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Subject: thanks giving

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Original Message 1/4                 Date: 10-Oct-04  @  01:16 AM   -   thanks giving


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hasta siempre comandante !


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Message 2/4                 Date: 10-Oct-04  @  01:42 AM   -   RE: thanks giving


Posts: 1345

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death of che

good link

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Message 3/4                 Date: 10-Oct-04  @  03:14 AM   -   RE: thanks giving



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felix rodriguez figures prominently in the book "compromised"
(terry reed and john cummings)....a book which i've mentioned before as perhaps the most frightening i've ever read regarding the cia's long-abusive stretch...even in, or perhaps especially in america.

rodriguez is famous for being the man who "got che".
che had no hand when he died.
the question remained whether it was cut off before or after he died.

but what i can't figure out is why...all day as i was working...i kept thinking of laura bush and all i could imagine was this very stiff hairbrush??!??

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Message 4/4                 Date: 11-Oct-04  @  03:04 AM   -   RE: thanks giving


Posts: 3872

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What I've learned from working in the corporate world, is that you have to do something to justify your time on the job. I'm working on a year long project requested by the CEO of the firm I work for. I've never seen so many VPs and SVPs (Vice Presidents and Senior Vice Presidents) wanting to put their 2 cents in until this project came up and it's creating a situation where it's hard to get anything done. Something that should take literally 1 hour, takes 2 weeks and comes close to missing the bi-monthly deadline every time because of these ass kissers.

And that's what this reminds me of. Seeing eye eh? needs someone to go after and once they find somebody who they think can justify their job, they're all over the poor slob.

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