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Subject: The fat star wars kid

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  03:20 PM   -   The fat star wars kid



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Remember the fat twat with the light sabre that caused so much discussion here on DT ??


What a twat.

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Message 31/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  12:10 AM     Edit: 31-Jul-03  |  12:25 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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My rant started with the "grow a spine" comment. It harkens back to the original thread - adults poking fun at a kid in an unprecedented manner.

So, I'm not on about the lawsuit. I do, however, think the kid is getting a bad rap for things he has little control over: first, his unscrupulous mates and now unscrupulous adults. Its unfortunate that the clip was posted and people made fun of him but he bucked up and the kid seemed ok with it.

Now suddenly "he's" sueing and everyone is once again riduculing him when in fact it should be someone else who is being blasted: the adults out to take advatage of a schoolyard prank between same age peers (this is a key distinction). Adults made fun of him at the outset and now adults are taking advantage of the kid in a similar manner that his mates did. Its pathetic. I'm sure part of it is that the media fed short attention span sensationalism seeking knee jerk public has a "face" and so that is who gets the attention. What about the other players? Perhaps if we get to see someone's attorney we can finally decide then whose right or wrong based upon their cheekbones, their hairstyle, or whether they can twirl a "lightsabre" gracefully.

Ultimately, the kid did nothing to create this situation other than indulging in childish, perhaps even immature for his age, whimsey. In the end I hope he and his mates get through it okay, both sides have now become victims, but the adults who are exploiting the situation should have a special reservation in hell.

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Message 32/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  02:41 AM     Edit: 31-Jul-03  |  02:47 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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would be cool if he got a wee cameo in the new flick, ya know, give him an ewok costume or something harmless

actually i didn't find the movie *that* funny - it was the title of the thread 'the force is strong with this one' that had me on the floor. All i could hear when i was watchin the poor sod was a mad soundbite of obi-one over and over every time the wee guy pulled a death move

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Message 33/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  03:29 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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It's not the kid that's being ridiculed as much as it is the premise that embarrassment is grounds for a lawsuit.This sort of ridiculous, frivolous litigation is getting out of hand it's clogging up courts and delaying decisions on important matters.Yes some verminous adults are manipulating the situation but I'm certain that Ghyslain the jedi knows the value of money($1/4 million Canadian buys a whole lot of star wars stuff or maybe even a visit to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory)and as he stands to be the main recipient of any compensation I'm sure he is to some extent complicit in the idea of the lawsuit at the very least he has to agree to it. Does his arm need that much twisting?Profiting from revenge is a juicy carrot.

It might not be fun being overweight and awkward at 15 years old but as we all learn, there's always someone more talented,handsome,bigger etc.etc.etc.
Ghyslain is learning that if someone hurts your feelings it's okay to try and bankrupt them in court.

Adults had a laugh at him so what,I know I did I pissed myself laughing(so did my wife and kids)not because I am a horrible,vindictive kind of person but because I saw a situation that inummerable people might have been in(not me of course!)and could imagine how they might have felt because I know how I might have felt.Laurel and Hardy and countless others grew rich and famous on the back of schadefreude because that's what slapstick humour basically derives from.

On a hippier note,I could also imagine how good he felt when he made the video,you could see his imagination at work in his facial expressions and the hollywood swagger it was a very absurd and very human situation oh and did I mention that it was funny.I'll bet if you could ask the 10 million people who downloaded what they all thought about the video the vast majority would agree that it was funny.If thinking that the video was funny makes me a bad guy well sue me I'd have plenty of company in court.

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Message 34/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  03:53 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Ill see you in court you fucker

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Message 35/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  04:56 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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I'm countersuing you for calling me that nasty name it has created a living hell of emotional torment because you did it in front of all these people.Wait a minute isn't what you just said actually a case of libel

*scurries off to phone a lawyer,rubbing hands in a Faganlike fashion*

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Message 36/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  05:26 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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I'm sure, in a pinch, a few ex's you've f+cked could be dragged into court as witnesses to the fact that you are, indeed, a f+cker! And furthermore, considering the praise most folks receive in our society with their ability to attract a sexual partner... I argue that not only is your mental anguish unjustified... you may indeed owe an apology in the face of this obvious compliment!


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Message 37/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  06:54 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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but then if the interpretation of the term was in the sense of "you person who f*cks things up" or even "you exceedingly unpleasant person" then that obviously reflects detrimentally on my character and in public no less.

A further and much more sinister interpretation and one which I deem to be far more likely,considering the precedent that exists in cases where this exact statement has been uttered,could be that Mr In Flux was actually ordering my unfortunate self to copulate with a yet to be identified female id est "You! F*ck her!" which through a process of melismatic elision becomes"You f*cker!" and becomes if you will,a speedily enunciated,excited exhortation to commit carnal caresses of a pelvic nature with a member of the opposite sex and that such caresses should be performed Ab ovo usque ad mala Ab irato,so to speak.

This is clearly an attempt to elicit an abhorrent and unpleasant act from me(one could also infer from the fact that the original statement was made in public that the act itself was intended to be put into motion,as it were,in public,but I digress somewhat)this incident has caused untold damage to my psyche only financial recompense to the piffling sum of £98765435244416780000000.14(after consultation with my psychiatrist)would be adequate to ease my tormented soul after having been inflicted with such maleficent thoughts that torture me even as I write with trembling hand,palpitating pulse,and wildly staring eyes whilst dabbing my damp,deep,furrowed brow with a small piece of tissue paper.

*gathers papers together,adjusts horsehair wig and black cloak*

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Message 38/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  07:06 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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pict, you are in the wrong line of work.

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Message 39/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  07:47 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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"carnal caresses of a pelvic nature" LOL

whats "melismatic elision" and " Ab ovo usque ad mala Ab irato"

ing lawyers, thats wot

You want VAT with that claim

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Message 40/62                 Date: 31-Jul-03  @  07:48 AM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid



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hey that was kinda cool though!

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