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Subject: xoxos vs. clay

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Original Message                 Date: 07-Jun-03  @  04:15 PM   -   xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 6231

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fantastic concept..

come on, mud-man, let's demonstrate

our contestants: xoxos, pure abstraction, meme, plain old consideration, love, and boy, love can be tough..

clay: base form, malleable, returns to itself, everyman's man, earthbound and humble, let's rumble..

what hand shapes you, oh clay.. perhaps you are the foundation upon which pyramids are built..

is it love that causes you to offer your hand, "brother, are we not so different.. come, know peace, be mud with me.. look on the bright side, forget your troubles"

earth-captive! beetho! "accept.."

child and still yet father of flesh! what spirit it may possess.. a clod.. does iteration renew the spirit?

are you 'down' with calling people 'dawg?' lowest common debilitator, prideful of being humble "grr, i said join me, brotherr..."

didn't i tell you once where i'm from? didn't i tell you once where i'm from? aah, dull, little light

"aah, sorry dawg, my bad" echoes until the feedback overdrives and cracks the amp, sad mongoloid children bumping onto each other on the playground, laughing and tearing at the weak, pustulent skin, and laughing, laughing as ice crystals jut through the skull

are you clay? is that what you aspire to be? are you proud that this is what you are, acceptance is your great proclamation?

hiphop! cobblestone!

dude, your music is like being clubbed to the ground by inbred cops

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Message 31/43                 Date: 09-Jun-03  @  03:05 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay



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it's always good to find time to laugh.
but like i said...your struggles!! my good happy laughing man!!!!
as a footnote....i did not start this thread.
a good gaff is what it's about tho anyway....yes?
and surely you are pro.
do keep it up.
cheers always.

now back to reality.

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Message 32/43                 Date: 09-Jun-03  @  07:24 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 6231

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there you go again.. "my good, happy man.." clingclingcling

it's like when you round third, go on home! don't keep running back to tap third, i know it makes a nice clicky noise, but - play the fucking game then do something different. it embiggens the soul, and you'll understand more too.

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Message 33/43                 Date: 09-Jun-03  @  11:23 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay



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This thread is great! Nicely written, both of you. You are both working overtime to keep the intellectul feel alive, and I commend you.

But the point, and the play... hmmm, illustrates what I suspect many women think is the problem with Balls in the first place, eh?


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Message 34/43                 Date: 09-Jun-03  @  11:37 PM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 1005

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Intellectual? Is that what it's supposed to be?

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Message 35/43                 Date: 10-Jun-03  @  12:09 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 7627

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Message 36/43                 Date: 10-Jun-03  @  01:25 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay



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well ya know...shucks guys...it's the bestest i could come up with.
sorry to be such a huge disappointment to you all.
does this mean i'm not invited for thanksgiving?

so how about hitler's birthday then?

i'm sure we can work it out somehow.
well...at least e~ knows how to give it up to a fair effort.
some people just kinda sit there and smirk as if.....ahem>
well....you know.

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Message 37/43                 Date: 10-Jun-03  @  02:10 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay



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i do not!

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Message 38/43                 Date: 10-Jun-03  @  02:16 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 118

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I'm impressed.

Who knew the term "mongoloid" could be used as many times in a thread? huh.


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Message 39/43                 Date: 10-Jun-03  @  02:18 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay



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without discussing early Devo even!

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Message 40/43                 Date: 10-Jun-03  @  02:44 AM   -   RE: xoxos vs. clay


Posts: 7627

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you know its really not fair to people with down's syndrome....

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