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Subject: I'll burn in hell for this...

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Original Message                 Date: 08-Aug-03  @  08:03 PM     Edit: 08-Aug-03  |  10:59 PM   -   ,


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Or get lynched.


1. It beats being an American.

2. Only country to successfully invade the US and burn its capital to the ground.

3. You can play ice hockey 12 months a year, outdoors.

4. Only country to successfully invade the US and burn its capital to the ground.

5. Where else can you travel 1000 miles over fresh water in a canoe?

6. A political leader can admit to smoking pot and his/her popularity ratings will rise.

7. Only country to successfully invade the US and burn its capital to the ground.

8. Kill Grizzly bears with huge f**koff shotguns and cover your house in their skins

9. Own-an-Eskimo scheme.

10. Only country to successfully invade the US and burn its capital to the ground


1. You can have a woman president without electing her

2. You can spell colour wrong and get away with it

3. You can call Budweiser beer

4. You can be a crook and still be president

5. If you've got enough money you can get elected to do anything

6. If you can breathe you can get a gun

7. You get to be really obese

8. You can play golf in the most hideous clothes ever made and nobody seems to care.

9. You get to call everyone you've never met "buddy"

10. You can think you're the greatest nation on earth.

10a. When you're not.

10b. At all.

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Message 21/131                 Date: 11-Aug-03  @  12:13 AM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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Dick is definitely one of the boys.

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Message 22/131                 Date: 11-Aug-03  @  11:58 PM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


Posts: 57

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1 Sara
2 Lisa
3 Emma
4 Hanna
5 Mia
6 Jenny
7 Åsa
8 Caroline
9 Sofia
10 Kristina

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Message 23/131                 Date: 12-Aug-03  @  12:01 AM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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shit... how do you do those nifty paragraph breaks?

what is a line space anyway?

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Message 24/131                 Date: 12-Aug-03  @  12:07 AM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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type [br] after the line, substituting <>' for []'s of course.

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Message 25/131                 Date: 12-Aug-03  @  12:13 AM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...



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The secret with Marmite is moderation, just a tiny amount on a piece of toast is nice, or in a cheese sarny, if you put too much on it tastes different and you'll never eat it again. Bit like English Mustard - less is more.

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Message 26/131                 Date: 12-Aug-03  @  12:32 AM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


Posts: 57

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thanks, psy!

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Message 27/131                 Date: 12-Aug-03  @  08:00 AM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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no, more is more. marmite rocks, and that's it.

mmmm, on toast. look, i's gonna have some now, extra thick.

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Message 28/131                 Date: 12-Aug-03  @  11:14 PM     Edit: 12-Aug-03  |  11:19 PM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


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Not the dreaded marmite again.

Those are funny Mick!

The Tonight Show a few nights ago: David Letterman brings up Bush's current 35 day vacation.

Letterman: "Do any of you in the audience get 35 days of vacation a year?


Letterman: "You know why you don't? Because where you work, they need you."

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Message 29/131                 Date: 15-Aug-03  @  11:48 AM     Edit: 15-Aug-03  |  11:50 AM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


Posts: 1309

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top 10 reason for being Dutch.

1. government healthcare package pays for sex change operations. no questions asked.

2. half the country is well below sea level (and still slowly sinking) whilst the sea is rising.

3. only country to successfully invade Great Britain burn some of their fleeet and steal their flag ship.

4. weed is cheaper than beer

5. Heineken, Amstel, Grolsch, Hertog Jan, Brand etc.

6. Our hookers are clean, get regular medical check ups, relatively cheap and come in all sorts, shapes and sizes. They even have social security, a health plan and other benefits.

7. Even though we never won a world championship, we Dutch still believe ‘oranje (of 74 and 78)’ is history’s best football team and Johann Cruyff is the world’s best player. Ever.

8. if our dykes break we all drown (see 2) but since we'll all high, drunk, having sex, or wathcing old video tapes of our lads (4,5,6, and 7) we don't care at all.

9. We have DJ tiesto, the worlds greatest DJ, Americans have vanilla Ice, the Brits have BT and the Aussies…well the Aussies have Kiley Minogue.

10. We can always emigrate to down under if we wish to, because of Kiley.

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Message 30/131                 Date: 15-Aug-03  @  12:19 PM   -   RE: I'll burn in hell for this...


Posts: 712

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"8. if our dykes break we all drown (see 2) but since we'll all high, drunk, having sex, or wathcing old video tapes of our lads (4,5,6, and 7) we don't care at all."


"the Brits have BT" they do? or are you talking about the telecomms company?

& kiley's mum is welsh, so hands off you dirty dutch fugger

*notice my use of "they" ;)

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