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Subject: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

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Original Message 1/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  11:14 AM     Edit: 01-Apr-04  |  11:16 AM   -   um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Message 2/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  04:40 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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good article but i think there's still some legitimacy to the notion that illegal downloading does indeed hurt artists.
this is a 2-edged sword and one where we should understand both sides of the argument.
for every time a free download provides exposure to one's music which may result in someone later liking the music to actually want to buy it...there's always gonna be those who brag about having 40,000 downloaded files...and guess what? didn't pay for ONE!!!!

just as catastrophic can brag how he stole reason and wants professional advice as to how to get even MORE out of it.

i went camping with a brother-in-law and wife and kids who wanted me to rent this camper so we could all drive together and be comfortable etc. well....he was navigator as i drove and at one point we entered a motel/restaurant complex and he was swearing i had clearance regarding this overpass in the building's structure.
well....i wrecked the vehicle's airconditioning-unit and when it came time to pay....he had every argument why NOT to pay. he was only the navigator.
he told me i didn't HAVE to listen to him.
he's also a heavy downloader....and has a nice house and fancy furnishings.
i mean why support music when you can get it for free?
just like why pay for a camping-trip when you can ride for free?
i'm all for free music which is legally made available by the artist such as what we do here.
but i'd be pissed if i'm selling only 100 cds or 1000 and i found some guy illegally uploading my cd where thousands of people are accessing it for free.
especially when a lot of these people are not what you might call poor.
and some would even suggest being a fan of the artist. this always cracks me up when a guy says he's a big fan of someone and can't show me one thing he actually bought from the guy.
but we will pay for gas and we will pay for bombs.

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Message 3/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  05:04 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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But the real question is, would the guy buy music if he couldn't download it?


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Message 4/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  05:58 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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your brother in law sounds like a complete dick man

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Message 5/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  06:54 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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thats a shit argument (no offence craig), i heard that a million times about audio software too.

If *the guy* wouldnt buy the music, why does that give him the right to listen to it at all?

I wouldnt buy a 42 inch plasma tv, does that mean I have the right to beable to access one for free without stepping out the house anyway?

blah blah but its digital and doesnt cost anything phsyically to reproduce, so its ok to have it , and save my money for a big tv instead - bollocks, the sooner all this file/audio/mp3 music swapping shite is stopped the better


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Message 6/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  07:00 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

cydonia cell


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I've always seen it as simple... basicaly you have this personal relationship with the artist (or where I'm the artist, with the listener)... if the artist wants to give the music, good on him! If he doesn't, I'll respect that too, and i may not listen if the price tag is too high for the product. See? I have purchased maybe 10 CD's in the last 3 years, because so much of what is out there is crap, and just plain not worth the price of admission. But I also don't download licensed music for the above reasons.

Besides, really!!! IMO, The best new stuff out there is unsigned underground and indie rock! Stuff you don't corporate prices for anyway.


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Message 7/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  07:41 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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"the sooner all this file/audio/mp3 music swapping shite is stopped ..."


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Message 8/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  08:49 PM     Edit: 01-Apr-04  |  08:50 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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fuck off anonymous cunt

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Message 9/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  11:04 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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The problem is, and we keep coming back to this...is that this has nothing FUCKING NOTHING to do with protection of artists at all. NOTHING!!!!!!! This is about protecting the record companies' shareholders' assets. Rosen and her cronies DO NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK about any of you, or money you may have coming to you from record sales, or losing from filesharing. Do you think ANY of the money that people were sued for went to the artists? One penny? Points, maybe? Fuck no. Not a cent or even a fraction of one. It went to the RIAA and their lawyers. Personally, I'd like to see the evidence of these studies as grounds for countersuit, wasted airspace, server space, harrassment, and the psychological damage of the fear and paranoia that Rosensow and her shitbag friends have laid on the rest of the world.

Now as for real theieves athat just download loads of stuff, and SELL it as mp3, or audio CDs that really are directly ripping off the artists, they need to be burned alive in the trunks of the cars they are selling that stuff out of.


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Message 10/69                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  11:35 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Message 11/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  01:48 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

cydonia cell


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I don't know about this poor misguided artist getting taken by the label business. yeah, record companies are evil... the pop music machine is systematicaly wrecking our culture wah, wah, wah!

But, the artisits on these labels signed the contract. They gave up their tracks, and let the label have all their money on the premise that one day the small percentage of profit they earn coupled with the coonsiderable profits on t-shirts, live appearances, etc would elevate them to rock star status. It's the friggin' artist's fault they bought the bullshit fantasy of rock n' roll. In my view, that's a decision... a willingness to be a part of it.


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Message 12/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  02:16 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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yes agreed P - companies want to openup new markets for sales and the sad fact is, RIFE commercial bootlegging is going on in places like Malaysia where you can buy bootlegged lazer-graphic'd cd's in the shops and markets for music, movies & s/w - , you have like an entire continent living on bootlegs which of course, they cant police without severe political implications.

As for lacking sales HERE in the west

i seem to remember back in the mid 90's the labels sacked ALL their lesser acts... There was mass sackings across the board of bands which WERE selling albums, and drawing concert crowds in reasonable sized venues etc... all were sacked. Now this was before file-sharing became an issue. So wassup with that!?

at the same time, companies in Uk issued an edict that they were not going to sign any bands aged over 25, and this happened as also radio-1 swept out it's closet, banning airplay of 'older' bands (including huge sellers like Elton John etc)

radio-1 (the main BBC UK radio station) lost all it's listeners overnight as one consequence. Sure, yes radio-1 is a great channel for the evening/night weekend, but daytime mass-figures slumped and have never recovered.

perhaps these steps taken were detrimental?... perhaps companies carved off a large chunk of their PAYING market, only to find a few years later that their newly targetted 'teen market only' was going to d/load instead as it had other competing goods vying for their pocket money, like cellphone cards

cellphone cards are MUCH more imprtant socialy to youngsters now that music... you are completely socialy cut-off without your phone, whereas no-ones going to complain if you dont have the latest CD's

cellphone credit sales to kids also have caused a huge slump in the 'sweets & candies' market apparently so I heard in the financial columns.

also, Garage music is banned in UK which is the main music kids like 'en-masse'... this no doubt accounts for lack of sales to this market cos acts are banned from main radio stations, TV and all charts, so kids instead get by on a diet of local-radio-taped music

in alot of european cities now people go round bars flogging bootlegged CD's and DVD's... again, it's easy to get 'ready-bootlegged' music for all the main commercial acts ONLY, so that takes a chunk out of their market.

I think we just have to face facts that

1. record/media/film companies cannot claim they alone are exempt from the global depression which has affected ALL other industries.

2. trends in product desirability have changed in the 'yoof' market



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 13/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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I don't dispute the principal that people who don't pay for music shouldn't listen to it.. But what I am saying is you can't turn around and use these numbers as directly equating to sales loss. If these people didn't buy music to begin with, they are not a lost sale - had the mp3 and the internet never been invented they'd have just lived their life without the music entirely. The entire file-swapping argument is made up of half-truths like this.


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Message 14/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  04:14 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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"people who don't pay for music shouldn't listen to it"

what sort of ing bizarre principal is that?

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Message 15/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  04:37 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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of course the riaa's arguments are only half true.
it's like saying bush is good...saddam bad....when they both suck.

another reason for slumps in sales has to be the fact that 1-in-5 kids saves a lot of their music-money to purchase programs like reason or fruity/acid because they're starting to understand the joys of simply doing one's own music.
no one can trust the judgment of stupid labels and even stupider radio anymore...much-less want to pay for it.

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Message 16/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  05:26 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

cydonia cell


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"1-in-5 kids saves a lot of their music-money to purchase programs like reason or fruity/acid"

not sure about 1 in 5 but I get your point. Thing is... I suspect (based on the handful of adults I know who do this sh+t) that the same kids who file share licensed music are making their "tek-no" on cracked vs's of Reason/Acid, et al....

The issue (for me) isn't whether you're paying for product, but whether you're respecting the developer of the product. Just cause it's too expensive, or not good enough to pay for, doesn't mean you should steal it!

Craig, I can agree with your notion 100%... Like the people who pirate cable television... would they pay for cable if they couldn't pirate? Or the kids who have no money, so they can't save up, but they make phenomenal tracks with cracked software... that's not lost money, 'cause they just plain CAN'T buy it. I'm not sure that makes it OK, but it certainly makes it far less contemptible.


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Message 17/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  07:19 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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That was the point I'm getting at. It doesn't make it acceptable by any stretch... If you want me to sign a petition that says "That's fucked up" I'll sign it. But you can't tell me that you lost x amount of money because y number of people who wouldn't have bought your product anyways have pirated it.

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Message 18/69                 Date: 02-Apr-04  @  10:57 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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what makes me puke is you find for example this 'mantra' being used off hand in news reports and elsewhere

there was a report a few days ago on EMI shedding 1/5th of it's artists and sacking people to save money (brought an immeadiate jump in share price as well)

the guy reporting slipped in the old "due to internet downloading" line somewhere. It is pretty bad that such a subjective UNSTATISTICALY PROVED theory is now blown off in public on news channels re-enforcing the idea in the minds of the public that this is some huge evil 'stealing' thing going down

sad really.

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Message 19/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  12:47 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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... mariah carey payed off ... robbie williams given 80million ...

i gotta pick up this thing (again) that's been brought up about ppl who haven't paid for music shouldn't listen to it? sorry guys, can you explain again?

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Message 20/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  01:59 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Yeah I don't get it either. The day the words "music" and "business" were put
together was the day we lost our way. You can make absolute statements about
"right" and "wrong" in regards to "stealing" as long as you realize your sentiments
are borne from, and give credence to, an industry model created by humans to
generate wealth from creativity. If that's your thing, more power to ya, I suppose...
but personally I don't think it's right.

My music is free. [shrug]

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Message 21/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  04:42 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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but you get paid to adjust dickhead's mic. no?

that ain't industry?

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Message 22/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  04:51 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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and that ain't intended as a put-down of what you do...psy.
i know what i have to do for my daily bread.
most of us gotzta to do sumpin.

i wish you could adjust mine.

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Message 23/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  06:02 AM     Edit: 03-Apr-04  |  06:03 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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All clients that I have right now finance their own projects. I have someone who
just finished cutting who won't be mixing until august when they can get the funds
up. Studio life has little to do with the music business... at least I wish the two
would stay seperated. I leave the room when clients start talking about marketing
and business... not my area... not my problem...

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Message 24/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  01:22 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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i guess what we're both getting at is a redefinition of what constitutes industry.
i think by becoming more personal, less corporate, and more self-sustaining....though on a smaller level....it becomes more....shall we say artistic?
artists have greater say as to their packaging and what actual material can be released whereas in the past it was always up to some guy with a cigar and a yacht or two.
the fact that he gets removed from the equation does not mean that you can't still try to do some business of some sort. i think people have every right to still peddle their wares if even out the back of his trunk or from small or large internet site.
i'd like to think you were able to some little money off your music one day psy.
this would allow you more freedom to choose your projects in the future and for whom you adjust the sliders for. that's an art too.

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Message 25/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  05:02 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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how many words did i leave out of that last paragraph?

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Message 26/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  07:46 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

* compulsary


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if your charging 45 $ for a shirt that will ultimately promote you, on top of 40 something plus to "see" your sorry excuse for a show; assume i will dowload the two songs i like from your album.

i will buy the cd from you at the venue, along with the t-shirt if you put on a kickass show for 10$


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Message 27/69                 Date: 04-Apr-04  @  01:38 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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we try to get 50 for our shirts.

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Message 28/69                 Date: 05-Apr-04  @  08:21 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Strangely enough, cd sales in the UK and Australia are going up!

'by the BPI's own admission - a point not made in its recent 'file sharing destroys industry' statements - UK album sales rose 5.6 per cent last year. That runs contrary to last week's BPI claim that "despite falling retail prices, album sales have remained relatively stable over the last three years". '

Indeed, total album shipments yielded a 2.1 per cent increase in revenue to £1.112bn. In other words, the "falling retail prices" have led to rising unit sales and revenue growth and not the reverse, as the tone of the BPI quotation above suggests.

The BPI's numbers were this week paralleled by an equivalent set of numbers put out by the Australian Record Industry Association (Aria). It too notes falling CD single sales, but failed to point out that Australia's CD sales reached record numbers last year. 2003 marked the first time more than 50 million albums were sold, and sales of all music formats reached beyond 65 million, also a record. Sales have been rising since Napster et al launched.


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Message 29/69                 Date: 05-Apr-04  @  03:10 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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people on all sides will hopefully figure it out eventually.

as for ex-bro-n-law. he's actually a very nice guy as long as he doesn't have to pay.
he told me last month..."yeah clay...you gotta come over...i got 3 kinds of beer always
on tap....i have a friend from milwaukee and i get all my beer for free now!"

: )

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Message 30/69                 Date: 05-Apr-04  @  08:21 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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i gotta pick up this thing (again) that's been brought up about ppl who haven't paid for music shouldn't listen to it? sorry guys, can you explain again?

What I meant is simply that if you like an artist's work you should buy their record. Unfortunately, if you want to support an artist signed to a label by buying their record you have to support the label as well as the artist  

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Message 31/69                 Date: 07-Apr-04  @  06:44 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

cydonia cell


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"you have to support the label as well as the artist"

Which is the artist's choice... if you "like" the artist, you have to except their decisions. Unfortunately an artist in that position has forced you to except that it's about more than the music. If you don't like that then you have to rethink your appreciation of the artist... not the music... but, unless we're going to play at schoolyard spirituality and say the creative process is cosmological and doesn't "belong" to the blessed recipient of "god's" devine providence, it IS the artist's work to do with as he/she pleases. And if you subscribe to this pervasive creative element being channeled by the priest of beats then more power to you (I can go there without a lot of effort), but this notion has very little to do with the very imposing world view of most people, artist's included. And really, it smacks to me of the mother on welfare who insists that "it takes a village" so you must support her so that she can stay home with her child. A decent point, I'd say, but not one that carries much weight when we get down to dirty fingers.

I never said you can't listen to music if you don't pay for it. I did say that I wouldn't possess a product that I didn't gain in the way the producer intended... be it a TV, a sports car or some sh+thead's music.

Because I don't personaly think that's cool...

How's this... some muso kiddie swipes your kit at a show... He's got your sampler, synths, efx, whatever... and his thing is, "I'm broke, never going to have enough money for this gear but I really like making beats!" Oh, look, it's stealing! I wonder how many of you would politely except that as the cosmic condition of the creative process.


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Message 32/69                 Date: 07-Apr-04  @  07:35 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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In the early part of last century many musicians refused to record their music for fear of people ripping off their acts...

Then it was, why put music on the radio for free.. people wont bother to come and listen to my shows..

Then 'home taping is killing music'...

Then, a tax on blank CD sales...

Now, it's fileswapping...

Strangely I don't see the record industry getting poorer at any point during this process...

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Message 33/69                 Date: 07-Apr-04  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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All very good distinctions, errata, but don't dismiss someone for seeking philosophical answers to "real" problems. You can call my beliefs "schoolyard spirituality" and give energy to the notion that idealism and possibility rarely meet like so much of the world does, but I'd like to keep all possibilities open. I am aware of the paradigm we live in and agree on respect to the wishes of the artist, but I'm trying to point out why our paradigm doesn't work and why a new one is in order. The whole model of a "product" is flawed, in my opinion.

I speak on this subject about the essence of the problem, so I feel justified in speaking my ideals.

"How's this... some muso kiddie swipes your kit at a show... He's got your sampler, synths, efx, whatever... and his thing is, "I'm broke, never going to have enough money for this gear but I really like making beats!" Oh, look, it's stealing! I wonder how many of you would politely except that as the cosmic condition of the creative process."

One's gear is not a proper analogy to one's creations, and I like to think I wouldn't need to point out why.

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Message 34/69                 Date: 10-Apr-04  @  12:01 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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"Music sales in the US rose by more than 9% in the first three months of 2004 compared with the same period last year - signalling an end to a four-year dip."

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Message 35/69                 Date: 11-Apr-04  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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If I understood *compulsory's statement correctly, saying that he/she'd download the tunes, and if it was good they'd pay ten bucks to see the show, and buy a CD and shirt at the gig to support. THAT's fair. That's DIRECT support. Real support. That's money that the artist will actually see, and the music got out there, in lo-fi, hi-fi, and live. Dope one in my book.


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Message 36/69                 Date: 11-Apr-04  @  07:00 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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yeah, i've seen acts from d/loading a few tracks to check out, which I wouldnt have gone to see otherwise. It's all bullshit imo


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 37/69                 Date: 12-Apr-04  @  04:01 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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if the artist wants his files downloaded....then cool.
if not...they shouldn't be out there being provided by those who have no legitmitae claim to do so.

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Message 38/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  03:30 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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are the little record stores still going out of business?

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Message 39/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  04:07 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

SignalRunners - BLU

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cheds, you have that in bigger format? would make a great poster fer studio


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Message 40/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  05:05 PM     Edit: 21-Jun-04  |  05:15 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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No I got the biggest they have from here http://tastytronic.net/main/thelist.html. I dont think that it comes from there tho - maybee someone else - or google..., sorry

but thats a good excuse to put out some more pix.

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Message 41/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  05:18 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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picture frenzy

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Message 42/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  05:19 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Message 43/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  05:26 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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stop me

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Message 44/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  05:28 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Im on holiday for 2 weeks

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Message 45/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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but we have a 3 days old baby and I have to do up the garden

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Message 46/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  06:14 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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bury it deep or the neighbors dog will have it up in a fortnight

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Message 47/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  06:18 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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lol x.

new baba mr. cheeseman? congratulations.

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Message 48/69                 Date: 23-Jun-04  @  01:14 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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i'd say congrats in hungarian but i dont know how... so... congrats dude!

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Message 49/69                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  08:07 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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Congrats, indeed.

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Message 50/69                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  08:33 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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Gratulalok!!! :-)
(in hungarian)

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Message 51/69                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  06:37 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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doh! i thought you people had your *own* words for everything?

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Message 52/69                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  06:49 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

* compulsary


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congratulations to both of you; on the birth of the little gouda

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Message 53/69                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  09:42 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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you c unt. say hello you tWat.

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Message 54/69                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  10:38 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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^^^ welsh/african hospitality  

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Message 55/69                 Date: 27-Jun-04  @  12:54 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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wow cheddar...wakey wakey daddy...baby hungry!

congrats old man!

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Message 56/69                 Date: 27-Jun-04  @  06:32 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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oops.must have been the drink

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Message 57/69                 Date: 27-Jun-04  @  07:51 AM     Edit: 27-Jun-04  |  07:52 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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I'm still holding out on congratulating him until we get confirmation. I have this nagging feeling that we're just really misunderstanding the chap as usual

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Message 58/69                 Date: 27-Jun-04  @  08:34 AM     Edit: 27-Jun-04  |  10:51 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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indeed the second, and first son is home and crying constantly during the day but slleping well at night and that makes it...

cheers guys

but back to these consumptive tendancies...

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Message 59/69                 Date: 27-Jun-04  @  07:09 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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nice one! congratulations then...

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Message 60/69                 Date: 28-Jun-04  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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so cheddar has stones. i dreamed it once, oc i lived it with thorns and damballah with windshield glass. better steer (heh.... heh) clear of any supernovas for the next ten thousand years.

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Message 61/69                 Date: 09-Jul-04  @  11:20 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Sound familiar?

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Message 62/69                 Date: 09-Jul-04  @  02:11 PM     Edit: 09-Jul-04  |  02:12 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

Steve Roughley

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Once again, its their own damn fault. The prices are rediculous. I still don't own a DVD player, simply out of spite for paying £15 for a film, and I haven't been to the cinema in two years or so. £5 a ticket, £3 for popcorn, £3 for a drink. All to spend two hours in pre-scholl sized seats with your legs jammed up against the back of the seat of the 9ft tall afro in front of you. Its a fucking joke.

But, now we have sites, such as Beatport.com selling high-quality downloadable tracks for 99c - $1.49! Maybe this will start happening with films too.

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Message 63/69                 Date: 09-Jul-04  @  05:36 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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don't you like to take your mediscenes then?

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Message 64/69                 Date: 09-Jul-04  @  06:52 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

Steve Roughley

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Haha. There is no medicine for what I have... the quack just told me to stop watching shows with Richard Wilson in them.

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Message 65/69                 Date: 10-Jul-04  @  03:40 PM     Edit: 10-Jul-04  |  03:43 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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check out
(Click on 'English' at the top)

You choose the encoding anywhere from 56kbps mp3 to FLAC.. you pay per MB.

Huge selection. Artist gets paids via Russian Copyright Body, RIAA doesn't..

It's been up since 2001 and claims to be 100% legal.. looking around the net it does actually to seem to be legal too..

The RIAA claim it isn't but haven't actually mae any legal moves against them becasue, well they signed all these deals with the Russians so they could flog music at an affordable price to the theb Rusky peasants back in the day..


O yeah, a 5MB track will cost you 5c ! So a 128 encoded album costs around 50c US ! A 256 encoded album around $1 ...

makes iTunes shop look a teensy bit overpriced doesn't it?

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Message 66/69                 Date: 25-Jul-04  @  09:13 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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" Milwaukee Public Library received 1,235 copies of Whitney Houston's 1991 recording of "The Star-Spangled Banner," 188 copies of Michael Bolton's "Timeless," 375 of "Entertainment Weekly: The Greatest Hits 1971," and 104 copies of Will Smith's "Willennium," and nearly everything in between. "

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Message 67/69                 Date: 25-Jul-04  @  09:43 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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what's in between will smith and michael bolton?

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Message 68/69                 Date: 25-Jul-04  @  11:01 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

SignalRunners - BLU

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a huge block of soundproofing if theres any justice....

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Message 69/69                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  01:44 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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oh the irony

"We cannot stand by and allow them to erode our business opportunity by the wholesale infringement of our rights."

who's scared about infringing on someone's intelectual property?

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