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Subject: human animals

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Aug-03  @  10:15 AM   -   human animals


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so are humans just another animal or are we separate from the rest of the 'beasts'

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Message 21/38                 Date: 22-Aug-03  @  02:46 AM   -   RE: human animals


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cat/horse conceit is pure responsivity to human stimulus.. responding to the praise we offer in association with quality treatment.. in order to perpetuate communication, they will act out the part of being on a pedestal.

generally animals have advanced biotechnology which liberates them from circumstantial dependence ie. a cat can go almost anywhere and catch something to eat, it's not going to worry about planning a world w/o feet, ergo your observed lack of long term projection.

to animals, the world is a big place because they do not have the same limits on their needs. not so to humans.. we build social, economic et c. prisons/containers for ourselves.. or rather.. 'you' do so for me..

the legendary time when all creatures could communicate freely is a perception 'we' have removed ourselves from.. as i say, many woodpeckers are particularly enthusiastic about being messengers.. a ground squirrel will happily accomodate human presence and communicate what is safe to eat.. many flying insects have a notorious sense of mischief due to their size and speed, displaying the friendliest aesthetogenic sensibilities. animals tend to take their roles in the interspecies community due to form, but this is far off the calibre of programming we experience from advertisements... i'd say interspecies networking is a superlative condition of long term projection by explicit understanding the condition of life. cultured humans trick themselves into false perception of the condition so that we are easily exploited. if anything, we're the programmed morons. well i put the if anyhting there to be nice.

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Message 22/38                 Date: 22-Aug-03  @  03:22 AM   -   RE: human animals


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well i'm glad I waited to reply this long, because that was much more well-stated than anything I could have mustered. Right on, x...

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Message 23/38                 Date: 22-Aug-03  @  08:33 AM   -   RE: human animals


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i read a few of the replies then got bored....you people are nerds...NERDS I tells ya

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Message 24/38                 Date: 22-Aug-03  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: human animals


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your mom's a nerd!


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Message 25/38                 Date: 22-Aug-03  @  06:23 PM   -   RE: human animals


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Mmmm... nerdy sluts. Now we're talkin my language!

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Message 26/38                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  07:00 AM   -   RE: human animals



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doing a little research of my own....i left out...near an ant-nest....2 items. 1) a book on how to be an effective leader.....
and 2) a fairly-spent can of dog food.
the ants went straight past the book and swarmed the dog-food.
i performed the test again with hesse's siddartha in place of the leadership book....and the ants went straight for the old roy beef, bacon, and liver flavor.
a third time with a copy of hustler. same.

i'm not sure what this means but ants will not eat books.....

this much is certain.

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Message 27/38                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  11:23 AM   -   RE: human animals



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but animals have other skills... could you find your way 10,000 miles with no signs or maps back to the place you were born having only been there once at birth?

Termites build their mounds as a thin narrow construction which is built along the exact arc of the sun's tradjectory so as the mound receives as little direct sunlight as possible to any of it's flat facing exterior, then they build a fully operational air-conditioning system into it. Hot air rises up thru the center pulling cool air in thru the vents along the bottom which rises up and cools the mound. Then they carefuly harvest food which they grow in managed farms in the basement. They have a very strict society with individuals devided into groups with roles which all support each other 'department' of the colony.

They are 'only termites' in our perspective though

That's pretty intelligent I think.

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Message 28/38                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  04:02 PM   -   RE: human animals



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and they didn't need to read a bunch of books to know this. and they don't fight over the old roy's.
they share and share alike. everyone gets some.

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Message 29/38                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  04:06 PM   -   RE: human animals



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hmmm, how do said subjects respond to magnifying glass/sun stimulus while dining on old roys? and while we're at it how does the leadership do with said stimulus? hmmm.

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Message 30/38                 Date: 23-Aug-03  @  04:07 PM   -   RE: human animals



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oops, leadership book.

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