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Subject: ying & yang priorities

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Original Message 1/34                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  11:51 AM   -   ying & yang priorities



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having this argument with my girl. I say that a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is higher up a womans list of priorities than a mans list. This is how I see it:-

Womans List of Priorities

1. Boyfriend/Girlfriend Relationship

2. Career

3. Money

4. Sex

Mans List of Priorities

1. Sex

2. Career

3. Money

4. Boyfriend/Girlfriend relationship

Am I right?

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Message 2/34                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  12:53 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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its fucking




not YING

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Message 3/34                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  03:59 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities



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hey...he's a REAL guy~

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Message 4/34                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  04:00 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities



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if she has you thinking and talking about relationships and such, she's winning. oh, wait. you posted about it on an internet forum. game, set, match, girlfriend. might as well fire up the VCR and watch that Fucking ya ya sisterhood flick with her.

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Message 5/34                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  06:46 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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i thought male priority was enduring condition of universe in prudent manner, and female was convincing male to accept universe on it's terms? granted they've probably got me going a bit on that admittance.. and the only males i've checked with are all well stoooned at the time..

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Message 6/34                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  07:14 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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So Dr Ruth said, "...your mining difference and familiarity ignores the shared values"

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Message 7/34                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  07:22 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities



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hey....what's wrong with ya-ya sisterhood?...huh? ya know! as long as a guy looks and acts a certain way....within bounds you know....not quite a robot but a robot would be nice.

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Message 8/34                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  11:17 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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then put up a graph of the standard deviation comparisons for 'all men' and 'all women', and 'standard man' and 'standard woman'. (said this b4 but) Apart from definition of species, depending on what is measured we can be a different species


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Message 9/34                 Date: 24-Aug-03  @  03:21 AM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities



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and people doubt the existence of aliens.

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Message 10/34                 Date: 24-Aug-03  @  08:20 AM     Edit: 24-Aug-03  |  08:21 AM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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Chedder, sigh, once again I have to give you props (actually, I guess its really Dr. Ruth but you know what I mean). You too Xoxos.

The whole "dude" thing tends to bother me quit a bit. Went to Hooters once, as a bit of a joke because I'd never been there, and my buddy who went with me took the ball and ran (not in a particularly vulgar way but...). A bit unexpected. Another friend said recently, in a nutshell, the only reason to spend any appreciable time with a woman (like, hanging out as "friends") was to get laid or find a wife. WTF? However, I was just informed by a young woman with whom I thought I was becoming friends with that I had led her on. Again, WTF?

I need to get out of the Deep South. Never had these kind of issues in Florida (NOT the Deep South for those unfamiliar - well at least not Orlando and below).

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Message 11/34                 Date: 24-Aug-03  @  01:38 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities



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hey PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft - you havent created a user-homepage yet - so that link you're listing:


doesn't work

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Message 12/34                 Date: 24-Aug-03  @  04:57 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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Its just me having a bit of fun with GM.


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Message 13/34                 Date: 24-Aug-03  @  05:49 PM     Edit: 24-Aug-03  |  05:58 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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That should do it.

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Message 14/34                 Date: 24-Aug-03  @  07:10 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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oops. sorry for sounding so harsh on that post. I was ker-wasted and it was 5am.

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Message 15/34                 Date: 24-Aug-03  @  10:56 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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I read this thing in Psychology Today comparing men and women, all based on surveys and averages. Men are such & such a percentage more likely to have had more than 20 sex partners, more likely to use drugs, that type of thing. They certainly didn't survey any of the women I know, that's for sure. I concluded that averages mean just about jack shit because no one I know is average and I'm not really interested in what's average.

And no, if you compared the similarities and differences between men/women/other, or for that matter, black/white/brown/asian/etc, at least genetically speaking, I believe you would find more similarities than differences.

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Message 16/34                 Date: 24-Aug-03  @  11:50 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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I've always tended to believe that the "average person" doesn't get it but since they outnumber the rest, theirs is the prevelant paradigm. I guess it depends on the circle of people one developes relationships with.

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Message 17/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  01:36 AM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities



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mick....you mean you actually let a girl listen to you for long periods of time as you waxed philosophical and enlightened and perhaps a little jaded and yet still inspired and as she sat and watched and listened....so eagerly....you didn't realize what you were doing to this poor girl?!?!?!

i'm sorry but i gotta chuckle over this one.

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Message 18/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  05:43 AM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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Poor girl my ass. Go ahead and wax philosophical and enlightened and a bit jaded, Mick. It worked for my boyfriend. ;-) There are smart women out there just longing for men smart enough for them.

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Message 19/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  05:45 AM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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Women are 95% less likely to ever say anything like "I'll smoke you in the studio, kid."

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Message 20/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  06:28 AM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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heh. that makes me fucking laugh so fucking hard every time I read that shit!

good thing we got rid of that chump

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Message 21/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  07:14 AM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities



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mick you rat.....

looks like you got another live one here even!

thank god for smart women!


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Message 22/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  10:25 AM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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The closest way of pronouncing it would be: "ing-yang"

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Message 23/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  02:36 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities



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is that ing, as in "I didn't log in some my ing turns into ing" or is it just plain old ing?  

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Message 24/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  02:44 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities



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damn you midwesterners~
it's ing man...as in plain old inglish.

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Message 25/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  03:57 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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Poor girl my ass. Go ahead and wax philosophical and enlightened and a bit jaded, Mick. It worked for my boyfriend. ;-) There are smart women out there just longing for men smart enough for them.


I'd be forever grateful if you'd introduce a few of them. My friends usually care more about boobs than brains, and as a result all the women I meet have an intelligence level of somewhere between a George Bush and a rock.


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Message 26/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  05:07 PM     Edit: 25-Aug-03  |  06:11 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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"somewhere between a George Bush and a rock"

I didn't realize there was anything in between.

Marianimal, thanks for the props. I tend to think that the prevailing attitude in the Atlanta is you are either looking for a girlfriend/wife or to get laid. Opposite sex heterosexual friendships here seem to be rather uncommon. I'm looking forward to finally getting out of the Deep South to Los Angeles for so many reasons.

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Message 27/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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"somewhere between a George Bush and a rock"

I didn't realize there was anything in between.


Ah, but what is really the question is which one is smarter :P

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Message 28/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  07:24 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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mick I still cant see how you think that will be an improvement. LA is about as full of shit as it gets, m'man.

everyone claimin somethin, and so few truly doing anything

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Message 29/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  07:50 PM     Edit: 25-Aug-03  |  07:55 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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L.A. is a bit more like Miami, where I grew up. It can be as bad as any other place, I know, but its not the Deep South. California ranks higher than Georgia in regard to the population's average education level, too. Here, more than anywhere I've been, education and intelligence is seen as something to underplay by the majority of the people I've worked with.

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Message 30/34                 Date: 25-Aug-03  @  10:26 PM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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isnt that sad? Theyve been told theyre stupid for so long, theyd rather everyone be stupid?

kinda like my ex tellin me about a co-worker in compton. Girl moved into an apartment complex and one day decided to cruise around and pick up trash? SHE GOT HASSLED FOR IT by the other residents. They were vehemently opposed because, they said, "she thought she was better than them"


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Message 31/34                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  09:58 AM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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you can tell it was a bank holiday in the UK yesterday....the yanks got to post all by themselves....Yawn

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Message 32/34                 Date: 26-Aug-03  @  10:28 AM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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If a girl offered to smoke me in the studio, I'd gets to thinking she meant something entirely different...  

But hey, I don't know the sexual preference of the guy who offered Influx, so it could be the same thing...

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Message 33/34                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  01:18 AM     Edit: 27-Aug-03  |  01:26 AM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities


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Who the fuck wants normal? Who is normal? Everybody I've ever met is fucked up in some way. Not always bad, but definately off kilter somewhere.

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Message 34/34                 Date: 27-Aug-03  @  01:59 AM   -   RE: ying & yang priorities



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not me  

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