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Subject: Bush on Tribal sovereignty

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Original Message                 Date: 14-Sep-04  @  03:36 PM   -   Bush on Tribal sovereignty


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I did not vote for that man!

and listen to the fucking people laugh at the buffoon!

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Message 21/33                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  09:41 AM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


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"a VERY clear portrait of a mind..."

Think about the poor guy, he is trying like a bear to think of something to say that will not - be irrevocable, alienate any of his core voters values, clash with anything irrevocable he has said before and much more importantly upset the believed wants of his pupeteers, dads fiends, spin hospital staff or any of the potential corp campaign donors - then after all of that he doesn't understand the fucking question.(and Influx is right - its a fucking idiot of a question) AND he has to speak the words he has already thought of at the same time as all that. Give his cell a break!

I tried to phynd that analysis of Bushes speeches where they propose he is violent and childish. Anyway

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Message 22/33                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  12:17 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


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It is beyond me how anyone with even 1/2 a brain and a shadow of a conscience can vote for Bush.

On another note, it was reported this morning that the cia thinktank that assesses the future of situations such as the one in Iraq concludes that in 2005, the best scenario in Iraq is that it is much like it is now...unstable, insecure, and with continued uprisings. The worst case scenario is all out civil war.

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Message 23/33                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  01:57 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


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But another worst case is that they get on a plane and bring your party back home

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Message 24/33                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  03:31 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty



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well...that's what happens when we do come home.

right now it's just basic chaos.....though not quite the complete all-out scenario being predicted upon our pull-out.
i say let the all-out occur which we are predicting.
the prediction serves a purpose in many ways....and one is that it helps to rationalize our continued presence there.

but how does anyone vote for bush?
they simply look in their stock portfolio and see how many weapons and oil stocks they own.
oh...he keeps the engines running.
he was raised proper.

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Message 25/33                 Date: 16-Sep-04  @  04:31 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


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let's list every feasible and imfeasible method of altering their opinions/the situation..

please evaluate your deduced options..

that is all :p

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Message 26/33                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  12:36 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


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One thing you HAVE to keep in mind is that this fellow is a Mason. I don't know what others know of the Masons, but I know enough to be VERY afraid of them and their goals. They are not a joke, they are not some sort of conspircay theory bullshit. They are a REAL organization with lodges, facilites, information and purpose EVERYWHERE in the white man's world. Members of my family are Masons. I can't tell of what I know, because I actually want to stay alive for a while more, but I can warn you right now that things are not at ALL what they seem, and that what you are fed are lies, distraction and weakness on silver platters, by the shovel full, and you eat it up with glee.

Oh boy, oh boy...if that were only half true you'd have the cia or the office of omeland security knocking on your door...

I know plenty of Mason's...there just a bunch of people playing frat-games...not much different from the stuff you'd see in a run of the mill frat house, lions clubs, rotery club....just with a pinch of ritual and mysticism thrown in.

Bush is a cunt though, I couldn't agree more.

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Message 27/33                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  12:38 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


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p.s. I you don't want to install quicktime get a program called quicktime alternative.

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Message 28/33                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  04:57 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


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"I know plenty of Mason's...there just a bunch of people playing frat-games...not much different from the stuff you'd see in a run of the mill frat house, lions clubs, rotery club....just with a pinch of ritual and mysticism thrown in"

well of course that's how they act with you.. you might be material one day, mr. paddle owner.

double is a very charismatic and influential person, being a talented hiphop producer. they asked him.

eg. "that's just a pinch of don't know the fuck thrown in" isn;t it...

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Message 29/33                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  06:26 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


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Okay, okay, I admit it....I'm a stonecutter...just don't tell anyone if you want to live.

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Message 30/33                 Date: 19-Sep-04  @  07:45 PM   -   RE: Bush on Tribal sovereignty


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bastiaan...thats not simply what the Freemason society is about, man. Sure..the folks on the lower levels are pretty much just "normal" folks in a group, but the higher up you go?

Ive never been big on the paranoia thing but the closer I look the more Im starting to believe

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