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Subject: influx....

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  05:04 PM   -   influx....

JJ Freqy

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It seems that every post I read here on DT has you responding with something negative, unless it's about you of course. What's with the chip on your shoulder? Ppl ask questions on a forum, that's what it is for. If you don't want to answer their question -- THEN DON'T! Giving someone a bunch of negative bullsh*t isn't what they came to DT for.

Did you get molested as a child or did you miss a couple of doses of your daily antidepressant/antianxiety medication? If you don't take them, maybe you should look into it. You have some serious social communication problems?

Chill out, walk on the beach or something, it seems as if you're bomb waiting to explode. Stress is a killer there influx, prevention is better than a cure 

JJ Freqy

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Message 31/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  05:18 PM   -   RE: influx....


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If I'm not (trying to) making music then I'm listening to it. If I'm not doing either of these two things then I like to talk about it. That's what music forums are for. Too talk about music.

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Message 32/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  05:19 PM   -   RE: influx....


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unless derailed, you're gonig to have to deal with my shit soon. semi- or fully auto music s/w.. sure, deal with me.. i'm some opinionated blowhard. like it or not, it's coming in the house.

and, everyone will tire of it soon enough ;)


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Message 33/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  06:06 PM   -   RE: influx....


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Biofeedback?, environmental monitoring, "select a drugged state for your auto DJ? x - otherwise its just a trip on the merry-go-round

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Message 34/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  08:35 PM   -   RE: influx....


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Ya fuckin' pedants!!

i know everything, i take a guess at the rest :p

"i'll tumble for you"

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Message 35/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  11:36 PM     Edit: 09-Sep-04  |  11:37 PM   -   RE: influx....

SignalRunners - BLU

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"No of course not because its the new popular. Because its good cutting edge music. I think by the 3rd Zutons album, they will be on The Red Hot Chilli Peppers level. The Zutons said Andrew Weatherall was one of their inspirations.

Signal - have you heard The Zuton album or are you just dismissing it anyway? Maybe you're just into 4x4 kick drum patterns, dunno? "


woah hossey!

First off, without this being miscontrued, Zutons=guitars=NOT cutting edge man!

FASHIONABLE, yes.... CUTTING EDGE,....no way!  

Not that my comment means im bagging on them in any way mang, i heard a few tracks which are listenable, and from what i heard during there radio 1 interview they seem cool enough guys, but c'mon now , lets not get crazy with this dancing around room stuff! were you wearing tight jumpsuits and rocking to the ever popular darkness this time last year ?   ?   ?

oh, and yeah i do like a wee 4x4 beat, but im not embaressed about that, however unfashionable that may seem to the clique

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Message 36/61                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  09:39 AM   -   RE: influx....


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So anything with guitars is not cutting edge?


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Message 37/61                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  04:09 PM   -   RE: influx....

SignalRunners - BLU

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right- read this and just SHUT THE FUCK UP ok

dont take this to other forums on Dt like an absolute prat (but oh too late u already did dickhead!)

Stop being so precious over a fucking band, are you taking one off the lead singer?

I said the Zutons wernt cutting edge, nothihng more (aw, does that make you cwyyy?) I have used guitars in records loads, my comment was not about whatever you seem to be trying to throw shit at me for

Now leave it alright.


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Message 38/61                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  04:26 PM   -   RE: influx....


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"First off, without this being miscontrued, Zutons=guitars=NOT cutting edge man!

FASHIONABLE, yes.... CUTTING EDGE,....no way! "

There you go.

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Message 39/61                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  04:47 PM   -   RE: influx....

SignalRunners - BLU

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yep, the zutons are playing guitars, theres nothing really new there is there?

heres the copy/paste from the other thread

yep, nice- i was talking about the Zutons in that thread- which arent making 'cutting edge' music

show me wehere i SAID :- 'you're not allowed guitars in music. Sounds dated'


You say - 'The opposite word of cutting edge is dated'

yep, again, nice- but your presuming its black or white. Because i dont agree with your 'cutting edge' staement you have to take it aallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way to the other end of the spectrum?

I dont think newcastle United are a particualerly great football team, i DONT think they are absolutely horrendous tho...

I wouldnt agree that porches are the nicest looking cars in the world, i DONT think they are hideously ugly tho....

I wouldnt agree that Zutons are making particularly cutting edge music, i DONT..... you see where im going with this?

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Message 40/61                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  04:49 PM   -   RE: influx....


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Are you calling the toon a puff?

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