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Subject: I might get flamed for this

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Original Message                 Date: 18-Jul-03  @  11:48 PM   -   I might get flamed for this


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A Pakistani Ambassador to the UN just finished giving a speech, and walks out into the lobby where he met President Bush.
They shake hands and walk together in the long verandah when suddenly the Pakistani said, "You know, I have just one question about what I have seen in America."

President Bush says "Well your Excellency, anything I can do to help you, I will do."

The Pakistani whispers, "My son watches this show 'Star Trek' and in it there are Russians, and Blacks, Chinese, Japanese and Indians but never any Pakistani, Afghani or Arabs.
So my son is very upset. He doesn't understand nor do I about why there aren't any Arabs, Pakistanis, and Afghanis in the Star Trek show."

President Bush laughs and leans toward the Pakistani, and whispers in his ear,
"Because... the show is all about the future"



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Message 21/70                 Date: 20-Jul-03  @  11:11 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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yeah, apart from the "niggers are stupid" section it's quite good.

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Message 22/70                 Date: 21-Jul-03  @  12:20 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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the problem for me, ian....isn't with capitalism per se but with capitalism with NO limits> how far we WILL go to make THAT PROFIT. killing people and even making up lies to justify that killing is pretty much where i tend to draw the line.

i think that's reasonable.

what's funny to people isn't nearly as big a concern.

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Message 23/70                 Date: 21-Jul-03  @  11:38 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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heh heh those japanese people have slitty eyes. hoo hoo heh heh ho*coma*

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Message 24/70                 Date: 21-Jul-03  @  03:09 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Cant see capitalism 'lite' working clay

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Message 25/70                 Date: 21-Jul-03  @  03:23 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this



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you probably got a point there....cheds. i certainly wouldn't mourn it's demise as money has little interest for me as my clientele would attest to and certainly seem able to take advantage of.

nevertheless....a little is necessary in order to keep the virus gassed....and compressor lights blinking.

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Message 26/70                 Date: 21-Jul-03  @  11:25 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Beds, LMFAO!

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Message 27/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  08:00 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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so cheddar!

your solution is? In your clear omniscience...what WILL work?

please enlighten us?

socialism? failed

communism? failed severely

fascism? well, Id rather not.

personally Im all about small scale libertarianism damn near bordering on anarchy, but ONLY when the natives are tame. til then, well, Id rather not take my chances with most of em. too many risky folk at the top, bottom, left and right.

so...you and others like you just spout off all day about this and that, but what are you doing? what do you think america should be like? england?


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Message 28/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  10:43 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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Pfff...I immediatly saw it as a joke about American attitude nothing racist at all...right-wing-pro-gun-biggots might also like the joke...but that's because they're too dense to actually get it.

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Message 29/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  10:45 AM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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minimum to all, no inheritance, no money - resource for value, assited travel and social reserves

super scientists in sharply dressed controlling group being advised by Douglas Adams like hermit.

backwards forwards

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Message 30/70                 Date: 22-Jul-03  @  01:05 PM   -   RE: I might get flamed for this


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if he is pointing over there then think about looking in the other direction or perhaps listen to what he says. pay attention to the issues and then...

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