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Subject: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

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Original Message                 Date: 01-Apr-04  @  11:14 AM     Edit: 01-Apr-04  |  11:16 AM   -   um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Message 21/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  04:42 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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but you get paid to adjust dickhead's mic. no?

that ain't industry?

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Message 22/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  04:51 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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and that ain't intended as a put-down of what you do...psy.
i know what i have to do for my daily bread.
most of us gotzta to do sumpin.

i wish you could adjust mine.

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Message 23/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  06:02 AM     Edit: 03-Apr-04  |  06:03 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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All clients that I have right now finance their own projects. I have someone who
just finished cutting who won't be mixing until august when they can get the funds
up. Studio life has little to do with the music business... at least I wish the two
would stay seperated. I leave the room when clients start talking about marketing
and business... not my area... not my problem...

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Message 24/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  01:22 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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i guess what we're both getting at is a redefinition of what constitutes industry.
i think by becoming more personal, less corporate, and more self-sustaining....though on a smaller level....it becomes more....shall we say artistic?
artists have greater say as to their packaging and what actual material can be released whereas in the past it was always up to some guy with a cigar and a yacht or two.
the fact that he gets removed from the equation does not mean that you can't still try to do some business of some sort. i think people have every right to still peddle their wares if even out the back of his trunk or from small or large internet site.
i'd like to think you were able to some little money off your music one day psy.
this would allow you more freedom to choose your projects in the future and for whom you adjust the sliders for. that's an art too.

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Message 25/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  05:02 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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how many words did i leave out of that last paragraph?

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Message 26/69                 Date: 03-Apr-04  @  07:46 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!

* compulsary


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if your charging 45 $ for a shirt that will ultimately promote you, on top of 40 something plus to "see" your sorry excuse for a show; assume i will dowload the two songs i like from your album.

i will buy the cd from you at the venue, along with the t-shirt if you put on a kickass show for 10$


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Message 27/69                 Date: 04-Apr-04  @  01:38 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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we try to get 50 for our shirts.

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Message 28/69                 Date: 05-Apr-04  @  08:21 AM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


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Strangely enough, cd sales in the UK and Australia are going up!

'by the BPI's own admission - a point not made in its recent 'file sharing destroys industry' statements - UK album sales rose 5.6 per cent last year. That runs contrary to last week's BPI claim that "despite falling retail prices, album sales have remained relatively stable over the last three years". '

Indeed, total album shipments yielded a 2.1 per cent increase in revenue to £1.112bn. In other words, the "falling retail prices" have led to rising unit sales and revenue growth and not the reverse, as the tone of the BPI quotation above suggests.

The BPI's numbers were this week paralleled by an equivalent set of numbers put out by the Australian Record Industry Association (Aria). It too notes falling CD single sales, but failed to point out that Australia's CD sales reached record numbers last year. 2003 marked the first time more than 50 million albums were sold, and sales of all music formats reached beyond 65 million, also a record. Sales have been rising since Napster et al launched.


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Message 29/69                 Date: 05-Apr-04  @  03:10 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!



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people on all sides will hopefully figure it out eventually.

as for ex-bro-n-law. he's actually a very nice guy as long as he doesn't have to pay.
he told me last month..."yeah clay...you gotta come over...i got 3 kinds of beer always
on tap....i have a friend from milwaukee and i get all my beer for free now!"

: )

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Message 30/69                 Date: 05-Apr-04  @  08:21 PM   -   RE: um... excuse me... RIAA? HELLO!?!?!


Posts: 2707

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i gotta pick up this thing (again) that's been brought up about ppl who haven't paid for music shouldn't listen to it? sorry guys, can you explain again?

What I meant is simply that if you like an artist's work you should buy their record. Unfortunately, if you want to support an artist signed to a label by buying their record you have to support the label as well as the artist  

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