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Subject: human animals

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Aug-03  @  10:15 AM   -   human animals


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so are humans just another animal or are we separate from the rest of the 'beasts'

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Message 31/38                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  07:24 PM   -   RE: human animals



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made it up d...you jerk.  

but plenty of my customers and ex-bosses actually have these things.

it's like...hey who's the boss?

the mosquito...that's who!

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Message 32/38                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  08:31 PM   -   RE: human animals



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but in all serious...i do feed my ants old roy.
they don't care what flavor.

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Message 33/38                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  10:29 PM   -   RE: human animals



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oh, and I suppose you made up the "copy of Hustler" part, too  

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Message 34/38                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  11:12 PM   -   RE: human animals



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how about shared experience or the air (I always said the land of the beautiful girls has wonderful air)

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Message 35/38                 Date: 24-Aug-03  @  03:20 AM   -   RE: human animals



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well....a couple of the ants started to take an interest in a pair of buttocks but some large warrior-queen came and ate them and so everybody else got busily back to work.

i don't think ants are that big on having fun.

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Message 36/38                 Date: 24-Aug-03  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: human animals


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Bacteria communicate with one another too. And those ants, damn. They must be able to read the Grant's Kills Ants box cos they're just not going for the stuff. They ate all the baited borax and it possibly made them stronger.

Sure, humans have technology but we got that from the technoids who designed us. ;-)

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Message 37/38                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  10:31 AM   -   RE: human animals


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Message 38/38                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  12:27 PM   -   RE: human animals


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and what if all this complexity is just some defence against boredom

i told the 'parrots in the savanah' story about Reading town centre, the paul smith collar logo'd t-shirt and the pringle sweater. Divide and rule

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