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Subject: influx....

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  05:04 PM   -   influx....

JJ Freqy

Posts: 90

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It seems that every post I read here on DT has you responding with something negative, unless it's about you of course. What's with the chip on your shoulder? Ppl ask questions on a forum, that's what it is for. If you don't want to answer their question -- THEN DON'T! Giving someone a bunch of negative bullsh*t isn't what they came to DT for.

Did you get molested as a child or did you miss a couple of doses of your daily antidepressant/antianxiety medication? If you don't take them, maybe you should look into it. You have some serious social communication problems?

Chill out, walk on the beach or something, it seems as if you're bomb waiting to explode. Stress is a killer there influx, prevention is better than a cure 

JJ Freqy

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Message 41/61                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  04:57 PM   -   RE: influx....

SignalRunners - BLU

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brown bottle ya bas!

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Message 42/61                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: influx....


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Hey Blu, that's not fair, you just copied and pasted from another thread. That's not very cutting edge now is it?

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Message 43/61                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  05:49 PM   -   RE: influx....

SignalRunners - BLU

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probably not, but it was to keep from ruining zazzas , which looks like has happened anyway.

fuck it- enjoy this years cool

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Message 44/61                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  06:16 PM   -   RE: influx....


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um.... one thing should be pointed out - about 3 years after Dt started came that huge Prodigy/Chem bro's etc wave and suddely everyone wanted to make tunes like that and called it dance - most of the people wanting to emulate the Prodigy etc had never been clubbing in their lives and it was a maily USA-led thing cos there was a touch of rock to the prodigy - enuff strands people could relate to who'd grown up on rock/guitars etc...

now those days have gone - the masses have sold their few bits of gear and gone back to their lives.

Plus the trance explosion also died down, that also brought in many mannabees - they also have gone

It's just clearing out the shed basicaly..

Now... have you seen the topics on some other forums? - *cough*


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 45/61                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  06:19 PM   -   RE: influx....


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no? *cough*


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Message 46/61                 Date: 11-Sep-04  @  04:42 PM   -   RE: influx....


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"what 2 guis look the best open at the same time?"

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Message 47/61                 Date: 11-Sep-04  @  07:40 PM   -   RE: influx....


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Ladies, Gentlemen, Those in between, and outside,
a message from the resident asshole:


*...and the crowd goes WILD!!! WOOOOT!!!!!!

Now really...what was the point of all this? JJ, are you just so fucking lacking of intellect and the ability to amuse yourself that you must take it upon your sorry pathetic excuse for a self to come lipping my long-time friend and fellow grumpy asshole, Influx? He's not completely full of negativity and anger! There's some self-pity and self-doubt, combined with a genuine desire to help others in there as well. He's not out there to simply degrade others for his own amusement. That part's incidental. (I'm kidding here, Influx) Throughout the numerous years in this site that I've been talking with this fellow he's offered very sound technical advice on numerous occasions. He's a bit thin skinned, but so am I and folks what don't like can take a flying fuck at the moon. We both command and demand respect, and if it's not given then we express our displeasure in no uncertain terms. What's wrong with that? JJ just too big and bad to give out that kind of respect? Might shatter his ego a little bit? Well too fucking bad!! Influx rawks. Get over it and accept it. I wish he'd get out and rawk it more, but that's his choice to make. What I've heard from him was good work. He puts his money where his mouth is. You can't fuck with that. You can talk shit but it's just shit. Beyond that he represnts with the real deal, and shit talkers are clomping mouths/sphincters with poo pouring out to stink up the place. Fuck the Zutons too. I could give a toss who's going to be big this year. Doesn't mean shit. I KNOW who really smokes, and they aren't on the radio right now. I'm sure there are a million others out there who stomp all over who I think are amazing and I'll NEVER here of or about. Neither will you. So what? Get over. Do your shit, and try to make it even half as good as the stuff Influx has done, and maybe you can feel a bit proud of yourself. Otherwise, you're just talking shit because you feel bad about your own lack of accomplishments.

Now JJ...you got anything more you want to say? Or are you just going to do the smart thing, and shut the fuck up before things REALLY get unpleasant?


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Message 48/61                 Date: 11-Sep-04  @  10:02 PM     Edit: 11-Sep-04  |  10:03 PM   -   RE: influx....


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I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 49/61                 Date: 11-Sep-04  @  11:19 PM   -   RE: influx....


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"...can take a flying fuck at the moon"

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Message 50/61                 Date: 11-Sep-04  @  11:29 PM   -   RE: influx....

SignalRunners - Andrew

Posts: 1071

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we're so happy around here!!!!

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