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Subject: useless website

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  02:56 AM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  02:57 AM   -   useless website


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Message 51/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  11:08 AM   -   RE: useless website


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hmm..... perhaps the issue is

Grown up adults perhaps find it rather patronising to be continualy told

"Now pay attention!.... the world works like this you see!"

...or some such type of thing.

fuck OFF!..... please!.... Y'know?... there's a real differene between people saying:

"Well, such and such a philosopher thinks or theorises that....."


"such and such writer called life the.. blah blah... etc"


"such and such a culture beleives that...."

but this kind of:

"you're all stupid/imbeciles/children, and THIS is how it all actualy works"

That REALLY gets tiresome

i wonder about this you see.... you take a person from a dominatimng culture which historicaly has trampled over other peoples beliefs and cultures worldwide

you give someone brought up in all that a NEW theory of life or they discover a new 'way to live' or whatever you call it.... and sure enuff they'll apply their adherence to this new theory in the exact same way as their culture always has..... by taking that NEW 'bible' and trampling it all over everyone... trying to force people to adjust to it or realise it or beleive in it.

it's just the same cultural imperialism all over again

just the same behaviour but with different content.

imo of course  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 52/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  12:11 PM   -   RE: useless website


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and btw - i went and played a gig last night, checked email this morning - 5 more artists signed up overnight - y'know... but they might not be on the forums


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 53/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  12:33 PM   -   RE: useless website


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also this http://jo.zan.hu/poen/flash/honeybear_demo.swf

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Message 54/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  03:53 PM   -   RE: useless website


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y'see, k, y'can't understand, cos you have a child, and once you have a child, you're investing a lot of 'faith' in the physical reality.

and you said it yourself.. 'grown-up..' 'adult..'

both of these terms indicate a change in perception, behaviour, et c. from the initial state of being.

let me clue you in, then - when you 'grow up,' you swallow the shit. you're an adult now, you've decided to accept what you see and work on its' terms.


..and, friend, "you're all stupid/imbeciles/children, and THIS is how it all actualy works" is exactly the line that 'adults'/domesticated humans like to dish out. isn't it. isn't it.

oc pict is entirely ready to swallow astrology, based entirely on the physical universe, but scoffs the concept that the human may actually be, in part, a transducer.. ooh yes, you can read your forecast in the times but you can't fucking open your ears a bit can you?

that's called being led and an half.

go along then, grow up, be the man. and don't you dare be anythnig beyond that

i mean how fucking simple can you get - you want to slate me for being clairaudient? that's a piss in the pan, the first step.

a damn sight further than you'll ever get with that attitude.

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Message 55/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  04:18 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Xoxos are you deliberately being ridiculous?Do you actually read and comprehend what other people communicate to you?

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Message 56/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  04:27 PM   -   RE: useless website


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do you?

i'm not expressing anything new whatsoever. the concept of 'non-gross-physical' communication is probably recognised in every culture there is.. but i'm depicted as an evangelist?

you can go fuck yourself speaking to me with that attitude. as for my attitude, i didn't call anyone a dumb fucker until they rolled their eyes at me.

i mean, k will go on about geometric patterns in the koran mapping the orbit of uranus or some shit, but he can't fucking use his own ears. it's okay if he reads it in a book somewhere like you.

that, and having a go at me because i call someone a dumb fucker for automatically discarding me, is pathetic, sirs.

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Message 57/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  04:32 PM   -   RE: useless website


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you lot just carry on, don't mind me. this one's not quite so empty on the surface but it's actually more empty underneath

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Message 58/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  04:54 PM   -   RE: useless website


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i know a lot of you probably disaprove of my way, xoxos the first one it seems, but i still feel i have to quote all these authors who left a lasting imprint. now if i was a writer myself, i could convey it in my own soup, but i'm not. i'm also more than aware i'm not some kind of "thruth depot", but some things have such resonance within me, i feel there is "thruth" in them. i have no problem with being ridicule myself. i'd rather be ridicule than sit in the corner, mute. i do it in vivo also. that said i have to re-quote this again. 1984 very lasting imprint

"animals don't wear uniform but they kill as much as you
but the army kills for money and animals kill for food
it's the basest degradation in the name of what is right
become something you never were and regret till you die

'cos your father will tell you 'sonny you must do as you are told'
and you'll say the same thing to your kids when you're 32 years old
and unless you can react against the brainwash from the start
your goverment will rule your mind and your mind will rule your heart
you'll conform to every social law and be the system's slave
from birth to school to work to death from the cradle to the grave"

SubHumAns, from the cradle to the grave, 1984, bluurg records, fish 8cd.

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Message 59/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  05:08 PM   -   RE: useless website

SignalRunners - Andrew

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Message 60/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: useless website



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somewhere between all our myriad perceptions.....
lies a truth.

and still THAT truth will be brief in the larger cosmic equation....(where black holes and quasars have a slightly different view of things....and gods are pedestrian if that.)

our differences are truly miniscule...though we heap monuments and declarations upon them.

there are times when an aquarius with his moon-and-ascendant in virgo (listen up firehorse) may be hard hard HARD to the point of mean-ness and no-compromise...(and no....he ain't hearing ya today)>>>
he may be verbose and unrelenting and abrasive.....but he is no bullshiter....and determined to retain the universal child~
and able to make a distinction between that which is innocence and ignorance...
and those who play the one behind the banner/banter of the other.

that which is attributed to royal western upbringings is reinforced by this hard servile aspect of his.
to rule...one must learn to serve......
and that's why in spite all this loudness and harshness....
i find the sound refreshing (if even excessively so) in a world of so much howdy doody.
plus there's been no one more candid here in their revelations.....privately or publically.......and i always give honesty the highest marks.
plus he's never slagged one soul here privately to me...always, if anything...saying something nice if aname ever even came up.
discretion is for the anxious and well-mannered and we are but wild on the occasional wind. oh but joy!

zazza....band please.
we're home.

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