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Subject: sterilisation Eugenics

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  04:36 PM   -   sterilisation Eugenics


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"To its critics, Project Prevention or Crack - an American organisation which pays drug addicts and alcoholics to be sterilised - is a terrifying throwback to the neutering of "defectives" during the 20th Century."


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Message 61/166                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  12:10 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics

originality police


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Sue Barker? You should never admit to that, Felicity Kendall perhaps but Sue Barker is a definite no no. You'll be admitting to burping yoda over Jo Brand or testfiring the baby cannon over Jill Dando next!

Life in the Originality Police is never dull when we have to keep tabs on exciting folk like you Spot - or are you simply implying that you're a boring little Fuckwad with a boring little Fuckwad life, giving us nothing worthwhile to observe and hence we should move on??

No, I think we'll be keeping tabs on you for some time to come..


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Message 62/166                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  12:22 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


Posts: 240

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hahaha, that was funny till you ruined it with "Fuckwad", thats so yank

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Message 63/166                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  12:28 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics

originality police


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Au contraire Spotshite, WE are beyond appraisal by plebs such as yourself.

We grant you permission to continue on with your pointless existance.. And why aren't you down the pub on a lovely friday like this? Are you intent on furthering your fudgepacking-nonce-Wanking reputation?


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Message 64/166                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  12:53 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics

originality police


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I have a small todger and peolpe often ponit and laugh at it


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Message 65/166                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  01:36 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


Posts: 240

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Its hard to admit but I just can't think of anything new to say. I'm really bored at my job that I enjoy so much, and I'm happy that I can come here and post utter shite day in day out because my life is so devoid of meaning. I can get a shag, but only when I'm really drunk and the dog's asleep, I'm traumatised coz my mum caught me Wanking into her undies and my brother sexually abuses me. I'm in my mid to late 20s and I think I'm really clever, in fact I think I'm succeding in intimidating people here at Dancetech because I too have a small cock, no friends and plenty of insecurities hidden by a belief that I'm actually a REALLY funny guy. I have no agenda, honest, so don't give me Shit for being the bad guy - maybe I can succeed in being such an obnoxious tosser that only boredom or the fact this website will eventually get taken down due to the amount of (what I believe to be) scandalous shite I post, eventually pisses enough people/those that REALLY monitor off.. one of these situations will eventually lead me on to do something more meaningful, but don't get your hopes up because I've a lot more rubbish to get out of my system first! I don't really know Jock but I feel kindred to his sensibilities, perhaps he feels some latent homosexual feelings towards me too, the kind of faggot, Shit eating, Cock chomping humour that I enjoy so much!

I'll now probably post again with something like "blah blah blah, you're killing me (yawn)" or "This is a slaggit forum.. blah blah blah.. if you can't get the joke, Fuck off etc. " or something else that implies that I'm just a normal guy, PRAYING for your acceptance and HOPING you can just understand that its all of YOU that have problems and not me.

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Message 66/166                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  01:44 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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Fancy a shag ?

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Message 67/166                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  01:46 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


Posts: 240

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ahh, that was rather amusing actually, thank you mr imposter, made me smile  

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Message 68/166                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  01:48 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


Posts: 7627

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Guh i'm f*ckin' bored!

*rims ringpiece*

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Message 69/166                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  01:49 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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dude, your Fuckin' sick!

can I have a go?

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Message 70/166                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  01:50 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


Posts: 673

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Stop it already you two, i'm getting the horn

*fumbles in underpants*

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