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Subject: number of countries signed kyoto?

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Original Message 1/6                 Date: 01-Mar-03  @  08:28 AM   -   number of countries signed kyoto?



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I can't seem to find it anywhere, yet it was quite the topic.

Anyone know how many signed on?

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Message 2/6                 Date: 01-Mar-03  @  10:26 AM   -   RE: number of countries signed kyoto?

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Don't know how many signed, but it was a small amount. Doesn't really matter anyway. The Kyoto agreement would only give us around 10 extra years worth of inhabitable environment. It won't make much difference at all really because we are naturally becoming more and more clean and efficient anyway. The hole in the ozone layer for instance is healing up and could be fully repared by 2050.

All we have to do is to use our own experience and knowledge to make sure that developing nations skip the industrial age completely and we should be OK. But that is a whole other story.



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Message 3/6                 Date: 01-Mar-03  @  06:52 PM   -   RE: number of countries signed kyoto?


Posts: 1502

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Well, at the moment we seem to be quite efficient at keeping them in the stone age.. that should work too..

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Message 4/6                 Date: 03-Mar-03  @  06:07 AM   -   RE: number of countries signed kyoto?



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That's it? I read alot of places that people were upset that the USA didn't sign up, but how many others didn't?

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Message 5/6                 Date: 03-Mar-03  @  06:18 AM   -   RE: number of countries signed kyoto?


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I would imagine it was difficult to garner excitement about a global environment treaty that the world's biggest polluter didn't sign. Go Bush!


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Message 6/6                 Date: 03-Mar-03  @  11:15 AM   -   RE: number of countries signed kyoto?


Posts: 1502

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I think about 67 other countries signed up, Russia is about to and then it goes into effect, (except for the USA of course)

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