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Subject: Guitar Band Talk

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Original Message                 Date: 01-Oct-02  @  06:39 PM   -   Guitar Band Talk


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Was listening to Steve Lamaq on radio one for a change. They were talking about the current guitar band scene and discussing how it's an interesting time for guitar bands. Kinda like the late 80's cause all the labels (major and minor)A&R people are sitting in the front two rows at all these small gigs. Basically trying to find the next "Strokes" or "White Strips".

Apparently major labels are going back to the old school. Basically, trying to find bands and nuture them into the next "U2" or "REM". There's this band in Denmark (can't remember the name) and they were totally unknown out of their country. Even in their country they only played gigs and didn't ever record/release anything. Anyway, word spread and they've just been signed for a 7 figure sum.

The circle turns and now the labels are heavily into signing guitar bands. Its cool watching bands (I'm not a regular guitar gig attender) like Ash and The White Stripes though, cos there is always this strange kinda sexual tension going on between the male lead singers and the female guitarist/drummer. Its like go and rent a bloody room!

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Message 60/67                 Date: 11-Oct-02  @  10:29 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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he claims it's mostly juno 106 for the synth stuff.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 61/67                 Date: 11-Oct-02  @  10:30 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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after her single populariased that clipped-edit guitar riff (where you edit off the last bit of the phrase to leave a gap) thing, it's appearing on lots of tracks.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 62/67                 Date: 11-Oct-02  @  10:51 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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you know now that you mention it k, I don't know if you listen to commercial hiphop nowadays, but they've gone back to that one-shot sample sound, playing it on a scale (not really paying attention to time stretching, ol skool style). Which is kinda how that Madonna track sounded with its stutter style. I remember a couple of my hiphoppin' buddies being excited about that track and I didn't really get why they liked Madonna all of a sudden. Seems her influence may have spread even there... the timing's about right.

That shit's all over the place now (boy, boy, boy, boy, oh-oh-oh-oh- boy! Hate that shit actually, really annoying. Kinda like Fatboy slim   )


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Message 63/67                 Date: 11-Oct-02  @  10:54 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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ah, that was that other guy... whats his name... mirwais! thats it!

i read an interview with him once regarding that track. allegedly, his engineer likes to fuck around with strings of sysex and make samplers do weird things. then of course they chuck it into protools (as if you couldnt guess  )

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Message 64/67                 Date: 12-Oct-02  @  01:03 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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yeah but i dont think that's how they did it with her track, i think they just edited a guitar track with butt cuts - i like that one shot style tho it's nice, like the old mirage days etc heh heh.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 65/67                 Date: 12-Oct-02  @  01:06 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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It's good for a couple measures if you change it up then, but it's the entire basis of too many tracks on the radio nowadays. Ick.


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Message 66/67                 Date: 12-Oct-02  @  02:15 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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yeah well, wouldnt be the first time they talked shit in the interviews. remember cher and autotune, eh?   tsk

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Message 67/67                 Date: 12-Oct-02  @  10:37 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk



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just had first play in a studio with the drummer I linked up with... oh yeah!... we already jammed at his yard on a mini kit, this time we used the studio bigger kit... he can really ing play!!! heh heh, this is gonna be great fun!

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