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Subject: I might get flamed for this

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Original Message                 Date: 18-Jul-03  @  11:48 PM   -   I might get flamed for this


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A Pakistani Ambassador to the UN just finished giving a speech, and walks out into the lobby where he met President Bush.
They shake hands and walk together in the long verandah when suddenly the Pakistani said, "You know, I have just one question about what I have seen in America."

President Bush says "Well your Excellency, anything I can do to help you, I will do."

The Pakistani whispers, "My son watches this show 'Star Trek' and in it there are Russians, and Blacks, Chinese, Japanese and Indians but never any Pakistani, Afghani or Arabs.
So my son is very upset. He doesn't understand nor do I about why there aren't any Arabs, Pakistanis, and Afghanis in the Star Trek show."

President Bush laughs and leans toward the Pakistani, and whispers in his ear,
"Because... the show is all about the future"



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Message 31/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  01:58 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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From: bastiaan
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Date: 22-jul-03 - 10:43 am
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Pfff...I immediatly saw it as a joke about American attitude nothing racist at all...right-wing-pro-gun-biggots might also like the joke...but that's because they're too dense to actually get it.


That's the scary thing. If I told that to 100 Americans on the street, about 5 would be offended by its racism, about 10 would take it the way you did, and the remaining 85 would take it as racist but believe that it's a good thing to do.

This is a sad country where people believe everything they see on the TV and can be led around like cattle looking for grass to munch on.

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Message 32/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  02:16 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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i think nice people in america...when thinking of the need to kill others in the world....do it in terms of how much security this buys us physically and especially financially......will this increase the value of my stocks? will i be able to send joey to college?

it's not that we're a mean or vicious people...we just have some serious needs which require tending to.

as for failed economic models....one should never suggest that because an experiment in human behavior distribution of resources failed once it has to necessarily fail every time. they are all failures. some just worse than others. it's too bad they all seem to require the exclusion of the other....especially the capitalism as we all know it and love it.

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Message 33/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  02:31 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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another thing becomes ultimately clear: there is no oil in liberia.

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Message 34/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  02:36 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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did socialism jump or was it pushed?

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Message 35/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  05:11 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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the problem for me, ian....isn't with capitalism per se but with capitalism with NO limits> how far we WILL go to make THAT PROFIT. killing people and even making up lies to justify that killing is pretty much where i tend to draw the line.

Coudln't agree more.

I think capitalism lite could work it's all about balance and peoples attitude but i think capitalism as it is creates money driven greedy people.

Is it in our nature to want more or is it forced upon by the powers that be ?
I for one want (but dont NEED) more.

Anyway as soon as ive saved enough money im going to ditch the country I love for an island where the diving is good, ill have some bongos an acoustic guitar some binaural mics and a minidisk to record. Even if my dream only lasts a few years ill be a happy man ready for civilisation again.

This is a sad country where people believe everything they see on the TV and can be led around like cattle looking for grass to munch on.

Funny cause thats the way I see England but its not just tv over here the majority of press is just quotes taken out of context and major celeb bullshit but people think its all true.

As millhouse (simpsons) says if it's in a book it must be true.


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Message 36/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  05:57 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Capitalism Lite could work, but it will require laws to force corporations to be sensitive to the needs of the planet/world/people/whatever. No corporation will willingly give up a penny of profit for something as abstract as "helping the environment".

Since the government is obviously in bed with (probably more accurately "encouraging") the current state of business it's not likely we will see a change until average Americans get fed up enough to demand such changes.

Unfortunately, I think it'll take a major war with lots of kids coming home in body bags to arouse such feelings  


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Message 37/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Capitalism doesn't create greedy money driven people. Capitalism exists because people are greedy and money-driven.

And the reason we are like that is because fellas with money and power get the girls. You can't do much about that though -- its hardwired.

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Message 38/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  06:56 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Corporations are like governments in that they reflect the people that make up those organizations and the population that supports the current structure. In that sense, corporations really ARE sensitive the desires of people, along the same lines as "the people get the government they desire and deserve". Corporations don't do what they do in a vacuum.

People say they want one thing, but their actions as a group say they are full of shit. Typical human behavior: claim you're an angel, but act like the devil.

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Message 39/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  07:32 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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You might of done this before but take the test


Mine comes out

Economic Left/Right: -3.50
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.36

Just above and slightly to the right of mandela


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Message 40/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  08:59 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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The problem with change is vested interest, who is going to give up all these carefully blackmail tokens to liberate the unwashed. revolution is not a winner, half revolution is at least a change, ho hum. Bodybags for change

"Corporations are like governments in that they reflect the people that make up those organizations and the population that supports the current structure" - not sure about this. global corps are centrally controlled (often with the big bosses running foreign offices or multiple country geographic centres) so responding to individual countries is unlikely. Also the efect of EU expansion (and trading groups) will reduce this country bz country approach further. Operationaly they back political parties - often the same amount to both and industrial lobby groups are apolitical in that they work with whoever. And finally they want homogoneity, product profiling, global brands etc and if that ain't against the idea of community then what is

However people are full o shit, even for freely available software IE has become, by far, the most popular browser - OK its bundled with the OS but you can easily download the others. What are you running?

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