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Subject: Holy Sh*t, you meanJohnny NOT Joey!

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Original Message 1/7                 Date: 11-Oct-04  @  03:11 AM   -   Holy Sh*t, you meanJohnny NOT Joey!

Optofonik (AKA_Mick_Rhyze_etc.)

Posts: 1444

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This sucks. Sucks sucks sucks!!! I didn't know he was sick. I feel ill. I can't believe that they are all but dead (Tommy, the only original remaining left the band in the 70's) - its too much. I'm in shock. I've been out of the loop news-wise so this is all new to me - right now. I just did the search. "Rocket to Russia" changed my life, one of several albums that turned me on to punk in 1977. Losing the Ramones on top of Joe Strummer is too much. So many heros from my early teens dying in such a short time...

Punk is all but dead.

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Message 2/7                 Date: 11-Oct-04  @  05:31 AM   -   RE: Holy Sh*t, you meanJohnny NOT Joey!



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i think we already did this but for the sake of conformity>>>>

johnny was as [punk as a stray cat.

he would actually cite tom delay as a hero.
nixon too.

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Message 3/7                 Date: 11-Oct-04  @  05:39 AM   -   RE: Holy Sh*t, you meanJohnny NOT Joey!



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now strummer...he was a hero.

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Message 4/7                 Date: 11-Oct-04  @  04:35 PM   -   RE: Holy Sh*t, you meanJohnny NOT Joey!



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now here's a hero for you.
imagine a woman...60 years old.....attacking a 12 foot crocodile.

Offbeat News
Monday, Oct. 11, 2004
Woman Jumps on Crocodile to Stop Attack

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A 60-year-old woman jumped on the back of a crocodile as it dragged a man from his tent in northern Australia on Monday, but was then attacked by the crocodile, which dragged her toward the ocean until it was shot dead.

The 60-year-old woman and 34-year-old man suffered broken limbs, cuts and bruises in the attack by the 12.6 foot crocodile, said wildlife and rescue officials.

The attack occurred around 4 a.m. as the man slept in a tent with his wife and child on the shores of Bathurst Bay, 186 miles north of Cairns in Queensland state.

"The crocodile walked into the tent and dragged the man out," said Stephen Pemberthy from the Royal Flying Doctor Service, which airlifted the injured campers to hospital.

"A 60-year-old woman in an adjacent tent heard the commotion and jumped on the crocodile," Pemberthy told Reuters.

The crocodile let go of the man and bit the woman, pulling her toward the water before another person shot it dead.

The injured campers managed to set off a rescue beacon, capturing the attention of government wildlife officials in the area who were eradicating wild pigs.

The wildlife officials evacuated the campers to a nearby ranger station at Lakefield National Park and the Royal Flying Doctor Service flew them to a hospital in Cairns.

The man suffered a broken leg and arm and cuts and bruises, while the woman had an arm broken in the attack.

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Message 5/7                 Date: 11-Oct-04  @  04:36 PM   -   RE: Holy Sh*t, you meanJohnny NOT Joey!



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another hero....superman.
rest in peace christopher.

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Message 6/7                 Date: 12-Oct-04  @  06:05 AM   -   RE: Holy Sh*t, you meanJohnny NOT Joey!



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now dave greenfield..he too was a hero.

it was the policy to keep his mouth shut on-stage in the event that hugh, jet, and jj started a riot...which they have once or twice at least.

this way....he couldn't be technically arrested for inciting a riot and would be able to secure the release of his bandmates later on....after making sure the gear got put away safely.

plus...he always painted-out the names on his keyboards so as to not advertise for these big companies.
he too believed it was the indian and not the arrow.

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Message 7/7                 Date: 20-Oct-04  @  02:46 AM     Edit: 29-Oct-04  |  10:24 AM   -   RE: Holy Sh*t, you meanJohnny NOT Joey!

Optofonik (AKA_Mick_Rhyze_etc.)

Posts: 1444

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Wow. The hits just keep on coming. Yeah, Christopher Reeve was the real deal. RIP, indeed.

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