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Subject: Riot Squad in Action!

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Original Message 1/46                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  06:52 PM     Edit: 16-Sep-04  |  06:53 PM   -   Riot Squad in Action!

SignalRunners - BLU

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Anyone see the interview on the tv last nights news with the protesters against the hunting ban.

Snooty cunts the lot of them, i HATE violence, however,

I found it not entirely displeasureable to see the 40 something year old lady bubbling to the camreras with her head bleeding after being dealt a koshing from one of londons finest -

'This is outragous! I came here and got pushed to the ground by a horrible nasty bigpoliceman' (points to head bleeding   ) ' I have human rights you know, they acted despicably, i was acting innocently and doing nothing wrong! '

OH YEAH? Human rights? Could have been worse , could have had 40 of your dogs chasing ya, you snotty fat cunt!!

'mon the foxes!

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Message 2/46                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  10:15 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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There's going to be a lot of poisoned and wounded foxes around.

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Message 3/46                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  11:29 PM     Edit: 16-Sep-04  |  11:32 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

SignalRunners - BLU

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1 dead fox through poisoning / wounds is better than 100 for a game pastimes, surely? They dont go for the injured ones that farmers almost killed etc-thats not challenging enough

Sure, foxes are pests to some, you cant deny that, even deer to some people however,:-

culling and Killing for sports 2 entitely diff things - im not an activist etc by *any means*, but i know cruelty when i see it?

They want a game to play with guns? Put them in a big barn with a shotgun each, a pocket full of bullets and a bottle of absynth.


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Message 4/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  12:05 AM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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took me a sec

people still foxhunt?

we sure are a senseless group, eh?

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Message 5/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  12:18 AM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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it's just a bloody fox for fuck's sake, nothing wrong with a bit of ritual slaughter.

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Message 6/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  01:21 AM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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i think the matter is clearly a venue for "class dissent..."

good on ya. i'd have sprayed shit out my nose laughing, weeping bitterly that he didn't finish the job.

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Message 7/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  02:20 AM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!



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i read that bryan ferry's son came bursting into the house of commons
like some valiant hero arrived to save and preserve the rights of all
fox-hunters throughout england.

as if the weather isn't already in the process of eradicating half of england's
natural wildlife already.

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Message 8/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  10:38 AM     Edit: 17-Sep-04  |  10:38 AM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Bol Toper

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It's a very strange feeling for me to see the police battering protestors and think they deserve it. These poor souls have never seen police brutality before..why? Because they haven't been on demos before. They wouldn't turn out to protest about an unjust war or racism or in support of striking workers. They will however turn out to protect their "way of life", ie the right to terrify and kill animals for fun. They go on about all the people who will lose their jobs as a result of the ban. Why should anyone have to lose their jobs? Nobody is suggesting a ban on getting pissed and riding horses around a field, just the killing bit.
They are a bunch of ignorant, elitist cunts and I look forward to seeing the plod breaking a few more of their heads.


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Message 9/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  12:07 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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DISCALIMER - This is NOT a bitch, just a point of view.

Signal Runner - Do you know how the countryside works?

No I don't think you do because if you did you would understand that there simply is no other way of controlling foxes (and rabbits for that matter). Poison doesn't work as foxes build up a tolerance and its detrimental to the other living animals and plants that live in the countryside. Same problem with laying and using traps.

I agree that there are some nasty toffs that probably take great pleasure in killing but on the other hand nobody can think of any other way that works and doesn't harm the countryside.

If we didn't cull foxes then a pair of foxes times itself by 15 evey year. Dread to think what that number is in rabbit world. There are lots of places in the world (like Australia) that perform natural culls and I agree that maybe we don't have to have a big hunting ceremony but hey its one of those quirky british traditions that provides a major part of the counrtyside economy.

Tony Blair wants to turn us into a PC nanny state that doesn't have any British traditions left.

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Message 10/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  12:24 PM     Edit: 17-Sep-04  |  12:25 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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Yesterday Bush's wife was campaigning for the bastard in new jersey. a woman enters where she was speaking. the woman is wearing a shirt that says George Bush murdered my son. the woman, whose son was killed while on military duty in Iraq, started yelling the question "If the war in Iraq is really such a great cause, how come your daughters are not there?". In a few moments the crowd drowned her out with their "four more years" chant. Nice crowd that couldn't give a shit that this woman's son was killed. Anyway the woman left voluntarily. Reports outside the hall stopped her to ask questions. She was answering questions when police came and arrested her. The phony reason they gave was that she tresppasing because she was blocking the entrance to the hall. She did say that the police were very nice to her and she felt they didn't want to arrest her but were under orders that they had to. She expects that charges will be dropped. There was another version of the story that she was dragged out by police so I don't know which is true.

Bush people hate freedom of speech though.

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Message 11/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  12:45 PM     Edit: 17-Sep-04  |  12:46 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Bol Toper

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Hunting has virtually no effect on the fox population. This is an entirely spurious excuse to justify the nobs bloodlust. Why can't they just admit they enjoy causing suffering

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Message 12/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  01:05 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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Bol Toper - we can go round in circles all day. Here's a link that says hunting does control the fox population.


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Message 13/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  01:19 PM     Edit: 17-Sep-04  |  01:20 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

SignalRunners - BLU

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yeah Dominic, I live in Scotland remember- outside Glasgow and Edinburgh its one big huge countryside! heheh

like I said, culling & killing for thrills is 2 completely different things no matter how you dress it up

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Message 14/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  01:25 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

SignalRunners - BLU

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btw- that link , i dunno- the guy who made page called 'foxman' and asks for action-

By all who support Hunting directly.
BY all who support our Rural Culture as set out in the RURAL AGENDA . Hunting is an essential part of this culture; so supporters of it please join the campaign to Repeal a Hunting Ban.

sounds like another ra ra (havent read thru it completely)

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Message 15/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  01:47 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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True. Agreed. I'm not sure whether or not we're including GameKeeping here aswell cos apperently that culls 150,000 foxes a year! And you know their calling it GameKeeping but really it means hunting but without the horses. Probably a couple of dogs per GameKeeper eg a labradour and a fox terrier. Same thing I think.

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Message 16/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  01:50 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Bol Toper

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Sorry Dominic but the figures just don't add up. There are about 250 hunts and they meet about 65 times a year. If they killed a fox every time (which they don't) that would still be less than 20,000 foxes. Out of a population of 250,000. That is not going to control the population significantly.
I'm not an animal rights zealot and I think there are far more important issues, (like the one Sitar just mentioned) but I don't like people indulging in deliberate cruelty for fun and making excuses for it. And is nice to see the toffs getting a bashing for a change.


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Message 17/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  02:17 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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Deano, as said - agreed on the hunting with horses figures but I thought we were including what's termed as GameKeeping in this aswell. Basically hunting but withot horses. This "form" of hunting kills 150,000 a year.

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Message 18/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  02:39 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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so you guys have nothing against killing foxes, just against people making a ceremony/ritual out of it?

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Message 19/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  02:41 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Bol Toper

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The ban is on hunting with hounds. I assume that gamekeepers shooting foxes is excluded from this. The rights and wrongs of this are debatable but there is at least an economic justification for it. The objection to the ban on hunting with hounds on any grounds other than "cultural" seems spurious to me. They come up with arguments about the rural economy and pest control but none of them really make sense.


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Message 20/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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I know the ban is concerned with hunting with hounds but I thought we were debating the effectiveness of controlling the fox population through hunting. With or without hounds. Sorry if I got the wrong end of the stick.


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Message 21/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Bol Toper

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Beds, yeah it's the fact that they do it for fun that pisses me off. If we need to kill animals for a valid reason then ok, but to do it for sport in a deliberately cruel way and pretend otherwise is just crap. Plus they're mostly posh bastards and to see them up in arms about something as trivial as having their fun spoilt is pathetic.
Did you ever see a "vote labour" sign up in a farmer's field? Do the "country people" ever protest about anything unless it directly affects their cosy little world? Invading the floor of parliament for god's sake. I wish the chap with the sword had cut their bollocks off.


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Message 22/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  03:21 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!



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all them pricks with their little red outfits and tootie-toot horns and stupid hats and ridiculous boots up to their asses....

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Message 23/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  04:28 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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"is you the fox?"

where i grew up, every boxing day the local farmers would go out on a fox hunt, with beaters and guns. they did it as part of the farming season, i'm sure they had fun.

what about fishing? i've had plenty fun killing fish, i certainly didn't need to have fun doing it, i could go down the supermarket, eat meat out of bits of plastic and dissacociate myself from the whole horrible side of killing animals to eat. of course, i'm not saying foxes are killed for food, but they are killed in order to control their population and stop them killing the other animals we eat.

i agree that hunting with hounds isn't the most efficient or "humane" way of killing foxes and quite dislike the indignation of these protesting toffs, but i really got no problem with people making ceremonies, rituals and even having fun with the things they do.

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Message 24/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  04:45 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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I want to ask how do you guys feel about banning Native Americans, Africans, Eskimo's and Aborigines from hunting - they do it to keep the traditional skills alive, teaching their kids 'The old traditional ways'

I assume you'd ban them too yes? - what say you on that ?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 25/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  04:47 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Bol Toper

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The thing about rituals is that they are usually..well, ritualized. Like Guy Fawke's night or something. You don't actually have to kill anything to have the fun. If they just wanted to dress up in pink, get pissed and ride around shouting then they'd have no problems. Probably there would be a huge increase in the popularity of hunting. I'm sure lots of people would love to have a go if it wasn't for the cruelty.
I'd do it myself if I could ride a horse. Perhaps I could just do the getting pissed and shouting.


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Message 26/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  04:54 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Bol Toper

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They eat what they kill. I think everyone should eat what they kill and kill what they eat. And they're not self-centred, upper-class, Tory scumbags.

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Message 27/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  05:11 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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Nothing wrong with rituals man, all over Europe well off and posh people gather together in posh daft clothes, get on horseback, get the hounds out of thier pens and race across the countryside........ drag hunting.

England is one of the ONLY countries left who practice this barbaric sport, elsewhere in Europe there are thousands of country folk who make a decent living off upper class twats and don't end the day spatering blood across each others faces with a fox tail.

The country arguments are bollocks, England has spoken, everyone else should just accept it.

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Message 28/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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half killing a fox when you miss with a gun isn't particularly pleasant for the fox either. so this barbarism thing only comes into it when whoever's doing the killing is seen to be having a good time?

what if we have the man from the council pest control department go around in his van chasing after foxes to control the population? we could all get pissed chasing after him on day-glo mountain bikes, scaring old country folk and tearing up the hedgerows as we go.

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Message 29/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  06:13 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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exactly - it's a bunch of bullshit - this idea that Hunts are all toffs with monacles & top-hats, all wailing "Tally Ho!!" and looking like Bertie Wooster is complete crap... You've been reading too much P G Woodehouse.... but it's an easy one to use to bring the more gullable into the support for banning.

The irony is, the upper classes wont suffer one jot if hunting is banned - the ones who'll suffer, lose their jobs and be fucked for the rest of their lives are all working class people.

still, there it is.. as usual people who wouldn't know what an Imperial choke is unless you rammed one up their nostril seem to be in possession of all the facts... lol


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 30/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  07:30 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Bol Toper

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The thing is nobody needs to lose their jobs. They can all carry on as before and
just cut out the killing the fox bit. This whole countryside alliance crap was dreamt
up by wealthy landowners to get the few working-class people who still work on
the land to support them in their indulgances by suggesting that their livelihood is
at stake. The landowners have been fucking over their workers for centuries and
they are still doing it.


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Message 31/46                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  07:47 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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foxes only kill what they can use. now wealthy people..


how can anyone believe this world is a better place because that woman didn't blow up the press conference? what do you crazy people think - we can 'reorient' wealthy people with sensitivity treatment facilities?

i can't say it's "us" or "them" because it's not.. it's not that at all..

the truth is.. it's just "them" right now and i'd like a little less "them" on the "me"

sirs you do not petition a tick offa your skin. you have to physically remove it.

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Message 32/46                 Date: 18-Sep-04  @  01:08 AM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!



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plus you have that royalty thing to examine still.

lotsa jobs there.
butlers, maids, cooks, chauffers, servants.....

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Message 33/46                 Date: 18-Sep-04  @  10:04 AM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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foxes only kill what they can use. now wealthy people..

actualy foxes are quite unique in the animal world in that they dont only 'kill to eat' - in that respect they are similar to rats.

if you've ever come out in the morning to your rearing pens and found 1500 birds all dead or in the final throes of death it's not a pretty sight i can tell you from experience... in fact it's pretty heartbreaking actualy the poor little buggers.

However yes, I cant see any reason why they can't shoot the fox at the end of the persuit, although quite how realiticaly you can stop a pack of hounds doing what comes naturaly to dogs is another matter. I'm not quite sure how they'd be able to stop the hounds once the fox was cornered.

My concern tho is not the issue of hunting with hounds but that it'll be the tip of the iceberg, and after that, the middle class townies will move forward to try and get bans on shooting and fishing.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 34/46                 Date: 18-Sep-04  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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i can imagine it would be a devastating scene, sort of like seeing thousands of dead boys due to some stupid president who decides "lets take all the animals and put them in boxes so they can't go anywhere"

artificial circumstances, artificial results

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Message 35/46                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  11:36 AM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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yeah well, welcome to the real world, we cant support billions of people by roaming the land hunting individual chickens or pheasants no matter how romantic the idea.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 36/46                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  01:09 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!



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we feed billions pheasant?
i haven't seen a pheasant on a plate since oklahoma.

there's that invisible "from" box again.

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Message 37/46                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  03:27 PM     Edit: 19-Sep-04  |  03:31 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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I find it ironic to see at least some self declared pacifist (and possibly a few more) gloat over police violence. But hey, that stuff all don't matter if people that you do not agree with are on the receiving end eh? Freedom of speech is only important for those who think just like you.

Well, back to the topic at hand: I think animal crualty is inhumane. Or at least I like to pretend that it is, since humans seem very well capable off crualty against other species of animals.

Ritual slaughter, fox hunts and slaughtering those norwal (or what are those dolphin like creatures called) for fun, tradition or in the name of some monkey in the sky: I'd rather see it all banned.

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Message 38/46                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  04:41 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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well that's the whole thing. industrialism/imperialism *artificially* creates billions of people.

something like that could destroy all life on the planet, just because some greedy bastards decide to make power.

well, not like it's news :p but i'm not going to hold on to the culture that raised me just because it raised me.

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Message 39/46                 Date: 20-Sep-04  @  01:11 AM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!



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I find it ironic to see at least some self declared pacifist (and possibly a few more) gloat over police violence. unquote>

there's only one self-declared pacifist here (as far as i know)....
and that person is psylichon.
he's the only one who's consistently condemned violence even in the case of self-defense.
and i don't think he was gloating on this thread.

let's not confuse who we're talking about now.

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Message 40/46                 Date: 20-Sep-04  @  02:56 AM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Jock Munro

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I dunno why we dont ban fox hunting, but let them hunt chav's instead. It would certainly cut down on the dole welching scum and would be much more satisfying.

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Message 41/46                 Date: 20-Sep-04  @  11:43 AM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!

Bol Toper

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Toffs on horses v. chavs on stolen mopeds. Now you're talking.


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Message 42/46                 Date: 20-Sep-04  @  11:51 AM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 43/46                 Date: 20-Sep-04  @  03:41 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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How about open season on Babylonians -

Anyone caught driving an SUV may be publicly beaten, then drawn & quartered.

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Message 44/46                 Date: 20-Sep-04  @  06:16 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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"drawn" - you're getting sentimental?

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Message 45/46                 Date: 20-Sep-04  @  06:21 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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isn't that how it goes, drawn & quartered? perhaps i don't know what i'm thinking of.. violent public execution, then.

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Message 46/46                 Date: 21-Sep-04  @  05:05 PM   -   RE: Riot Squad in Action!


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don't be so hard on youself? :p

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