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Subject: xoxos?????

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Original Message                 Date: 09-Jan-03  @  04:38 PM   -   xoxos?????


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w'appen to the boy? - is he ok?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 60/68                 Date: 23-Apr-03  @  03:36 PM   -   RE: xoxos?????

man called clay


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i undertsand the dichotomy/fallacy here...and yes... compliance can be an absolute evil on it's own.
it's all about the fine line and being ready to show for work... and as allowable as possible, to register one's complaints. there's a difference between flying two flags on your car and burning one. i fly none and voice my reasons why.
as screwed up as our society gets...this will be a jailable offense one day.
til then...i work and and sing and try try try to imagine a better day.
i also contemplate the various virtues of the fed feeding me breakfast lunch and dinner...however.
i could start watching tv with the homies again.

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Message 61/68                 Date: 23-Apr-03  @  05:25 PM   -   RE: xoxos?????



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The sky here is beautiful blue, with "little fluffy clouds" but I swear, the reports are for rain after tomorrow.

Influx, your skies are downright poetic!

MCC... maybe this is a bit redundant, but your sugestion that these guys will only hurt us if we stand up is a great illustration of the point. It really has got to where the middle america, stay at home majority are tolerating far too many restrictions on our freedoms. The rave act is one example, the 2 step "patriot act" is another. I won't sit dwon! Neither will I pretend to conform. And if my arrest or death is the result that;s really fine. I don't mean to make this into a "freedom fight"... it's clearly not so bad as that! But if we don't comment now... if we don't say, "What's up with this sh+t?!" while we can, then it's the gulag for us when we can't, eh???

I'm not normal, I don't think within the mainstream, I don't believe what most americans believe. I won't hide that! It's odd, after everything I've read from you that I hear you suggesting otherwise. But then, you DO work with a lot of these folks who support these things (as you've said) perhaps you feel the wind blowing more fiercely than I do!


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Message 62/68                 Date: 23-Apr-03  @  05:28 PM     Edit: 23-Apr-03  |  05:34 PM   -   RE: xoxos?????


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I used to be a nihlist/anarchist/revolutionary minded lad. Then I realized that if you're still alive and a nihilist at thirty you're full of shit. I realized that punks and hippies aren't so different in that if your a punk (excluding Steve Jones, of course) who hasn't offed him/herself by thirty you're a hippy with a leather motorcycle jacket, a foul mouth, and a bad haircut. If you're still a hippy after thirty you're just an unsuccessful yuppie clinging to outdated excuses for not having a job and never getting a haircut (bad or otherwise). Of course neither these opinions apply if you're in the music industry. Then, you're product, kinda like Cheeze Nips and canned projectile cheese food product (again, unless you're Steve Jones).

Today my sky is bright blue so I'm going to enjoy today. Tomorrow it could be ash gray and, if so, I'll stay inside trying to remember, singing about yesterday's sky. If my recollection of blue sky blurs I'll write an ambient cover of "People Who Died" while drinking imitation absinthe and smoking clove cigarettes.

"It really has got to where the middle america, stay at home majority are tolerating far too many restrictions on our freedoms."

They don't care about "our" freedom. They care about their own freedom to consume on the weekends and die sitting in front of an inanimate object sometime during the weekday evenings. Preferably after prime time.

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Message 63/68                 Date: 23-Apr-03  @  05:54 PM     Edit: 23-Apr-03  |  06:46 PM   -   RE: xoxos?????


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"I'm not normal, I don't think within the mainstream, I don't believe what most Americans believe."

Therefore your ideas about "freedom" are not important to anyone outside the mainstream or in America.

All the talk about how great this country is revolves around the idea that as long as no one's ability to subjugate oneself to the glowing box in the living room or harmlessly rant on the other glowing box is impeded everything is "great" enough to be left as is. Nothing will change in this country, nothing, ever. It is a system that works for those in power and their power, the power of the vocal minority and the silent placated majority (there is great power in silently communicating satisfaction thereby implying that dissatisfactory opiates could lead to dire consequences for the elite), will never be usurped. The preferred controlling mechanisms have been chosen by the placated and will remain in place forever in one form or another, outside of any particular nationalism, until the end of time. Empires served by the willing, the placated and the ineffectual, are the empires of the future. God help them when the lights go out.

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Message 64/68                 Date: 23-Apr-03  @  07:21 PM   -   RE: xoxos?????


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mick...how does being alive after 30 negate thoughts of tomorrow and what could be better?

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Message 65/68                 Date: 23-Apr-03  @  10:13 PM   -   RE: xoxos?????

man called clay


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errata...let's just say i often feel like michelangelo showing up for work on the cistine chapel and often having the pope or his underlings poking at me about my strange spiritual beliefs....which may or may not be those of the church to which i am assigned the great honor and duty of painting. all of my customers are pretty serious americans who have made their lot by not being light about their needs or wants or desires...in regards to the environment in which they live and entertain in. i see how different we are and yet i also see them as people.....and so as i've been known to do....over a beer or two overlooking a majestic moutainous sunset....i may touch upon communism or communal sharing and peace and human dignity....
i make my small statements which are big statements in their own way.
i used to write apaper and one could find swastikas emblazoned upon sd police badges and this and that....but i am no lonegr a revolutionary in that i don't believe it's possible to displace an authoritarian system through violence without craeting a situation where more violence becomes necessary to uphold it. this is why i don't believe iraq will work.
this is why china and communist russia didn't work. both stalin and mao were capricorns and the downside of good ol cappy is that it is very much about....by ANY MEANS NECESSARY>
thusly the implementation of carnage for political purposes.

blood can only beget blood.
the color red...the letter R which i removed from revolution to form evolution2000. i will die with this and hope that i'm never found in a situation where i find violence as the only way to express my sadness and loathing for all that which is hateful in my world.

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Message 66/68                 Date: 24-Apr-03  @  10:54 PM   -   RE: xoxos?????


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Fluxie, following my face being busted and my dental work being smashed by a hardwood floor last night I discovered that my insurance may or may not cover the damage so I'll have to pass on a lengthy reply to your question.

In short, I don't think that at all. Well, most of the time.

I have to go writh in pain now.

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Message 67/68                 Date: 24-Apr-03  @  11:44 PM   -   RE: xoxos?????


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have you fallen down again?

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Message 68/68                 Date: 24-Apr-03  @  11:57 PM   -   RE: xoxos?????

man called clay


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damn rhyze....you're not blacking out are you?
do take care of yourself!
and get well....man.

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