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Subject: High Time

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Oct-02  @  07:11 PM   -   High Time


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Anybody here get Time magazine? If not, you need to go to a newsstand and pick one up. You'll know which issue I mean... the one with the pack of joints on the cover.

Great multi-article snapshot on the state of marijuana in America today. Very honest and very very good for the movement. Seeing stuff like this in a conservative mag like Time gives me hope for America.

Anyways, lots of good stuff here, check it out...


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Message 31/83                 Date: 02-Nov-02  @  03:07 PM   -   RE: High Time


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well if there's going to be laws to protect me from people getting high, i think there ought to be laws to protect me from people who make music like defector's. it's incredibly harmful, and it's just wrong  

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Message 32/83                 Date: 03-Nov-02  @  03:11 AM   -   RE: High Time

Def Z


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Look - you can't compare smoking weed to drinking alcohol. Drunk and high, sure, but not smoking and drinking. To my knowledge, you wouldn't smoke a joint if you didn't want to get high. I, on the other hand, frequently consume alcohol without getting REMOTELY drunk. The whole point of smoking weed is TO GET HIGH. You can't separate the high from the joint. You CAN separate the drunk from the drink. While I don't smoke weed, and never have, I have had PLENTY of experience with stoned people (roommates all through college, you see), and I know that smoking weed is far from harmless. And Dave, I'm not a programmed pussy, so knock that shit off. Don't insult me. I've seen plenty of people ruin their lives with weed. This whole notion that pot is harmless is misleading propaganda from the movement to legalize. Dave, if you're so knowledgable about pot, how can you possibly say that it is harmless when you know it's not? (please note: I am also familiar with plenty of recreational users who appear to lead perfectly healthy lives, so I'm not Nancy Reagan saying one joint will ruin your life forever.)

And beyond that, the legalize pot movement which tends to shift towards the anti-establishment side of politics, argues that the state could regulate, tax etc. NICE! Now we're FOR government intervention? Wow.

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Message 33/83                 Date: 03-Nov-02  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: High Time


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"Now we're FOR government intervention?"

It's called picking the lesser of two evils. Yes, I'd rather have the gov tax weed than make it illegal. Duh, it's a no-brainer.

And alcohol serves a social purpose beyond getting drunk? Why not just have a soft drink then? Just not as fun is it? Fact is people drink because it feels good. "It's all about getting high," man.

"I know that smoking weed is far from harmless"
But alcohol isn't? It's the separation of the two drugs that kills me. Total social influence there... alcohol is fine, weed is wrong. It just doesn't make any sense.

"I've seen plenty of people ruin their lives with weed" - I've never heard of someone getting beat up by their stoned father. Or getting into a fight with some dude after sharing a spliff with him. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just not as much as it does with alcohol. Worse thing pot will introduce to society is apathy. Believe this fact or not, but pot does not cause as much harm as alcohol does.

If they wanted to ban everything that made you feel good and can harm you in excess, we'd be left with nothing (including sex and food). But at least it would be consitent legislation. I could live with consistency.


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Message 34/83                 Date: 03-Nov-02  @  03:51 AM   -   RE: High Time


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"While I don't smoke weed, and never have..."

You know what, I'm going to stop debating with you, then. It's cool you are where you are, belief-wise, but man, at least admit you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to being high/drunk. They're NOT the same thing, and until you get high, you're always going to think it's debilitating like being drunk.

Let me just tell you, it's not. There are levels to being stoned just like stages of drunkeness. the lines are bit fuzzy maybe, but I would say the peak level of being stoned is nowhere near as debilitating as alcohol (nor is it as toxic). Not sure if you know this...


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Message 35/83                 Date: 03-Nov-02  @  06:08 AM   -   RE: High Time


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"but I would say the peak level of being stoned is nowhere near as debilitating as alcohol"

Psylichon I don't know about that I've had some superlatively severe whiteys in my day that left me unable to move.

DefZ drinking alcohol socially or otherwise is done for the inebriating effect it's just a matter of degree.It has been proven that even one drink has an effect the most obvious effect is that impairs your balance and reaction time these effects grow more pronounced the more you consume but just because you can "hold" your drink doesn't mean that it's not affecting you.There is absolutely no doubt that alcohol is a potentially far more dangerous substance than weed there has never been a reported death from smoking cannabis it would take a hay bale sized amount to kill you and that would be impossible to consume in one go you would pass out before you could get through a pound of it,fucksake in Scotland something like 75% of all men below 25 that are in jail are in their for drink related violence and I reckon in most western jails you'll see that a high percentage of inmates jailed for violence have had alcohol providing the fuel for their violence.Alcohol destroys far more lives than weed ever has the Dutch cops have stated that hash smokers pose no significant criminal problem and are generally peacable individuals but they are constantly called out to pubs to sort out disturbances and in my own experience the main problem of weed smoking is apathy as Psylichon stated earlier.
Anyway what is wrong with getting high if it isn't affecting anybody else?If someone is smoking a joint after work to relax themselves behind closed doors what can be wrong with that?

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Message 36/83                 Date: 03-Nov-02  @  11:49 AM   -   RE: High Time


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it's unamerican, sir, and i'm afraid that just won't do!

(well if you say it just right it really helps people to get with you)

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Message 37/83                 Date: 03-Nov-02  @  12:41 PM   -   RE: High Time


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excess sex is harmfull? fuck me ...  

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Message 38/83                 Date: 03-Nov-02  @  11:23 PM     Edit: 03-Nov-02  |  11:27 PM   -   RE: High Time


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Ahhhh, the weed debate. Well, for the record, I'm a long time pot smoker, and I've had my share of drunken outings, too. I certainly agree with pict that there are highs, good sativa bud for instance, that impair one's ability to do much of anything, including sitting upright, just as much if not more than getting drunk. At the same time, more folks seem to get hurt or hurt others when they're drunk, so I suspect it's all about moderation and common sense in ANY case. I do think that alcohol has a much higher toxicity level. It simply hurts me a lot more than even the best weed when the next day rolls around....

Most of the commercial pot these days is crap. I mean, it'll get you a buzz, maybe even a decent stone, but the effects (on one such as mesef) is minimal. Good "bora bora," or Skunk, or Maui Wowie, or Nothern Lights, or Panama Red, or some of the fine Humboldt(sp?) county stuff... whole other ballgame... again though, even on the crap stuff, I am affected to some degree or other, even if "I" dunna perceptively notice it.

Personally, I'm not for anyone under any influence, operating heavy machinery, performing surgery, driving a bus, or even doing my accounting. Ya want a job where you can get high while you work, get a job at a record store, become a muso, paint abstract murals, etc. Find a place where you can do what you want, yet you dunna fuck up anything for other folks...

And personally, I'm not interested in "legalizing" drugs, just decriminalizing. Holland seems to have a decent handle on things, along with Denmark, and even the UK seems to be coming to terms with it. I could dig running a coffee shop, and if the stuff is ever decriminalized in the US, I just may (assuming I stay in the US).


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Message 39/83                 Date: 03-Nov-02  @  11:46 PM   -   RE: High Time


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So, just how do those B2 pilots fly 44 hour missions?

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Message 40/83                 Date: 04-Nov-02  @  01:11 AM   -   RE: High Time


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Well, I suspect that getting high/stoned wouldn't help them stay awake much....=)

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