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Subject: The fat star wars kid

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Jul-03  @  03:20 PM   -   The fat star wars kid



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Remember the fat twat with the light sabre that caused so much discussion here on DT ??


What a twat.

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Message 21/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  03:31 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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pict: [clap, clap, clap] exactly!

The kids stole some personal property and used it without permission. That is punishable.

But trying to compensate for "emotional damage" with money is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of, and opens the door to ridiculous lawsuits that we've all heard of and laughed at.

"Emotional baggage" is the main cause for neurotic and selfish human behavior, imo. Dwelling on shit that has happened to you is SO unhealthy. How can people ever start to think of themselves as part of a society if they're always worried about their feelings and their experiences and how they have hurt their ego. It's all a bunch of bullshit. I really don't think human development is as cause-n-effectual (like that word, eh?) as psychologists and biologists would like to make it out to be. But that's another thread topic, I guess.

I just want to see the human race progress beyond me,me,meism and compensation for "emotional damage" is but one of many steps in the wrong direction.

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Message 22/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  05:06 PM     Edit: 30-Jul-03  |  05:07 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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"do you think that suing his classmates is an appropriate response?"

I think its ridiculous. I also think the kid is being manipulated by unscrupulous adults. "Kids" can't sue each other. Does no one besides Chedder (shudder) understand this simple fact? My point has been that a bunch of adults have fucked this up from the get go. Its one thing for children within a peer group to make fun of each other. It is something else entirely when adults around the world take part in anything other than intervetion (in the case of a child who is in way over their head and is not prepared to deal with the experience) or silent observation (in the case of a child who is experiencing something that, hard as it may be, they need to experience but are emotionally capable of dealing with it in a manner congruent with their level of maturity)

I stand by what I said about experiential development because its true. Thats the difference between the parent who throws their child into the pool and says "swim" and the parent who takes the time to teach their child in a manner that will make them a confident swimmer.
It is common sense.

What amazes me in all this is that so many seem to think that children can actually sue each other without adults involved. Will the judge be 12 years old as well??? The attorneys??? Everyone keeps saying "the kid" is sueing. As if. Chedder seems to be the only one who gets it. Truly a sign of the apocalypse.  

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Message 23/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  05:48 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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Um, Mick. I think we're all in agreement that the lawsuit is frivolous. However, you seem to be attempting to justify it by giving credence to their "emotional scarring" angle. What exactly is your point?

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Message 24/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  06:14 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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you can get a plastic judges play set, there is even a Guantanamo version with thumbscrews, blindfold and the flat cloth the judge puts on before pronouncing death sentences, only there are no lawyers in that version  

About this star wars kid, you started it. They collect money and send it to him, some thousands of dollars and low and behold after the moneys gone he needs more. Well blow me, money goes to money, enough is never enough, progress on the backs of your peers, profit in capitalism, sounds like a grade A student

Watch out he will be wanting royalties for those who have downloaded it

The fat star wars kidİ

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Message 25/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  06:14 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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you can get a plastic judges play set, there is even a Guantanamo version with thumbscrews, blindfold and the flat cloth the judge puts on before pronouncing death sentences, only there are no lawyers in that version  

About this star wars kid, you started it. They collect money and send it to him, some thousands of dollars and low and behold after the moneys gone he needs more. Well blow me, money goes to money, enough is never enough, progress on the backs of your peers, profit in capitalism, sounds like a grade A student

Watch out he will be wanting royalties for those who have downloaded it

The fat star wars kidİ

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Message 26/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  06:18 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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so the guy goes into the fish and chip shop and says "I'll have fish and chips twice", the shopkeeper looks up and says "It's OK I heard you the first time"

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Message 27/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  06:54 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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from a program on c4 last night about a single mother who has 7 children, a masters and a book out. 4 sons have different degrees of autism, three daughters don't -

... 14 year old Luke, whose form of autism is called Asperger's Syndrome.

Despite being badly bullied at school and called a freak, Luke has come out on top and has remarkably already written two books about his condition.

"When people look at you it makes you feel uncomfortable, but I've learned to cope by staring at the space between their eyes" he said. "I've been bullied a lot in the past, but I'm proud of who I am. Being different is cool."

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Message 28/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  07:10 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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I should sue my fuckin stepdad. and Mr Wedge my 4th grade teacher. and that guy that socked me in the jaw my freshman year because my buddy liked his girlfriend. and that broad who had her boyfriend get on the phone cuz I was obsessed. and my dad for being an absentee drunkard. and my mom for being a flake.

and MYSELF for all of the above

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Message 29/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  10:12 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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but who do you complain about the selection of that particular egg and that particular sperm.

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Message 30/62                 Date: 30-Jul-03  @  11:27 PM   -   RE: The fat star wars kid


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heh. sue them for bringin me to life!

well...SOMEONE should! we should all sue each other!

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