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Subject: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

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Original Message                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  11:14 AM     Edit: 01-Apr-04  |  11:16 AM   -   um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Message 31/69                 Date: 07-Apr-04  @  06:44 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

cydonia cell


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"you have to support the label as well as the artist"

Which is the artist's choice... if you "like" the artist, you have to except their decisions. Unfortunately an artist in that position has forced you to except that it's about more than the music. If you don't like that then you have to rethink your appreciation of the artist... not the music... but, unless we're going to play at schoolyard spirituality and say the creative process is cosmological and doesn't "belong" to the blessed recipient of "god's" devine providence, it IS the artist's work to do with as he/she pleases. And if you subscribe to this pervasive creative element being channeled by the priest of beats then more power to you (I can go there without a lot of effort), but this notion has very little to do with the very imposing world view of most people, artist's included. And really, it smacks to me of the mother on welfare who insists that "it takes a village" so you must support her so that she can stay home with her child. A decent point, I'd say, but not one that carries much weight when we get down to dirty fingers.

I never said you can't listen to music if you don't pay for it. I did say that I wouldn't possess a product that I didn't gain in the way the producer intended... be it a TV, a sports car or some sh+thead's music.

Because I don't personaly think that's cool...

How's this... some muso kiddie swipes your kit at a show... He's got your sampler, synths, efx, whatever... and his thing is, "I'm broke, never going to have enough money for this gear but I really like making beats!" Oh, look, it's stealing! I wonder how many of you would politely except that as the cosmic condition of the creative process.


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Message 32/69                 Date: 07-Apr-04  @  07:35 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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In the early part of last century many musicians refused to record their music for fear of people ripping off their acts...

Then it was, why put music on the radio for free.. people wont bother to come and listen to my shows..

Then 'home taping is killing music'...

Then, a tax on blank CD sales...

Now, it's fileswapping...

Strangely I don't see the record industry getting poorer at any point during this process...

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Message 33/69                 Date: 07-Apr-04  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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All very good distinctions, errata, but don't dismiss someone for seeking philosophical answers to "real" problems. You can call my beliefs "schoolyard spirituality" and give energy to the notion that idealism and possibility rarely meet like so much of the world does, but I'd like to keep all possibilities open. I am aware of the paradigm we live in and agree on respect to the wishes of the artist, but I'm trying to point out why our paradigm doesn't work and why a new one is in order. The whole model of a "product" is flawed, in my opinion.

I speak on this subject about the essence of the problem, so I feel justified in speaking my ideals.

"How's this... some muso kiddie swipes your kit at a show... He's got your sampler, synths, efx, whatever... and his thing is, "I'm broke, never going to have enough money for this gear but I really like making beats!" Oh, look, it's stealing! I wonder how many of you would politely except that as the cosmic condition of the creative process."

One's gear is not a proper analogy to one's creations, and I like to think I wouldn't need to point out why.

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Message 34/69                 Date: 10-Apr-04  @  12:01 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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"Music sales in the US rose by more than 9% in the first three months of 2004 compared with the same period last year - signalling an end to a four-year dip."

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Message 35/69                 Date: 11-Apr-04  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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If I understood *compulsory's statement correctly, saying that he/she'd download the tunes, and if it was good they'd pay ten bucks to see the show, and buy a CD and shirt at the gig to support. THAT's fair. That's DIRECT support. Real support. That's money that the artist will actually see, and the music got out there, in lo-fi, hi-fi, and live. Dope one in my book.


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Message 36/69                 Date: 11-Apr-04  @  07:00 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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yeah, i've seen acts from d/loading a few tracks to check out, which I wouldnt have gone to see otherwise. It's all bullshit imo


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 37/69                 Date: 12-Apr-04  @  04:01 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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if the artist wants his files downloaded....then cool.
if not...they shouldn't be out there being provided by those who have no legitmitae claim to do so.

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Message 38/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  03:30 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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are the little record stores still going out of business?

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Message 39/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  04:07 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

SignalRunners - BLU

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cheds, you have that in bigger format? would make a great poster fer studio


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Message 40/69                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  05:05 PM     Edit: 21-Jun-04  |  05:15 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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No I got the biggest they have from here http://tastytronic.net/main/thelist.html. I dont think that it comes from there tho - maybee someone else - or google..., sorry

but thats a good excuse to put out some more pix.

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