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Subject: Bound By Law

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Original Message 1/6                 Date: 21-Jun-06  @  09:11 AM   -   Bound By Law


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Message 2/6                 Date: 21-Jun-06  @  10:58 AM   -   RE: Bound By Law


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comical but sad.

We wanted to inlclude some BG music playing from an old phonogram for a flashback scene set in the 40's, it would be some bigband, glenn miller song, we had an original recording of a miller tune played by a band for which we had permission for performance/recording use (the band were happy just to be featured and get a credit) and still when we called the publishers about fee's foir using the ORIGINAL recording they wouldnt allow it to be used straight off the bat, they demanded a whole investigation as to the context in which the peice would be played, the scene script and any rushes footage, they wanted full details of the movies budgets, distribution territories (which weren't even decided by the producers at the time & might be variable anyway based on the sucess or otherwise within the films own domestic market) and a whole bunch of other crap which would have required allocating a fulltime employee or two just to handle all the dung for months & months on end... never mind the fact it would mean not being able to edit and make any descisions for the film until resolved which might mean anything up to 6 months sitting and waiting for a decision about one tiny bit of bg music which would be playing while some people sat drinking and eating and having a conversation over the music - the music wasnt even going to be properly featured as it was going to be edited into a thin faint 5khz playback frequency as if coming from a wind-up gramaphone in the bg of a room - so we dropped it

fuck em man, it's complete madness


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/6                 Date: 21-Jun-06  @  08:28 PM   -   RE: Bound By Law


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Message 4/6                 Date: 23-Jun-06  @  11:19 AM   -   RE: Bound By Law


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copyright has become such a media issue now that every minor exec thinks there's money to be made for fuck all.

over here in sunny wales, s4c (national welsh language tv commisioning body similar to channel4) used to/still has (gray area) a publishing arm set up 50/50 with emi.

s4c are a commisioning body i.e. they don't actually make tv programmes, they get other independant companies to make shit for them. (although they do have a kids tv production arm). when someone (from independant tv company) commissioned new music for a slot the composer would get 50% of prs royalites and s4c/emi would take the rest for being the publishers. (this is known as a 'buy out')

so my prs statements would be - me/partners: 50%, s4c 25%, emi 25%.

supposedly in return for taking 50% s4c/emi would 'exploit' the rights by making them available as library or otherwise making money off the music they owned. of course what happens is ... tv program goes out 2 or 3 times, music doesn't get exploited, sits on a shelf and composer is 50% less well off in short term and god knows how much in long term.

now, oftel or ofcom or whatever they're called decide that s4c, being a commissioning body and not a television programme making company shouldn't also be a music publisher. makes sense to me, they're a public funded broadcaster, not a state sponsored record company. all well and good.

so what happens? the independant tv companies now have access to the rights ... they see free money for fuck all ... maybe pay prs/mcps to set up a publishing company then sit on the 50% that S4C/EMI used to take.

what happens to the composer? still in the same situation, a company who have no experience in music publishing taking ownership of the music for no other reason than short term monetary gain.

i'm working on a solution ;)

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Message 5/6                 Date: 23-Jun-06  @  11:20 AM   -   RE: Bound By Law


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oh yeah ... /rant

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Message 6/6                 Date: 23-Jun-06  @  05:22 PM   -   RE: Bound By Law


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i'm working on a solution

gun to the head?

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