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Subject: why women live longer than men

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Original Message 1/33                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  01:34 PM   -   why women live longer than men


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Message 2/33                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  03:38 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men



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wonder how they got it up there like that.

let me guess.....something to do with the pyramids.

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Message 3/33                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  03:41 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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lol.. mad

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Message 4/33                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  04:54 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men

Jock Munro

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women live longer than men because they have an easy life. They hitch on to a bloke and welch off them for the rest of their lives. They have kids and sit at home all day watching Richard and Judy whilst painting their nails, fucking the milkman and generally doing fuck all. No wonder they live longer than men, AND they dont even have the fucking common decency to take it up the fucking ase. The bunch of PMT stricken cunts.

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Message 5/33                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  05:42 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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men die before women... cos they want to!! (no more nagging)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/33                 Date: 10-Sep-04  @  11:59 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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Women hang on just so they can finally collect the life insurance...

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Message 7/33                 Date: 11-Sep-04  @  02:26 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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"AND they dont even have the fucking common decency to take it up the fucking ase."

Jock you're hangin out with the wrong women

That pic could be the ultimate redneck pic. And the red box is sitting in front of the truck to electricute him just in case the impact doesn't kill him.

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Message 8/33                 Date: 11-Sep-04  @  09:14 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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heh - and i bet he DIDN'T drain the tank first before the welding started


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 9/33                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  01:02 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men



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you mean he's STILL under there!!??!!

all i know is he'd better get that thing going and quick

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Message 10/33                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  04:20 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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did anyone notice the building he's in front of? I just notice it. What place is that?

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Message 11/33                 Date: 12-Sep-04  @  04:23 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men



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no idea but that mutha'd better return my sweater.

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Message 12/33                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  11:12 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men

Jock Munro

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its the back of Kwik Fit, Solihull.

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Message 13/33                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  01:41 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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Women live longer than blokes coz they've got double standards to live up to....

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Message 14/33                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  02:10 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men

SignalRunners - Andrew

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Yeah they want equal treatment and the right to vote etc etc but still

we have to be the first to willingly help them on to lifeboats and kick someone's ass if their tittie gets grabbed.

cranky bitches

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Message 15/33                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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Amazing. You lot don't know anything about women.

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Message 16/33                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  06:30 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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reminds me of an iraqi i heard, berating the u.s.. ended with "but their women will get them.."

i mean, could you imagine living with a republican woman?? D:

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Message 17/33                 Date: 13-Sep-04  @  10:54 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men

Jock Munro

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I couldnt imagine living in one. Pass the savlon.

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Message 18/33                 Date: 14-Sep-04  @  06:47 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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lol, i have all these images of " young republicans in love!!"

i didn't read all that you know....

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Message 19/33                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  03:58 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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I just keep reading....wondering where to begin..........

I'll just let you blokes fight it out.

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Message 20/33                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  05:37 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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well, yoiu could begin by making some sweeping generalisations about men.. if women ever do that sort of thing that is...

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Message 21/33                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  08:59 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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Nah, that kind of thing never happens at all....

"Men bashing" is like, soooooooo socially acceptible now dontcha know!

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Message 22/33                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  06:34 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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I have no reason to "men bash".

People are people. I, nor you, can change or reason with basic human characteristics. We all know that men and women are different, and think differently.

You see, I have a lot of male friends, more male than female. I am also lucky to have some very good female friends. I can see the differences and I accept them. I'm a lover not a fighter.

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Message 23/33                 Date: 15-Sep-04  @  07:09 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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"hey!.... we gotta come up with a new advert for this kitchen product/bathroom product/household product... any ideas?"

"well, we could go for the dumb-fuck husband with the condescending wife routine!... it's worked a thousand times before!"



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 24/33                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  12:18 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men

Jock Munro

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Aye, sexism in advertising is now fucking 90% aimed at the man. Cunts.

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Message 25/33                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  01:55 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men

SignalRunners - BLU

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its obviously because we are by far the stronger gender, and thus can take the jibe without feeling threatened!

*runs for cover*

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Message 26/33                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  02:43 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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Message 27/33                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  04:12 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men

SignalRunners - Andrew

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*watches and laughs as alan runs for cover under a truck held by wooden 2x4s*

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Message 28/33                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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Message 29/33                 Date: 17-Sep-04  @  09:59 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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Time for bed dear? No headache tonite I hope...

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Message 30/33                 Date: 18-Sep-04  @  02:42 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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Why does Dj megahead see no women on the dancetech??

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Message 31/33                 Date: 18-Sep-04  @  03:23 PM     Edit: 18-Sep-04  |  03:24 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men

SignalRunners - Andrew

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you do, they're just too busy yawning and rolling their eyes-- which seems to be a popular passtime for most women, in between doing laundry and cleaning.

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Message 32/33                 Date: 20-Sep-04  @  02:59 AM   -   RE: why women live longer than men

Jock Munro

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*spits out G&T over the screen*

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Message 33/33                 Date: 20-Sep-04  @  06:17 PM   -   RE: why women live longer than men


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no luck stalking around the coin-op then?  

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