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Subject: Piss up ?

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Oct-03  @  12:18 AM   -   Piss up ?



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Whose up for a piss up in London ?

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Message 41/50                 Date: 10-Oct-03  @  03:56 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?


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(Maybe that's why all the ones up in Buffalo go to Canada to drink...4% alcohol vs. 5% alcohol!) ;)

No, it's because it's 19 to drink in Canada, 21 to drink in Buffalo. Besides Buffalo just kinda.. sucks. And you can pretty much walk to Canda from downtown Buffalo.

I stick to liquor meself.


PS - Been to Buffalo before, Sox?

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Message 42/50                 Date: 10-Oct-03  @  04:16 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?


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Subject 3) for discussion...

Which synth for trance?

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Message 43/50                 Date: 10-Oct-03  @  08:11 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?


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"Been to Buffalo before, Sox?"

Yeah, a few times. Shopping/seeing gigs (The Jacksons Victory tour, the last one they did as a unit)/visiting friends.
The first time I ever saw a real life ghetto was in Buffalo (took a wrong turn trying to find a music shop!)...scared the shit out of me.
Looked just like the news reports we watched on TV in Toronto...
I heard they might actually get the Ferry idea off the ground from TO to NY State. Would save loads of time crossing the lake instead of driving around the bloody thing.


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Message 44/50                 Date: 10-Oct-03  @  09:47 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?


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Yep.. If you ever find yourself back in town hit me up.


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Message 45/50                 Date: 13-Oct-03  @  10:20 AM   -   RE: Piss up ?



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Nah. You see there is a big problem. When you ask for a beer over in the UK everyone assumes you mean ale or bitter. Thats why foreigners think all our beer is warm and flat. Its only the bitter/ale thats warm, its meant to be warm, served just below room temperature. Thats how ale is meant to be served.

Lager is served chilled in most establishments, unless the landlord is a lazy c*nt and doesnt bother to clean his pipes out and keep the cooler working.

So we arent backwards at all when it comes to drinking.

However I dont think they serve bottled beer as cold as they could do. The flange peices.

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Message 46/50                 Date: 13-Oct-03  @  11:16 AM   -   RE: Piss up ?


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the beer i had in oklahoma was cold, pissy, but cold

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Message 47/50                 Date: 13-Oct-03  @  11:25 AM   -   RE: Piss up ?



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Brand new state!

Brand new state, gonna treat you great!

Gonna give you barley, carrots and pertaters,

Pasture fer the cattle,

Spinach and termayters!

Flowers on the prarie where the June bugs zoom,

Plen'y of air and plen'y of room,

Plen'y of room to swing a rope!

Plen'y of heart and plen'y of hope.

Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain

And the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet

When the wind comes right behind the rain.


Ev'ry night my honey lamb and I

Sit alone and talk and watch a hawk
Makin' lazy circles in the sky.

We know we belong to the land

And the land we belong to is grand!

And when we say

Yeeow! Ayipioeeay!

We're only sayin'

You're doin' fine,


Oklahoma O.K.

Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain

And the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet

When the wind comes right behind the rain.


Ev'ry night my honey lamb and I

Sit alone and talk and watch a hawk

Makin' lazy circles in the sky.

We know we belong to the land

And the land we belong to is grand!

And when we say

Yeeow! Ayipioeeay!

We're only sayin'

You're doin' fine,


Oklahoma O.K.

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Message 48/50                 Date: 13-Oct-03  @  03:57 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?



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*SMACK*. ing inbreeding .

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Message 49/50                 Date: 13-Oct-03  @  05:04 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?


Posts: 178

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Oklahoma? Isnt't that the one with Shirley from the Partridge Family?


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Message 50/50                 Date: 14-Oct-03  @  12:17 PM   -   RE: Piss up ?


Posts: 240

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what the fuckinell was all that?

are yuo quoting that stupid fucking musical also called Oklahoma? if so, fuck off you musical listening arse felching kidney nudging, rusty bullet bothering, fudge nudging, cackpipe cosmanaught

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