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Subject: useless website

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  02:56 AM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  02:57 AM   -   useless website


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Message 41/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  04:58 PM     Edit: 28-Sep-04  |  04:58 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Clay, would you cut it out with the "us vs you" thing because it doesn't exist. From almost everything I read from you about us, I am of the conclusion that you have no idea where any of "us" are coming from. And I imagine that we totally miss half of what you're saying, too. It's just different forms of communication, so quit perceiving it as some sort of struggle.

There's nothing wrong with DT. Nothing wrong with the people on DT. Things come and go in waves. Sometimes people use the forums. Some of us use chat. [shrug]... don't be so conspiratorial.

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Message 42/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  05:24 PM   -   RE: useless website


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"Twiglet Zone music..."

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Message 43/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Does no one post here anymore?

I keep seeing the same stupid jokes, same stupid political opinions, same stupid philosophical ramblings and the same stupid people who don't agree with said ramblings.

Isn't that what the Slaggit forum has been for, like... 8 years?!!!! Isn't that why we love DT? I know it's why I keep coming back. Because I can get or give quality info when I or someone else is hung up on somthing technical, and I can stop by WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT and bullshit with a bunch of bullshiters...

Oh my, it's just occured to me that some people might not think this is all bullshit... my my my

What exactly has changed?

A moniker?




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Message 44/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  06:08 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Message 45/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: useless website


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"the best music never gets recorded"

magic, metaphysics, whatever, was just always interesting to me. as i grow older, it's more apparent to me that any sort of mental process, refinement, especially music, which is the study and application of frequency... is all the same kind of growth.

i had a stack of cds, maybe 5 or 6 on the floor. sitting there for days.

last night, i was speaking with a spirit, and we agreed it was time for it to leave. i happened to look at the cd stack at that moment and it was knocked over.. top cds were knocked a few inches.

this morning, my mother calls to say she's adopted two new cats.

right before the phone rings, i look at my finger, and one of shin gatsu's white hairs is stuck to the tip. i talk to my mother. yesterday i got an impression from her, "i miss shin," she described the incident that generated the emotion, so that's one telepathic transmission and one coincidental mystery hair since the cat didn't live here and i go over there maybe once every month or two, so you tell me how it happened to be on the end of my finger with me staring at it when the phone rings.

as musicians, you spend cumulative years just mixing frequencies.. that's *gotta* have an effect.. you're composers, dreamers ("of dreams..") that's gotta have an effect...

what i'm saying is, there's gotta be somethnig to work with here, you...

..haven't you ever been in love? maybe once, where you both pick up the phone at once, or suddenly you just feel a 'loved' feeling whereever you are?

i always had a crappy relationship with my mother.. not especially bad, just the typical maladjusted, worrisome child, and therefore withdrawn.. so a couple of years ago i started tellnig her everythnig, when it happened.

whether she just put up with my bullshit because i'm her child or what, we're closer now, eg. in a way that i don't feel i have to hide things to keep her happy.. and it's that sense of hiding things that impedes transmission.. well, recognised transmission mebbe :p

since her parents died, oc it's been one incident of "grampa just said.." after another.. (i can sit here and translate verbatim for hours) she's contacting too.. and this has oc increased the affinity for contact between us.. it's not shocking or anything any more.

but it is like being asleep all the time..

if you ignore mystical experiences as impractical.. (well it beats me why you would, i reckon everybody has some sort of hinting experience) it's like missing the big picture.

the power of imagination.. gently allowing possibilities.. that's all it is.

make what you can accept larger, increase your capacity for existence.

aah, crap. got me thinking i've found three long, black hairs in very strange/wrong places since i've been in this house. i'm going to sulk now.

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Message 46/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  10:57 PM   -   RE: useless website



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well...psy..i have to admit it's a real relief to hear it coming from you.

my job is done.
i can go home now.

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Message 47/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  03:29 AM   -   RE: useless website


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I don't know Xoxos take astrology that's a lot of imagination I think it's totally bogus and a waste of the imaginative energies especially when I see the big bucks being earned out of it by a load of repellent(to me)individuals.I'm all for imagination fuck I live by it but I think it's very important not to let it run away with you.

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Message 48/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  04:15 AM     Edit: 29-Sep-04  |  04:17 AM   -   RE: useless website


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if it wasn't for the moon, would we be roaming the earth ? i doubt it.

be merry, without worries
for the moon will shine for long
on all of our graves

Ghiyath al-Din Abu'l-Fath Umar ibn Ibrahim Al-Nisaburi al-Khayyami

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Message 49/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  06:58 AM   -   RE: useless website


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see what i mean about communication, clay? I'm really not clear on just how to take that. should I be?

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Message 50/75                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  08:13 AM   -   RE: useless website


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The reverse sense: how good words conceal evil purposes, how good causes lead to bad ends. In his remarkable book, La tête coupée, “The Severed Head,” the French mathematician Arnaud-Aaron Upinsky helps us to understand why something that seems so good, that promises economic prosperity and world harmony, globalization, is capable of compromising that simplest of institutions, the family, without which neither prosperity nor harmony can long exist. “The great systems of the modern era function, in fact, in the reverse sense of what they say: the majority is only a minority, equality implies inequality, la volonté générale, the general will, is only that of one party, etc. etc.

If we apply Upinsky’s concept of the reverse sense, we will ask ourselves whether the concept of globalization actually will bring the opposite of what it is intended to bring, namely, isolation. We say, “Globalization,” and think that we know what we will be getting. What we actually will be getting is quite different. Examples of Upinsky’s reverse sense are easy to find. One is expression that has come up so often in connection with the disturbances in Yugoslavia, East Timor, Pakistan, and elsewhere, “international community.” What the news accounts say is, “The international community desires.” What is this “international community”? Is there a volonté internationale? What these words really mean is that NATO, the United States, or perhaps only the American president desires. As Upinsky wrote, majority means minority, and la volonté générale means the will of one party, or perhaps even of one man.

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