant browser, but I generally don't use it regardless. From the standpoint of pure implementation quality, the KHTML (e.g. Safari) derivatives are probably at the top of the heap.

It is a situation where everyone has to sort of emulate the broken-ness of IE because so many sites are designed for IE only, bugs or no. Well-written HTML (or DHTML) should work just about with any of the major three or four browser engines out there. Fortunately, it is a problem I have to deal with only tangentially in the real world, so I can rant all I want. :-)

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Message 50/70                 Date: 23-Jul-03  @  09:36 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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I don't know how you can consider Mozilla the most compliant browser when it wrecks CSS, and doesn't even support features they built into 6 when 7 was released! Not to mention 6 and 7 do a shitty job of rendering HTML made for NS4, or any version of IE.

What is it specifically you think is "broken"


Sorry to hijack the conversation  

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Message 51/70                 Date: 24-Jul-03  @  01:40 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this

Broken Silence

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Economic Left/Right: -2.75

Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.44


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Message 52/70                 Date: 24-Jul-03  @  02:45 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Im on the far right, top. cant you tell?

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Message 53/70                 Date: 24-Jul-03  @  04:40 AM     Edit: 24-Jul-03  |  04:44 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Economic Left/Right: -7.62
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.82

Left of Stalin quite a bit south of the Dalai lama.


I'll get my coat...

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Message 54/70                 Date: 24-Jul-03  @  10:57 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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global warming. no cold war

think about it

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Message 55/70                 Date: 24-Jul-03  @  01:12 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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to neatly link this gag to dance, there's actually a guy telling a version of it on the first track Robert Hood's Nightime World Part II album.

Except of instead of Star Trek, it mentions Logan's Run. And black people, rather than Pakistanis etc. Sounds like it's taken from a Richard Pryor standup.

Not sure if this helps... I guess the context of the gag is an inseparable part of its meaning, maybe.

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Message 56/70                 Date: 24-Jul-03  @  06:54 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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BTW, My scores:

Economic Left/Right: -2.62 (a little Left)
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.28 ( halfway to anarhcy)

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Message 57/70                 Date: 24-Jul-03  @  07:40 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Interesting most of us here are left wing libertarians to some degree, apart from influx of course :}

I guess we all must have put strongly agree for the legalisation of weed


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Message 58/70                 Date: 24-Jul-03  @  09:01 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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I was heading off to the bottom left hand corner, about 1/2, 3/4 of the way, and i didn't really get on a big 'strongly disagree' that much except for 1 or 2 of the obvious red rags.

I think that we will all be about the same angle, though i would be interested in the DEVIANTS - particularly the ones who don't say

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Message 59/70                 Date: 24-Jul-03  @  09:33 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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or the deviants who just don't give a shit what this lil child-quiz might say?

count me in this category.

i'm sayin.

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Message 60/70                 Date: 24-Jul-03  @  11:37 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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heh. Id have to agree with clay on that...and...the whole quiz was clearly left-leaning in the way it was worded and shit

I was just kidding about my score btw. I scored libertarian left as well, but I already knew that

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Message 61/70                 Date: 27-Jul-03  @  01:09 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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"or the deviants who just don't give a shit what this lil child-quiz might say?

count me in this category."

And you accuse others of lacking testicular girth.  

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Message 62/70                 Date: 27-Jul-03  @  04:28 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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okay that's quite enough. all you threadjackers OUT!!!!!


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Message 63/70                 Date: 27-Jul-03  @  07:31 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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"or the deviants who just don't give a shit what this lil child-quiz might say?

count me in this category."

I agree there simply isnt enough questions to decide which side of the fence you sit on but it was just a bit of lighthearted fun. :P


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Message 64/70                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  12:21 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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as long as it's light-hearted fun sitting on a barbed-wire fence.

anyone remember stiff little fingers>?

i rarely look back but damn....even i have memories>

johnny was a good man.

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Message 65/70                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  01:13 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Economic Left/Right: -7.50
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.36

Never knew I was such an extremist.  

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Message 66/70                 Date: 22-Aug-03  @  10:10 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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where can you get these scores?

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Message 67/70                 Date: 22-Aug-03  @  10:22 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Economic Left/Right: -4.25
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.18

I'm right there with Neldon Mandela, Ghandi and the Daila Lama....

According to American (!) standards I'm a leftie...here I'm a righty....still I personally consider myself to be rather middle of the road.

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Message 68/70                 Date: 24-Aug-03  @  11:10 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Dial-a-lama? 1-900-DHARMA-1.

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Message 69/70                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  12:58 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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hehehe nice one.

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Message 70/70                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  10:21 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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whats this all about?

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