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Subject: influx....

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Original Message                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  05:04 PM   -   influx....

JJ Freqy

Posts: 90

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It seems that every post I read here on DT has you responding with something negative, unless it's about you of course. What's with the chip on your shoulder? Ppl ask questions on a forum, that's what it is for. If you don't want to answer their question -- THEN DON'T! Giving someone a bunch of negative bullsh*t isn't what they came to DT for.

Did you get molested as a child or did you miss a couple of doses of your daily antidepressant/antianxiety medication? If you don't take them, maybe you should look into it. You have some serious social communication problems?

Chill out, walk on the beach or something, it seems as if you're bomb waiting to explode. Stress is a killer there influx, prevention is better than a cure 

JJ Freqy

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Message 21/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  10:47 AM   -   RE: influx....


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"I am one of the greatest characters on DT beacuse I am contributing in all areas..."

"Constant one-up-manship on DT this year."


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Message 22/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  10:56 AM   -   RE: influx....


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Actually I think it's more a lack of new blood. We're the old guard here and we need what we need to know, if not we know who to ask. Newbies drop by and then leave, but how many "new artists" are on dt? We seem bored with each other, but we don't seem to welcome new people....

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Message 23/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  11:07 AM   -   RE: influx....


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Or maybe people arn't interested in dance music anymore. Really, its about time something else came along "nothing to see....move along"

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Message 24/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  11:50 AM   -   RE: influx....


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Exactly Cheedar. Which is why my Mecury Music Prize Award thread mentioned The Zutons. An amazing band....but as K said, "who cares?"

ps - I dance around the room to The Zutons album so we should include it in DT.

I mean you look at at a website like techhouselist.org. In the last 6 months, there are hardly any posts compared to last year and that is THE number 1 website for underground house producers all over the world. Things are changing and we need a plan.

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Message 25/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  12:07 PM   -   RE: influx....

SignalRunners - BLU

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a plan? to change making dance music and switch to guitars because its the new popular dom?

'ps - I dance around the room to The Zutons album so we should include it in DT.'

no thanks

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Message 26/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  01:09 PM   -   RE: influx....


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No of course not because its the new popular. Because its good cutting edge music. I think by the 3rd Zutons album, they will be on The Red Hot Chilli Peppers level. The Zutons said Andrew Weatherall was one of their inspirations.

Signal - have you heard The Zuton album or are you just dismissing it anyway? Maybe you're just into 4x4 kick drum patterns, dunno?

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Message 27/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  01:11 PM   -   RE: influx....


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"Things are changing and we need a plan."
errr, do I care?

tune storage, streaming files, project tools, basic info resource for production tools 'n tricks, strange people, sex and beer.

like dancetech is going out of fashion - errr... are they are still selling audio hardware and software?

And I am the best lounger since i say nothing elsewhere and dont even listen to your poxy tunes

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Message 28/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  01:25 PM   -   RE: influx....


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Why we talking about fashion? My point is about new music. I am on DT everyday and have been for 4 years. I love it. Its the best music production site on the web. What's your point?

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Message 29/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  03:59 PM   -   RE: influx....



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the problem with "dance music" was that it....once again.....labelled itself.
it immediately suggested limits by definign it's function and purpose.
it's either dance or not dance.

the nice thing about good pop music is the way it builds on emotion and remains so very human.

if electronic music can bridge this gap and accept the fact that people who don't club are dancing around to franz ferdinand and the likes...in their cars and bedrooms....
i think electronic music will experience a new revival.
but it's so inwardly directed and focused and.....it needs to reach beyond.
plus....the dj-as-star thing seems to have run it's course.
dj as guy spinning cool discs for the masses' enlightenment and pleasure.....sure!!!.....but mega-star?

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Message 30/61                 Date: 09-Sep-04  @  04:27 PM   -   RE: influx....


Posts: 1584

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Ya fuckin' pedants!! I've said this before and I'll say it again.. go out and make some music!

Its not about one-up-manship, its about friendship and community... NOW GO OUT AND MAKE SOME FUCKIN' MUSIQUE!!!

And any time ya'll come to my threads and drop respected advice and info, it reminds me why DT is the best bar none! Dave, I got ya back bro'...

Let the LIVE times roll baby!!

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