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Subject: useless website

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Sep-04  @  02:56 AM     Edit: 25-Sep-04  |  02:57 AM   -   useless website


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Message 31/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  08:25 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Yeah, it's true that most folks will avoid posting in any forum where someone might show up and suggest (demand?) that they assume some FUCKING repsonsibilty forthemselves... eh?


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Message 32/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  08:36 PM   -   RE: useless website


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Andrew maybe it's your charming personality that causes people to refrain from posting here?Or maybe they agree with what others have posted and feel no need to add anything further themselves?Tacit agreement?

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Message 33/75                 Date: 27-Sep-04  @  08:51 PM   -   RE: useless website


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oh dear. i just thought it was funny somebody made a site with nothing in it. (or is there?) what you lot care to talk about .. well, i haven't actually read any of it.

look, the universe isn't empty! i can see something there on the horizon! ^

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Message 34/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  12:00 AM   -   RE: useless website


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anyway... i totaly agree with rurik's last post. but it probably means something else to him than it does to me...

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Message 35/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  03:04 AM   -   RE: useless website


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lol, and i agree with milan. and... beds? yeah, i think i agree with him too

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Message 36/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  05:25 AM   -   RE: useless website



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as if we didn't know already.

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Message 37/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  08:02 AM     Edit: 28-Sep-04  |  08:03 AM   -   RE: useless website


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IMHO, as is often the case, seemingly contradictory views are often both right, addressing the same issue, but on different levels...

Yes, we are part of nature, inescapably, and therefore all we do is part of nature.

And humankind does have a nature... and that nature often leads to what we can see as disastrous consequences, e.g. war, pollution, etc etc.

On the other hand, we have rare gifts; insight, discrimination, awareness, love in a way that most creatures don't.

So, we do have a choice, and as x says, every thought, every action becomes part of the creative unfolding of the universe, and we maybe should be, could be, conscious of that.

We can look at that as a great responsibility and be humbled by it and look at it as a great potentiality and be inspired by it.

Choice, we do have choice. We can choose to believe in free will, we can choose to believe in predestination.

We can choose to follow our venal nature and crap all over this universe, we can choose to follow our higher nature and nurture this universe.

We're all musicians here.. surely we've all felt that state where we act as a conduit for the truly creative... just as we can use music as a tool to exploit (MTV anyone?)

The best music never gets recorded...

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Message 38/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  08:07 AM   -   RE: useless website


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Andrew: "oh wait maybe this is why people dont post here anymore!"

so, who are you not posting in reply to?

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Message 39/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  02:33 PM   -   RE: useless website


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"do you think they were joking or they made it up because it sounded good?"

nope, pretty sure he wrote it as it is/was/will

In the name of world peace
In the name of world profits
America pumps up our secret police
America wants fuel
To get it, it needs puppets
So what's ten million dead?
If it's keeping out the Russians

Ha Ha

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Message 40/75                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  04:40 PM   -   RE: useless website



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i'm just somewhat saddened by the conscious effort of some here to group into an unhappy-corner camp...having obviously discussed this amongst themselves and behaving in concert.....as if their absence or lack of participation might actually send a signal to the rest of us as to their obvious displeasure.

it's easy to understand that people are displeased...but so what?!?!?!!

this place will never be what it was 2 years ago.
neither is iraq washington or florida....haiti....or anywhere else for that matter.

one of life's basic lessons is that things change.
you eventually grow hair on your nuts and then your kids do the same and they get jobs and then you die.
you can either flow with it and run and try to help steer the course to the best of your ability
or you can pout and roll your eyes.
or you can actually find a completely different pasture to graze in.
this place is merely a reflection of the larger world.....but it's not the entire world.

be here or be there.
half in...or half out.
should i stay or should or should i go?

only you can decide but it's your indecision that gets reflected upon.....just like everything else.
that's just life.
we all see things differently.

the thing about a guy like spot.
he was here when he was here spitting spewing foaming and generally having a good time.
and then...when he's not..he's gone.
poof....gone...no whining...no stirring in his chair struggling with whether to hold back or not. i simply like that in a guy.
no quiet man sitting in the corner shit.

oh well...but none of it really matters...does it?
considering the pointless nature of man and all.
i invite you to go look at that blank screen over and over and over again.....
and entertain any such notions....if it pleases you.
no one said not to.
i just happen to enjoy breaking the silence....
and after all......i totally agree!!!!!!

good morning viet nam.

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