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Subject: lets loose cars

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Original Message                 Date: 05-Aug-03  @  09:20 AM   -   lets loose cars


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how to move away from the brink

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Message 21/45                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  02:00 AM     Edit: 07-Aug-03  |  02:02 AM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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yeah trills, but does this involve a big 5 litre gas guzzler or a little jap 1 litre suzuki?


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Message 22/45                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  02:56 AM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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american 4 cylinder sedan......very boring.

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Message 23/45                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  03:16 AM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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Been riding motorcycles as my only form of transport for over twenty years (cheap cars in between motorbike purchases only) and I'm waiting for the the monkeys in their cages to evolve. I'm not sure it will ever happen. Once an earth destroying lower form of cage bound homo-sapien always an earth destroying lower form of cage bound homo-sapien . "Oh, but how do get by without a car?!?!" "What do you do when it rains?!?!" Um, use the part of my brain that seperates me from monkeys in cages.

Talk is cheap as are my petrol bills & emissions, gotta walk the walk or make the best of a bad situation and ride a motorbike.

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Message 24/45                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  04:56 AM   -   RE: lets loose cars



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Howe about bicycle everywhere you go, unless that where is somewhere more than 20 miles (I have a child, too small for his own bike)

don't say mass transit, there's no such thing where I am... which is, honestly, something I'm working hard to fix in my community.

We do what we can, eh? walk the walk, yes... and try to leave as little a footprint as possible in doing so.


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Message 25/45                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  05:52 AM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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Message 26/45                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  06:03 AM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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Bring back the horse.

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Message 27/45                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  05:58 PM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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"don't say mass transit"

just look at the stats, 50, 300, flow! people going to the same place, personal is heading way from efficiency

credit card rental cars, metal nothing

stay at home on the net

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Message 28/45                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  06:43 PM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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One word. Hydrogen.

You'll never take my car, because I am also one of the people who takes extreme pleasure in the act of driving (Acura RSX/Honda Integra if you're wondering, no SUVs here). But you could change the fuel to something renewable and clean.


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Message 29/45                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  07:34 PM   -   RE: lets loose cars



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Save yourself, not the Earth. The Earth passes, but your soul does not.

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Message 30/45                 Date: 07-Aug-03  @  07:36 PM   -   RE: lets loose cars


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the vehicle is the one place where you are in control, where you can be alone.

you think it's tough to deal with the problems now - you try it tomorrow when you have to buy oxygen. go on, laugh, then ignore. for want of a nail.

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