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Subject: more words of wisdom

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Oct-03  @  12:44 PM   -   more words of wisdom


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I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.

On the other hand, you have different fingers.

42.7 Percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.

Remember, half the people you know are below average.

He who laughs last thinks slowest.

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol.

Support bacteria. It is the only culture some people will ever have.

Monday is an awful way to spend a seventh of your life.

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.

Plan to be spontaneous, tomorrow.

Always try to be modest, and be proud of it!

If you think nobody cares, try missing a coupl! e of payments.

How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise my hand...

OK, so what's the speed of dark?

How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?

If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.

When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

What happens if you get scared half to death .... Twice?

I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.

I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.

Inside every older person is a younger person wondering, "what the hell happened?"

A day without sunshine is like, night.

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Message 21/85                 Date: 22-Oct-03  @  09:06 AM     Edit: 22-Oct-03  |  10:08 AM   -   RE: more words of wisdom


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hahahaha, you bunch of stupid twattish sensitive idiots!!!

it was a comment made about pakistanis (of which personally i do not have a problem), but when taking the piss out of someone - its the first that comes to mind)

you never made a remark which may seem racist to other people?

in another post, JF posts a picture with uncle sam crushing islam....is that not racist against islamic people??

what made you all errupt? are you all really that sensitive?

if it makes you feel any better, I think 50% of British people are cunts,

i think yanks are far too over the top and very immature in their general attitude,

italians are posers - and their women have moutashes,

spanish are greasy,

canadians fuck mooses

australians fuck kangaroos

german women have hairy armpits

and the French, well their just cunts - even yanks admit that, but OOoOoh no, thats not racist, thats just cos they dont like yanks and being the over sensitive population of spunk that you are, you dont like that

etc etc etc, its just a fucking laugh, who said i need a different track on humour?....you need to GET a sense of humour and chill out a bit

its parody, comedy, piss taking, you see a disabled person wheeling down the street in a wheelchair, you ask them for a race, you see an old aged pensioner crossing the road, you speed up to earn 50 points, you see an american with no sense of humour and sensitive to a paki remark when they sit in here and call their own leader a "cunt", you laugh

for fuck sake, step back a level and see a jokey remark for what it is and dont get on your boxes so quickly

that was a party political broadcast by the Freedom of speech party - and there is fuck all you can do about it

now back to normal programming

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Message 22/85                 Date: 22-Oct-03  @  09:17 AM   -   RE: more words of wisdom


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"hate the other specie, it crossed over to races down the line". Not sure abut that one but divide and rule is fair. Jock is on for the racists, I HATE RACISTS(TM). What can you do feminists, actors, work colleagues, politics, all behavior all something in a box. What can i see without contrast, can I come back if i dont leave

and sorry e but "what I like about my current incarnation is I am able to recognize my faults and correct them where I see my behavior as counterproductive " - i say we see what we have seen and the rest is ignored, happy incarnations are blind fool incarnations, dont get me wrong I can be jealous of official, card carrying (interned) idiots. Responsibility, who wants it

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Message 23/85                 Date: 22-Oct-03  @  12:14 PM     Edit: 22-Oct-03  |  12:14 PM   -   RE: more words of wisdom


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k that sultan story is funny! wonder if one of them was spot?

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Message 24/85                 Date: 22-Oct-03  @  12:26 PM   -   RE: more words of wisdom


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i'm sorry, thats racist

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Message 25/85                 Date: 22-Oct-03  @  12:29 PM   -   RE: more words of wisdom



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ha ha ha - but the irony is... 'Pakis', Indians etc are the same RACE as 'white' people - so are aboriginies for that matter - there are only 3 basic RACES in the world if you want to get all zieg-hiel about it.

Oh ok, and Jock... that's 4 then  

What we're talking about here is 'Culturalism' actualy I think - and it's true to some extent what Spot says... take the windies for example

Granadians & Bajians think they are better than everyone else, everyone from all the other islands in the W.I's hate the Jamaicans as a bunch of uncultured ruffnecks, and the Dominicans are a considered a bunch of voodoo practicing heathen devil worshippers.
In jamaica the asian-blood people are called Coolies, and Yellowman told stories about how when he was poor, back in the day, the bus used to drive right on past when he or anyone like him was waiting at the bus stop.

the pakis hate the indians & vica-versa, the sihks fight the muslims etc etc... and as for the europeans... well... ha... nuff wars & hatred, both nationalistic & religious

the japs & the chinese... hmm... not exactly a happy history, Japans 'atrocities' in Beijing were so heavy that the Nazi Party at the time made an International protest about it (lol!.. now THAT'S irony)

The turks hate the iraqis, and vica-versa

the mexicans used to steal apache children for slaves & now whine on about their treatment from the americans, and the US indians were always fighting each other before (and during sometimes) the fight against the europeans... and dont even start with all the inter-tribal hatred & bullshit in Africa or the Sunni's & Shi'ites in Islam as just a starter of Islam's divisions, and likewise Christians have the same crap of division and scisms... They're talking now about a major split over gay bishops in Christianity, which follows (or should), a prophet who hung out with lepers & hookers & preached acceptance & forgiveness.

Then you've got the crap between Isreal & the arabs & christians which threatens the whole bloody world it's so intense.

Mods & rockers, capitalists & socialists, Yankees & Rebs, City & United, Northern Monkeys & soft southern shandy-drinking poofs, humans & aliens... whatever...


humans.... who needs 'em....

actualy, the first recorded incident of football violence was apparently back in the late 19th century (Newcastle & Sunderland of course.... cathlic & protestant teams basicaly)

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Message 26/85                 Date: 22-Oct-03  @  12:42 PM     Edit: 22-Oct-03  |  12:44 PM   -   RE: more words of wisdom


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americans, who needs them

all they do is dictate to the world and blow their allies up

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Message 27/85                 Date: 22-Oct-03  @  02:43 PM   -   RE: more words of wisdom



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spot, if you had read the 'nuke the moon' piece, we wouldn't have this discussion. we would be bashing yanks, well 10 % at least

"in another post, JF posts a picture with uncle sam crushing islam....is that not racist against islamic people??" i like to think you had spot the irony of my post. you did, didn't you?

ched: ["hate the other specie, it crossed over to races down the line". Not sure abut that one ]
you can actually trace it further back, down to cellular level, we're basically born out of conflict.

k, is the planetary institutionalization of racism & hate a good enough reason to perpetuate them ? let's nuke the whole friggin' thing then, before we contaminate other planets* (go read Foundation again)

sure, not for tomorrow, but still, at some point they won't have to fake it.

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Message 28/85                 Date: 22-Oct-03  @  02:56 PM     Edit: 22-Oct-03  |  03:25 PM   -   RE: more words of wisdom


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QUOTE:i like to think you had spot the irony of my post. you did, didn't you?

there was no irony, it had a fat cunt with "9/11" on his sleeve crushing an islamist - yes we know what happened in 9/11and it was terrible, yes were all sick of hearing about america's 9/11 story, yes you got arse fucked and sadly its your own countrys fault, but what about the UK when the IRA constantly bombed our buildings or killed innocent kids with nail bombs, dont see us going on and on about it do you? dont see us posting pictures about IRA Bombers all the time....dont see us posting racist hatred toward the Irish? - lets also not forget that your fucking government bunged a few quid the IRA's way on a regular basis

nah, so before you go bashing your racism speech on one small towel-head comment, think about what you write

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Message 29/85                 Date: 22-Oct-03  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: more words of wisdom



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oh you pathetic tampon munching, inbred anomaly of a retard. you didn't get it

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Message 30/85                 Date: 22-Oct-03  @  03:54 PM   -   RE: more words of wisdom

Yonce N Mild

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"When the IRA constantly bombed our buildings or killed innocent kids with nail bombs, dont see us going on and on about it do you? dont see us posting pictures about IRA Bombers all the time....dont see us posting racist hatred toward the Irish"

No racism toward the Irish ???? are you freaking serious come one spot get a fucking clue. And get over the American shit too like the English Govt. is any better as a matter of fact they are worse since they have had more time to commit crimes against humanity The US govt. has only had just over 200 years to suck !

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