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Subject: The fat star wars kid

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Original Message 1/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  03:20 PM   -   The fat star wars kid



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Remember the fat twat with the light sabre that caused so much discussion here on DT ??


What a twat.

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Message 2/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  03:34 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid

Broken Silence

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One site has started a petition to convince George Lucas to feature Ghyslain in the forthcoming Star Wars film.  

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Message 3/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  04:04 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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poor kid.

he did make it for other people to see, just not the millions that ended up seeing it.

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Message 4/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  06:21 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid

Defector z


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Funny you bring this up. I JUST got an email from a friend of mine with a link. I'll have to send this BBC link back to him. Now he'll feel bad for giving this kid psychiatric problems. heh-heh.

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Message 5/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  06:36 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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well, he shouldn't. if he's got problems then blame his mates who put it on the net, or blame him for being a dork, or blame his parents for making him who he is.

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Message 6/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  07:25 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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hrmmm, yeah.

The issue points to why some of us thought it was pretty horrible that everyone ragged the kid...

But a lawsuit? Damn! Come on, man! If he wants to get over this sh+t, he needs to let it go. Not profit from it!



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Message 7/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  08:51 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Oh poor kid. Will probably get a book deal out of this exposure. And I'm sure there are more girls out there who find his antics cute, and are willing to have a go with him, than any of his mockers will ever get to pick from.

Really, little dude, just go with it and stop being such a pussy.

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Message 8/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  09:07 PM     Edit: 28-Jul-03  |  09:08 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid

Steve Roughley

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OH c'mon! Good on him! I hope he screws those bastards over ROYALLY! From the video that I saw, the poor guy is at school, overweight and rather uncoordinated; this is a pure recipe for neurotic insecurities and bullying. This kind of piss taking can completely ruin people’s lives (look at all the high school massacres. Where do you think they started?), and as far as I am concerned, anyone who humiliates anyone like this deserves everything that they get.


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Message 9/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  09:21 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid

Broken Silence

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I'm torn...valid points on both sides

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Message 10/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  09:23 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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I'm just sick and tired of people blaming all their insecurites on the derisive comments of others. In my opinion, these people need to grow a spine and stop caring so much about their fucking precious image. It sucks the guy got screwed over by his classmates, but sometimes that shit happens, and you can't always go crying to mommy, asking her to wipe yer ass and give you double allowance because your feelings were hurt.

Fuck that, man.

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Message 11/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  09:50 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid

Steve Roughley

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I know what you're saying Psy, but I have a very strong suspicion that this, like so many other occurnces of this sort, is not a one off event. There isn't a child strong enough to fend of this kind of shit when it starts. Even if it is a one off, this will teach those piss takers a lesson that they wont forget, which is an all too rare occurrence.


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Message 12/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  10:15 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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that last post wasn't me.

un dau tri pedwar pump chwech saith wyth naw deg.

and you're a coc oen, outside now, you's dead, cont.

(insert seemingly ironic threat of physical violence against an imagined internet assailant here)

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Message 13/62                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  11:02 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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prolly an ambulance chaser with some free time convinced him to a) see the shrink for a few months, b)whatever else in the article i havnt read and finally, c) sue.

who pays, - can you insure against that?

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Message 14/62                 Date: 29-Jul-03  @  08:33 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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Didnt it even cross his mind that when you film yourself being a complete idiot your mates are gonna distribute the film as much as possible. Who wouldnt ? He should be grateful his got mates anyway, being that fat.

It wouldnt suprise me if he asks for compensation in cakes and not money. Better phone Mr Kiplings factory now and get them working 24/7 in preparation.

Fat c*nt

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Message 15/62                 Date: 29-Jul-03  @  07:43 PM     Edit: 29-Jul-03  |  07:54 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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"these people need to grow a spine"

It is generally understood, even by the layperson, that one's spine and much of the rest of the body is not fully grown until several years beyond this lad's age. He is, as is also commonly understood by most laypersons, still a child and not fully grown physically or emotionally.

The term it takes a whole village to raise a child comes to mind even if it is a "global" village. It is the responsibility of adults to gauge where to draw the line in those moments when one must weigh the benefits of experience vs the benefits of intervention and withholding a given experience until the child's physical and/or emotional development is congruent with the experience. No one puts a twelve year old flag football player in to play tackle football (US stylee) with a senior who plays for the state champion high school team. I don't think I've ever said this before about any other subject I've ever posted on here but anyone who disagrees with this commonly understood idea of being cognizant and empathetic of a child's experiential development is wrong, way wrong. Period.

I'm not even a parent and I can understand this stuff. Developmental psychology isn't so esoteric that its unknown to laypeople. Most of it is common sense.

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Message 16/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  01:29 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Bollox that "child" is trying to profit financially from his public embarrassment end of story.

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Message 17/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  03:30 AM     Edit: 30-Jul-03  |  03:31 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Yes, I see your point. That awkward, overweight, kid did strike me as sinister and conniving.
His mates, innocent, kind-hearted, caring lads that they are, posted to the net in an attempt
to show the world how cool their best buddy is
in the hopes of getting him lots of dates once
he graduated out of grade school into middle school.

Perhaps some loser adult is trying to profit
from said child's experience. Its an idea. Hard to grasp for so many, I understand, but do try.

All things being equal, another hard idea to grasp - I know, I do hope that those who deserve it get to experience something as embarrasing in their adult life. Hmmm, actually, I can't think of much that a well adjusted ADULT who was
raised throughout their childhood by caring ADULTS can't handle. That includes acting like
an adult in such matters as this.

The idea that a group of people in their twenties and thirties could look at this kid derisively is boggling. I imagine some of you think his classmates who posted the clip are actually

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Message 18/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  05:19 AM     Edit: 30-Jul-03  |  07:27 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Mick you can take your patronising sarcasm and shove it up your arse sideways with nails,needles,and nettles on.

Children are horrible,nasty,vicious little shites to each other on a regular basis there's nothing to be done about it,you can't make kids be nice to each other,if they want to be nasty they'll simply be nasty out of sight and out of mind.It takes time before they learn what behaviour suits them best sometimes they find that being nasty gets the desired results and they become nasty adults.

The classmates that uploaded the video are the same age as Jedi kid they are children too,what they did was probably what the majority of adolescent boys would have done given the same opportunity.

In Europe we don't take people to court on the basis of schadefreude or hurty wurted feewings.That Jedi kid had stated on a radio interview a while ago that he really wasn't that bothered by the video he certainly doesn't think that way now it couldn't be anything to do with the money could it?.

He also has a lot of support from a lot of people on the web there are sites devoted to him


and here's some adults making knobs of themselves


There are a lot more embarrassing situations to be caught in he could have been caught having a wank with a screwed up face while watching a "horny hamsters" video now that would be embarrassing.If he's having problems with this how will he handle life?He needs to grow a hide because there are far more serious issues to deal with in life than embarrassment over mildly absurd light sabre gymnastics.

I think that in this case

'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Than to take lawyers against a few classmates,
And by a courtcase sue them.

Oh and I'm sure the $225000 Canadian dollars (although the money of course has nothing to do with the affair it's the principle after all)will be an excellently soothing salve to his state of emotional turmoil.

Obviously Mick your idea of common sense is very different from mine,or do you think that suing his classmates is an appropriate response?

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Message 19/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  11:33 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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personally if I was one of his mates that is in the firing line to be sued I'd beat the living crap out the fat bastard. I'm am gonna get sued may as well do a good job of emotionally scarring a fat kid.

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Message 20/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  02:25 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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yeah, isnt this a less serious version of those guys in jail in UK who get 'compensation' for testifying that someone abused them while in care as teenagers?

reliable motivation i'd say.

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Message 21/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  03:31 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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pict: [clap, clap, clap] exactly!

The kids stole some personal property and used it without permission. That is punishable.

But trying to compensate for "emotional damage" with money is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of, and opens the door to ridiculous lawsuits that we've all heard of and laughed at.

"Emotional baggage" is the main cause for neurotic and selfish human behavior, imo. Dwelling on shit that has happened to you is SO unhealthy. How can people ever start to think of themselves as part of a society if they're always worried about their feelings and their experiences and how they have hurt their ego. It's all a bunch of bullshit. I really don't think human development is as cause-n-effectual (like that word, eh?) as psychologists and biologists would like to make it out to be. But that's another thread topic, I guess.

I just want to see the human race progress beyond me,me,meism and compensation for "emotional damage" is but one of many steps in the wrong direction.

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Message 22/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  05:06 PM     Edit: 30-Jul-03  |  05:07 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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"do you think that suing his classmates is an appropriate response?"

I think its ridiculous. I also think the kid is being manipulated by unscrupulous adults. "Kids" can't sue each other. Does no one besides Chedder (shudder) understand this simple fact? My point has been that a bunch of adults have fucked this up from the get go. Its one thing for children within a peer group to make fun of each other. It is something else entirely when adults around the world take part in anything other than intervetion (in the case of a child who is in way over their head and is not prepared to deal with the experience) or silent observation (in the case of a child who is experiencing something that, hard as it may be, they need to experience but are emotionally capable of dealing with it in a manner congruent with their level of maturity)

I stand by what I said about experiential development because its true. Thats the difference between the parent who throws their child into the pool and says "swim" and the parent who takes the time to teach their child in a manner that will make them a confident swimmer.
It is common sense.

What amazes me in all this is that so many seem to think that children can actually sue each other without adults involved. Will the judge be 12 years old as well??? The attorneys??? Everyone keeps saying "the kid" is sueing. As if. Chedder seems to be the only one who gets it. Truly a sign of the apocalypse.  

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Message 23/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  05:48 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Um, Mick. I think we're all in agreement that the lawsuit is frivolous. However, you seem to be attempting to justify it by giving credence to their "emotional scarring" angle. What exactly is your point?

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Message 24/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  06:14 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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you can get a plastic judges play set, there is even a Guantanamo version with thumbscrews, blindfold and the flat cloth the judge puts on before pronouncing death sentences, only there are no lawyers in that version  

About this star wars kid, you started it. They collect money and send it to him, some thousands of dollars and low and behold after the moneys gone he needs more. Well blow me, money goes to money, enough is never enough, progress on the backs of your peers, profit in capitalism, sounds like a grade A student

Watch out he will be wanting royalties for those who have downloaded it

The fat star wars kid©

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Message 25/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  06:14 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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you can get a plastic judges play set, there is even a Guantanamo version with thumbscrews, blindfold and the flat cloth the judge puts on before pronouncing death sentences, only there are no lawyers in that version  

About this star wars kid, you started it. They collect money and send it to him, some thousands of dollars and low and behold after the moneys gone he needs more. Well blow me, money goes to money, enough is never enough, progress on the backs of your peers, profit in capitalism, sounds like a grade A student

Watch out he will be wanting royalties for those who have downloaded it

The fat star wars kid©

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Message 26/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  06:18 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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so the guy goes into the fish and chip shop and says "I'll have fish and chips twice", the shopkeeper looks up and says "It's OK I heard you the first time"

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Message 27/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  06:54 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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from a program on c4 last night about a single mother who has 7 children, a masters and a book out. 4 sons have different degrees of autism, three daughters don't -

... 14 year old Luke, whose form of autism is called Asperger's Syndrome.

Despite being badly bullied at school and called a freak, Luke has come out on top and has remarkably already written two books about his condition.

"When people look at you it makes you feel uncomfortable, but I've learned to cope by staring at the space between their eyes" he said. "I've been bullied a lot in the past, but I'm proud of who I am. Being different is cool."

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Message 28/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  07:10 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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I should sue my fuckin stepdad. and Mr Wedge my 4th grade teacher. and that guy that socked me in the jaw my freshman year because my buddy liked his girlfriend. and that broad who had her boyfriend get on the phone cuz I was obsessed. and my dad for being an absentee drunkard. and my mom for being a flake.

and MYSELF for all of the above

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Message 29/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  10:12 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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but who do you complain about the selection of that particular egg and that particular sperm.

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Message 30/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  11:27 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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heh. sue them for bringin me to life!

well...SOMEONE should! we should all sue each other!

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Message 31/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  12:10 AM     Edit: 31-Jul-03  |  12:25 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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My rant started with the "grow a spine" comment. It harkens back to the original thread - adults poking fun at a kid in an unprecedented manner.

So, I'm not on about the lawsuit. I do, however, think the kid is getting a bad rap for things he has little control over: first, his unscrupulous mates and now unscrupulous adults. Its unfortunate that the clip was posted and people made fun of him but he bucked up and the kid seemed ok with it.

Now suddenly "he's" sueing and everyone is once again riduculing him when in fact it should be someone else who is being blasted: the adults out to take advatage of a schoolyard prank between same age peers (this is a key distinction). Adults made fun of him at the outset and now adults are taking advantage of the kid in a similar manner that his mates did. Its pathetic. I'm sure part of it is that the media fed short attention span sensationalism seeking knee jerk public has a "face" and so that is who gets the attention. What about the other players? Perhaps if we get to see someone's attorney we can finally decide then whose right or wrong based upon their cheekbones, their hairstyle, or whether they can twirl a "lightsabre" gracefully.

Ultimately, the kid did nothing to create this situation other than indulging in childish, perhaps even immature for his age, whimsey. In the end I hope he and his mates get through it okay, both sides have now become victims, but the adults who are exploiting the situation should have a special reservation in hell.

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Message 32/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  02:41 AM     Edit: 31-Jul-03  |  02:47 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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would be cool if he got a wee cameo in the new flick, ya know, give him an ewok costume or something harmless

actually i didn't find the movie *that* funny - it was the title of the thread 'the force is strong with this one' that had me on the floor. All i could hear when i was watchin the poor sod was a mad soundbite of obi-one over and over every time the wee guy pulled a death move

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Message 33/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  03:29 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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It's not the kid that's being ridiculed as much as it is the premise that embarrassment is grounds for a lawsuit.This sort of ridiculous, frivolous litigation is getting out of hand it's clogging up courts and delaying decisions on important matters.Yes some verminous adults are manipulating the situation but I'm certain that Ghyslain the jedi knows the value of money($1/4 million Canadian buys a whole lot of star wars stuff or maybe even a visit to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory)and as he stands to be the main recipient of any compensation I'm sure he is to some extent complicit in the idea of the lawsuit at the very least he has to agree to it. Does his arm need that much twisting?Profiting from revenge is a juicy carrot.

It might not be fun being overweight and awkward at 15 years old but as we all learn, there's always someone more talented,handsome,bigger etc.etc.etc.
Ghyslain is learning that if someone hurts your feelings it's okay to try and bankrupt them in court.

Adults had a laugh at him so what,I know I did I pissed myself laughing(so did my wife and kids)not because I am a horrible,vindictive kind of person but because I saw a situation that inummerable people might have been in(not me of course!)and could imagine how they might have felt because I know how I might have felt.Laurel and Hardy and countless others grew rich and famous on the back of schadefreude because that's what slapstick humour basically derives from.

On a hippier note,I could also imagine how good he felt when he made the video,you could see his imagination at work in his facial expressions and the hollywood swagger it was a very absurd and very human situation oh and did I mention that it was funny.I'll bet if you could ask the 10 million people who downloaded what they all thought about the video the vast majority would agree that it was funny.If thinking that the video was funny makes me a bad guy well sue me I'd have plenty of company in court.

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Message 34/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  03:53 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Ill see you in court you fucker

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Message 35/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  04:56 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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I'm countersuing you for calling me that nasty name it has created a living hell of emotional torment because you did it in front of all these people.Wait a minute isn't what you just said actually a case of libel

*scurries off to phone a lawyer,rubbing hands in a Faganlike fashion*

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Message 36/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  05:26 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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I'm sure, in a pinch, a few ex's you've f+cked could be dragged into court as witnesses to the fact that you are, indeed, a f+cker! And furthermore, considering the praise most folks receive in our society with their ability to attract a sexual partner... I argue that not only is your mental anguish unjustified... you may indeed owe an apology in the face of this obvious compliment!


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Message 37/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  06:54 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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but then if the interpretation of the term was in the sense of "you person who f*cks things up" or even "you exceedingly unpleasant person" then that obviously reflects detrimentally on my character and in public no less.

A further and much more sinister interpretation and one which I deem to be far more likely,considering the precedent that exists in cases where this exact statement has been uttered,could be that Mr In Flux was actually ordering my unfortunate self to copulate with a yet to be identified female id est "You! F*ck her!" which through a process of melismatic elision becomes"You f*cker!" and becomes if you will,a speedily enunciated,excited exhortation to commit carnal caresses of a pelvic nature with a member of the opposite sex and that such caresses should be performed Ab ovo usque ad mala Ab irato,so to speak.

This is clearly an attempt to elicit an abhorrent and unpleasant act from me(one could also infer from the fact that the original statement was made in public that the act itself was intended to be put into motion,as it were,in public,but I digress somewhat)this incident has caused untold damage to my psyche only financial recompense to the piffling sum of £98765435244416780000000.14(after consultation with my psychiatrist)would be adequate to ease my tormented soul after having been inflicted with such maleficent thoughts that torture me even as I write with trembling hand,palpitating pulse,and wildly staring eyes whilst dabbing my damp,deep,furrowed brow with a small piece of tissue paper.

*gathers papers together,adjusts horsehair wig and black cloak*

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Message 38/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  07:06 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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pict, you are in the wrong line of work.

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Message 39/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  07:47 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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"carnal caresses of a pelvic nature" LOL

whats "melismatic elision" and " Ab ovo usque ad mala Ab irato"

ing lawyers, thats wot

You want VAT with that claim

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Message 40/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  07:48 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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hey that was kinda cool though!

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Message 41/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  08:46 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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holy fucking shit I just fell off my chair!

god damn, pict. I wish you lived around the corner so I could tip a few with you!

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Message 42/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  09:02 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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lol! class-A stuff..hehe

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Message 43/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  09:04 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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pict: [clap, clap, clap] Fuck me man, I'm getting tired of clapping for your brilliance. Too funny...

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Message 44/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  10:46 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Shit Pict, you got far too much time on your hands... bravo!

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Message 45/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  02:02 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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f*ck me, I thought I was watching an episode of Perry Mason then.

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Message 46/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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HAHAHAAHAHAH you are off your rocker.

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Message 47/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  06:49 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Sorry, Influx... you're screwed!!!

Judgement to the...


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Message 48/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  07:27 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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no shit. I just got Johnny Cochran'd

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Message 49/62                 Date: 01-Aug-03  @  04:57 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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The wind! My sails! LOL!

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Message 50/62                 Date: 02-Aug-03  @  01:20 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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In all honesty, I hope that Lucas cans most of his cast, and instead of this fucking cheese he's been reduced to doing, goes back to the deep dark evil stuff he did in Empire Stirkes Back. Remember, Vader is not that lanky little whiney peanut puffer. He's a SERIOUSLY bad ass dude, as in bad enough that nobody in the entire galaxy will fuck with him, bad enough to take out the Emperor himself. Not some fuckin whining little whelp that says "I kiiled them like animals....boo-hoo-hoo!!" No way. Vader feels no shame or remorse in torture to get the job done, let alone slaughter. We're talking strangulation with the power of will from parsecs away, just at mild irritation. "Boo-hoo-hoo...Obi Wan holds me back...boo-hoo-hoo." No way. Fuck the fat kid, and fuck the cheese. Vader's about to become reality. Can't beat Count Dookie, my foot. Should have just picked him up and squashed him, lashing out cuz he was pissed about the loss of his hand. Anyhoos....


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Message 51/62                 Date: 04-Aug-03  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Hell Yeah! You said it Pongoid!

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Message 52/62                 Date: 04-Aug-03  @  04:50 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid

Steve Roughley

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"I hope that Lucas cans most of his cast, and instead of this fucking cheese he's been reduced to doing, goes back to the deep dark evil stuff he did in Empire Stirkes Back."

Ahem... cough... like Mark Hammill? Ehem.  


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Message 53/62                 Date: 05-Aug-03  @  03:34 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Hamil got his ass kicked like the cocky little whiney shit he is, remember?


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Message 54/62                 Date: 05-Aug-03  @  09:02 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Well that was always on the cards... look at the dude's haircut for chrissakes, no wonder Vader wanted to open up a can'o'whupass!

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Message 55/62                 Date: 05-Aug-03  @  10:56 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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no one wanted to be luke skywalker when you played with other kids in the school playground, always han solo. So you'd have 30 han solos flying around the playground (with your arms out to emulate the millenium falcon) and you'd have the kid that always got bullied as Luke.

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Message 56/62                 Date: 05-Aug-03  @  06:18 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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I always wanted to be Chewbacca so that I could get to rip peoples arms and legs off and make that cross between whalesong and bear roar sound that Chewie made which translated means "come ahead Darth I'll use your helmet for a piss pot!"

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Message 57/62                 Date: 05-Aug-03  @  08:52 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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"...armed and FULLY OPERATIONAL battlestation"

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Message 58/62                 Date: 10-Aug-03  @  01:25 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

I'll smoke you in the studio.....

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Message 59/62                 Date: 18-Aug-03  @  04:54 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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I think next round Lucas should team up with Eminem and L.L. Cool J and make a hip-hop installment of Star Wars, with lots of really cool-looking fat people in their Abercrombie and Fitches jigglin' it all around. Call it The Revenge of Jabba or something.

With white girls in chains, of course.

George, you know you wanna do it.


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Message 60/62                 Date: 18-Aug-03  @  09:02 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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nah, theres enough fvcking rap sh1t around without a star wars movie going bling, tight, yo, sup ,etc....eminems an overrated gimp, LL cool J was always a laughing stock in the 80's...lemmie guess, your about 18 and have a few 12" subs in the boot of your nova?

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Message 61/62                 Date: 18-Aug-03  @  02:34 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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You mean the Vauxhall Nova 1.2L Car, and not the Novation Nova synthesizer right ?

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Message 62/62                 Date: 18-Aug-03  @  02:51 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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yes it would have been the 1.2L, or a 1.2L kitted out to look like an SR!...yawn

spotty fecker probably wouldnt know what a novation piece of kit is

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