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Subject: i want to ride my bicycle...

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Original Message                 Date: 22-Sep-04  @  02:43 PM     Edit: 22-Sep-04  |  02:57 PM   -   i want to ride my bicycle...


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but motherfuckers stole it !

it's "no car" day and i have to walk  

apparently, you can unlock a kryptonite lock (u-lock) with a hollowed ball point pen. just thought i'd let you know.

watch you wheels !


kryptonite's announcement

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Message 21/30                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: i want to ride my bicycle...


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jesus man i've only just opened my eyes

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Message 22/30                 Date: 28-Sep-04  @  07:47 PM   -   RE: i want to ride my bicycle...


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lol! psy. never caught his name, but he sure wasn't the sandal wearing type :p

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Message 23/30                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  11:14 AM   -   RE: i want to ride my bicycle...


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heh - reminds me once me and a mate were driving thru busy central london traffic, and pull up at some lights

it's a stinking hot day, any cars with ragtop roofs had the roof down, all car windows were open, and there's this guy at the light with one of those wizzo 'pro' bikes, and he's got ALL the 'Team' Lycra gear on... except ....he's wearing normal everyday trainers

my mate stands up in his car (roof off) and pointing at this guy on the bike he shouts to everyone:


fucking funny that was, everyone pissed themselves in the cars, plus the pedestrians... this poor guy rode off looking a bit huffy


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 24/30                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  08:44 PM   -   RE: i want to ride my bicycle...


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i saw one who had the full kit, with the clip shoes. guy fell to his side on a red light. didn't hurt himself but looked pretty embarassed, especially with an older women approching to help him out. it did look like his first costumed ride.

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Message 25/30                 Date: 29-Sep-04  @  11:30 PM     Edit: 29-Sep-04  |  11:32 PM   -   RE: i want to ride my bicycle...


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heh heh

On a relative tip, this i classic, but i dunno if in reality it's an urban myth, but me dad told me this story once of something that'd supposedly happened to one of his mates

His mate was at the lights waiting for green when a motorbike pulled up slowly next to him with an old boy riding it....

so this guy comes to a halt and there's slight pause, and then he keels over sideways to the deck.

so me dads mate got out and went to help y'know and said "are you ok?" etc, and this old boy said

"I feel such a fool!... this keeps happening since i got rid of the sidecar"


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 26/30                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  12:50 AM   -   RE: i want to ride my bicycle...


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Message 27/30                 Date: 30-Sep-04  @  01:15 AM   -   RE: i want to ride my bicycle...



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imagine that!

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Message 28/30                 Date: 01-Oct-04  @  09:24 AM     Edit: 01-Oct-04  |  09:27 AM   -   RE: i want to ride my bicycle...


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Message 29/30                 Date: 01-Oct-04  @  09:30 AM   -   RE: i want to ride my bicycle...


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How to show a piccy?


Anyways, this is what the Bikes are doing to my town: they're taking over I tell
ya...we need to do some sort of pre emptive strike to make sure these weapons
of mass transportation don't get used on innocent freedomloving (read
lawabiding goodbookbelieving cleancut) folks.

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Message 30/30                 Date: 01-Oct-04  @  06:33 PM   -   RE: i want to ride my bicycle...


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lovely, and they don't rock the china either !

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