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Subject: apalling nuns

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Original Message 1/3                 Date: 22-Apr-03  @  01:42 PM   -   apalling nuns

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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Mother superior and a trainee nun are driving back to the convent after a shopping trip. All of a sudden the devil appears infront of their car and they are forced to screech to a halt. "oh mother superior, its satan himself, I am so scared, what are we going to do ?"
"fear not young inexperiencd one" replies Mother Superior as Satan leans right over the hood roaring at them. "Simply show Satan your cross, he will then be disappear"

The young trainee nun nods, takes a deep breath, gets out the car and shouts "get off my car you cunt"

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Message 2/3                 Date: 22-Apr-03  @  02:17 PM   -   RE: apalling nuns


Posts: 1309

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heheh....didn't you tell this joke before though?

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Message 3/3                 Date: 22-Apr-03  @  02:34 PM   -   RE: apalling nuns

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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Dont tell me I've started recycling my material already ? It usually cycles round every 5 weeks, which is longer than the average memory span of people within the slaggit forum. Looks like in this case it didnt work. I suggest you bang your head repeatedly against a wall for several minutes, then re-read this post.

Thank you.

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