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Subject: Check out Dessy, new UK artist

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Aug-03  @  04:25 PM   -   Check out Dessy, new UK artist



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Hi there,
This is a shout out to all people who would be interested in a genuine opportunity to help promote an up and coming UK dance/electronica artist called Dessy. Some examples of Dessy’s music is available for download from his website (www.trlmusic.com/dessy) and you can rate the tracks and leave your opinions in the forums. Dessy’s music can best be described as chilled-out electronica, in the style of Royksopp and Moby. The download selection is constantly being updated, and in a worldwide first, the ratings and opinions left on the wensite will affect which tracks make the album, which will be out at the end of this year.

Promotion of Dessy is going to consist of (mainly) online promotion and word of mouth. Where YOU come in is in our exclusive free e-team service, where you can be a part of the rise of Dessy. If you are unfamiliar with the e-team concept, it basically consists of a group of volunteers that help spread the word of Dessy on the net. You will have exclusive access to the Dess-e-team microsite, where numerous incentives for your efforts are offered, such as opportunities to meet Dessy, reduced/free access to gigs, merchandise and downloads unavailable anywhere else. We will also be running competitions for the very best prizes and you will have access to our exclusive forums and the aforementioned downloads.

If you think you have what it takes or wish to check out Dessy, please visit his website. Check out the latest news screen to be taken straight to our e-team pages.

Hope to see some of you there soon, where you can be a part of the growth of the hottest new property in UK dance music!

Rob Smyth


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Message 31/36                 Date: 06-Aug-03  @  04:34 PM   -   RE: Check out Dessy, new UK artist



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Alrite thats it! HUGS ALL AROUND! YAYYYYY!!!! No cake for you steve... Ok maybe a little.

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Message 32/36                 Date: 08-Aug-03  @  10:23 AM   -   RE: Check out Dessy, new UK artist



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I won't let you watch me do a shít then.

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Message 33/36                 Date: 10-Aug-03  @  07:50 AM   -   RE: Check out Dessy, new UK artist

michael babb

Posts: 237

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Message 34/36                 Date: 11-Aug-03  @  12:44 PM   -   RE: Check out Dessy, new UK artist



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I thought I was the hottest property in UK dance music.

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Message 35/36                 Date: 14-Aug-03  @  04:35 PM   -   RE: Check out Dessy, new UK artist

Avid Fan

Posts: 392

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You were...... like a WHOLE FIVE MINUTES AGO.

Keep up with the times dude, Dessys where its at until the next big thing.

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Message 36/36                 Date: 14-Aug-03  @  04:57 PM   -   RE: Check out Dessy, new UK artist

eye of the tiger bloke from popstars


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i'm the next big thing. seen.

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